The Revival

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Get ready to vividly experience a weird idea I had at two am as I take you on this ~magically weird adventure~ (it starts as angst but it gets better I SWEAR)
Yeah, this isn't a request... I'm sorryyyyyyyy. (This might suck and be cheesy, I'm sorry.) Also, this is very long.

Tony practically fell to his knees. There he was, the boy he'd cared for as a son so deeply he couldn't describe it.


'Gone' was his preferred term, because it was vague and didn't have to mean something bad. It could mean gone on vacation or gone for a few days out sick.

But the sad, horrifying, repulsing truth sat in his stomach.

Gone meant dead.


The news flashed everywhere, the public was going ballistic.


Spider-Man killed during HYDRA/Avengers fight, behind the mask was a 15 year-old boy.


A devastating loss: Queens loses its Super-Spider vigilante to a HYDRA battle last night.
Peter Parker found dead under the Spider-Suit.

The Avengers lose a loved one: Spider-Man's death shocks the nation.

15 year old Peter Parker, also known as Spider-Man, is killed by HYDRA during battle.

A Hero, A Legend: Spider-Man turns out to be a young teen from Queens. But his identity reveal was heartbreaking.

Tony averted his eyes from the articles, as did the other team members.

Peter was killed on the scene. Tony remembered it so clearly. He'd been stabbed with some sort of spear through the chest cavity. It had impaled him, sent him flying back until he'd landed roughly of the concrete. Then, another jab. And then a few more, leaving Peter with multiple impalement wounds while the HYDRA agents made an escape.

They knew he was dead. They knew. Still, they had desperately rushed him to the nearest hospital in hopes of saving him. In hopes that he wasn't fully gone.

But there was no point.

The minute that he was hooked up to the EKG, the line was dead. There was no beeping, just the flat whir of the machine.

So Tony sat on the floor in the hallway of a random hospital, sobbing, not caring who saw him at this point. Peter was a room down the hall, being put on a table and having his wounds cleaned. It was the respectful thing to do. You didn't just leave a hero's body bloodied and scratched up. Plus... it was sanitary.

Tony knew that soon he would have to leave the building, but he didn't want to. He just wanted to sit there forever and pretend like Peter was okay. Like he was coming back.
But the news screamed it loud and clear:
Peter Parker, Spider-Man, the closest thing Tony Stark had to a son, was dead.


Suddenly, something was there. Something real. The dark abyss that had taken him was disappearing, defogging him. There was something left. There was something functioning in his system.

The Spider DNA.

Peter Parker was dead. But technically, Spider-Man wasn't. And the two were sort of a package deal.

All the human DNA, functions, neurons, and nerves were no longer working, sure. But not all of him was human.

The little Spider DNA that was left replicated, and soon, microscopic creatures began to search for cells to repair. And boy, were there a lot of them. But these particular repairing features were enhanced.

Human cells started working again. Cells that weren't just Spider-Man. Cells that were Peter.
And so his trek back to life began.



Peter shot up out of bed—er—the table, and heaved heavy breaths.

"Oh my god!"

"Get Dr. Schultz in here ASAP!"

"Mr. Parker?"

"How the hell is he alive?!"

Peter blinked wildly, looking around. He squinted at the bright lights, half blinded by they luminescence.

Then, he felt it.

The pain.

He was sore, cut, and stinging. Ow. He needed pain meds.

"Get him to an EKG! Find a room!"

Then, Peter, still dazed and confused, was lifted from the cool metal table and carried off to a hospital room.

He was set down in a bed and immediately hooked up to at least a dozen machines. He heard a steady, but rather rushed beeping noise and other little clicks.

What is this... what is going on right now? Who are these people?

Soon, he was out, into a deep sleep while his body healed.


Tony still sat against the wall in the hallway, head in his hands as he tried not to think. Every so often, a shudder of pain and disbelief would wrack his body in accompaniment of a sob.

"Mr. Stark?"

Tony didn't look up, he just decided to let the person speaking say what they needed.

"Uh, sir, you might want to see this."

"I don't need to see anything. Just finish up and I'll go."

"No, sir," the voice was anxious and suspiciously not sad, "he's alive."

Tony's head shot up, staring at the man in the hallway dressed in scrubs. "...Peter? Peter's alive?"

The man nodded hastily and gestured for Tony to follow him.

The broken billionaire on the floor unsteadily stood up and rushed to follow the hospital staff member.

Peter's alive. Peter's alive.

They stopped at a door that undoubtedly led to the resurrected young hero.

Tony stepped in to see a frail figure laying in bed, chest gently moving up and down.

He collapsed onto a chair in disbelief. Peter was dead, though. There were no signs of life the first time they examined him. How...

It didn't even matter. It didn't matter how he was alive or if the world knew he was Spider-Man. He was alive!

"He's in a coma, his body needs to repair itself. But with his advanced healing, he should be awake in a few days," a nurse explained.
Tony felt a weight lifted off his heart.
His kid was gonna be okay.


Decathlon Group Chat
February 9th (The date of the day after Peter's death, when the articles talking about it came out)

MoonMoon: So... you've all heard?

B_Abe: Yeah...

FastestManAlive: I can't fucking believe it

MoonMoon: What? That Peter was Spider-Man? That's he's dead?

FastestManAlive: all of the above

BettyBoo: I've honestly been crying for the last two hours and I'm not ashamed to admit it

Charlie: I know, same.

MoonMoon: it's just like... he was at school last week. And he was totally okay and just like he always was.Then he disappeared, and we thought he was just sick. And now he's dead

B_Abe: I cant believe it. Literally I cant.

Charlie: we knew Spider-Man

BettyBoo: and, if we're being serious here, everyone always treated him like absolute shit.

Charlie: holy fuck you guys made me cry again

B_Abe: I think Morita said something about hosting a memorial for him. Out of respect and stuff bc he went to our school

MoonMoon: i wonder if his parents are okay

BettyBoo: I dont think he had parents. He was an orphan, right?

Charlie: wait, where are Ned and Michelle?Aren't they on this chat?

MoonMoon: yeah they are

BettyBoo: you guys there?

NedLeeds is typing...

NedLeeds: I don't wanna talk

MJ: My fucking best friend is dead. So no I'm not in the mood to chit chat about it.

MoonMoon: oh we're sorry

B_Abe: oh, fuck

B_Ab: sorry.

BettyBoo: I gtg

MoonMoon: yeah, I should too

Charlie: RIP Peter

B_Abe: I just realized his number is still in this chat. That's kinda weird that he's like, still sorta here

FastestManAlive: ...


As promised, Peter awoke four days later.
They hadn't released the news that Peter was alive; they didn't want to cause all that commotion yet. For now, they wanted to keep it a secret. At least until Peter was discharged.

"Ngh..." Peter weakly groaned.

"Hello, Peter. How do you feel?" The voice was soft and reassuring, but not familiar.

"Where's... Mr. Stark..."

"He'll be up shortly. Just a few minutes."

So Peter relaxed and waited for his mentor to come.

What the hell happened?

Minutes later, Tony rushed in and went straight to Peter's bedside.

He took his hand hastily and inside his other hand to stroke the boy's hair.

"Tony," Peter smiled.

"Hey, Underoos. You scared the shit out of the team for a moment, there."

"What happ'ned?" the teen managed to mumble out.

Tony gave a weak laugh. "Well, I'm not too sure. You got stabbed, that definitely happened. Then you died. That sucked. But... somehow you're here. You came back to us."


"Yeah, wow is right. Only downside is that now the world knows you name. And we haven't told them you're alive yet. We'll get to that soon, though."


Peter was discharged later that day and was now at the tower, surrounded by the team on the couch.

After a tearful reunion, they were deciding how to break the news that Peter was, in fact, alive.

"Well," Tony said, "we could always release a formal statement."

"No, that's boring," Peter replied.

Suddenly, he got an idea. He quickly pulled out his phone and found the picture he took of himself and Mr. Stark earlier that day in the hospital. They were smiling at the camera, just glad that they were okay. It was a cute picture, perfect for the occasion.

He pulled up his Twitter and put the picture on a new tweet. He captioned it in true gen z style:
I lived, bitch.
Being proclaimed dead is kind of inconvenient. I'll explain later, but for now, just know that I'm back ;)

He showed it to Tony for approval. The man laughed and nodded.

"That's sure to get a reaction."

Send Tweet.

Within half a minute, his phone was exploding.
Peter pulled up his group chat when he saw people typing.

Decathlon Group Chat
(It's lowkey but highkey cringy I'm sorry)


FastestManAlive: Have you guys seen the news?!

BettyBoo: ??? Idk, I'll check Twitter

FastestManAlive: no no no I'll just tell you guys

FastestManAlive: Spider-Man is ALIVE!

Charlie: DUDE WHAT

MoonMoon: I saw! He just posted!

B_Abe: You're fucking kidding

B_Abe: Peter is alive?!

BettyBoo: omg im crying again

MoonMoon: same

MJ: Holy fuck

MJ: Peter? Peter are you here? Do you have your phone on you? Text me the fuck back now.

NedLeeds: NO WAY

NedLeeds: Wait, I'm checking Twitter. I don't believe this

Charlie: Dude, it's real

Charlie: Do you think he'll see these messages?

B_Abe: idk, but I'm glad he's okay

Peter Parker is typing...

Peter: hey... :)

MJ: Peter I am going to kill you

MJ: you scared me so bad, I CRIED.

MJ: and I don't cry.

Peter: I'm sorry, MJ

Charlie: Peter!!!


NedLeeds: dude...

BettyBoo: Peter, how the hell?

MoonMoon: Peter, you're alive!

Peter: glad you guys care. Miss me? ;)

BettyBoo: joking around so soon?

Peter: just to lighten the mood

Peter: I'm sorry I scared everyone

B_Abe: are you seriously apologizing for dying?

Charlie: only Peter Parker would apologize for that, honestly

Peter: no, I just mean I feel bad that you guys were upset

FastestManAlive: so you're okay...?

MJ: don't act like you fucking care, Flash

Peter: MJ, it's fine. Yeah, I'm good, Flash

FastestManAlive: okay, good then

MoonMoon: okay, I'm officially confused. How are you alive?  They said you had no brain or heart activity in the articles...

BettyBoo: Yeah, how on earth did they make a mistake like that?

Peter: long story. But technically, I did die. They weren't wrong. We're still trying to figure out exactly how this all happened

Peter: the worst part about this is that my identity is out. No one is gonna treat me like I'm a normal person

Charlie: well, you're not, if you have spider powers

NedLeeds: Peter, can I come see you? Will Tony let me?

Peter: i don't care what Tony wants, you and MJ are coming over tomorrow. You good with that, Em?

MJ: wouldn't miss it for the world, loser.

Charlie: what exactly happened? The articled didn't specify

Peter: uummmm

Peter: ... do you really wanna know? It's kinda...

Peter: how should I put it...

Peter: gory? Horrific? Not pg?

B_Abe: we don't want to force you. We're just curious

FastestManAlive: Don't wanna push it, but yeah. We really wanna know.

Peter: oof okay

Peter: so y'know how I disappeared a week before it all happened?

Peter: so that was bc I sorta got kidnapped by hydra

Peter: so that wasn't a fun week.

Peter: there may or may not have been some--uuuuhhh tortureinvolvedbutthat'snotthepoint-- so I wasn't in great shape

Peter: anyway, I made an attempt to escape (or rather get rescued) and managed to enable my tracker in my suit. So the rest of the team (avengers, if you didn't guess) came and broke into the facility

Peter: so we were fighting together, but tbh I wasn't in the right condition to be fighting HYDRA agents... so one of them got ahold of me and

Peter: um I mayyyyy or may not have gotten impaled on a wall...

Peter: ... multiple times...

Peter: but none of that matters anymore so we can all move on, kay? ;)

Charlie: HOLY FUCK

Charlie: ARE YOU SERIOUS?????

Charlie: that only gives me more reason to be shocked that youre alive

MJ: Peter. Benjamin. Parker.


Peter: I'm fine, MJ. Honest.


Peter: healing powers. I'm still kinda sore, but I'm okay

MoonMoon: That is absolutely insane.

MoonMoon: I mean, that happened to you. I can't imagine you covered in blood or dead or anything like that. I can only imagine you wearing sweaters and reading tbh

Peter: hah, you should talk to the avengers. You'd be surprised how many times I come home and have to get stitches lol

B_Abe: lol? LOL??? HOW CAN YOU LOL?

NedLeeds: Peter, this is worse than the time you know what happened. You've gotta be more careful

Charlie: what is 'you know what'?

Peter: unimportant

NedLeeds: doesn't matter

MJ: none of your business

BettyBoo: ...okay then

MoonMoon: will you ever come back to school?

Peter: I mean... I can't imagine not. So probably at some point when this all dies down.

B_Abe: okay. We're glad you're okay, Spider-Man

Peter: thanks.

FastestManAlive: yeah.

Peter: I should go, Tony is making preparations for a press conference. The press is about to hunt me down and actually kill me

MoonMoon: we get it

BettyBoo: we're glad you're not dead

Peter: see ya :)

FastestManAlive: uh, Peter?

Peter: ?

FastestManAlive: ...sorry. For,,, y'know. Being a total dick.

Peter: all good

FastestManAlive: good

Peter turned off his phone and got up off the couch. It was time for dinner, so he ran over to the table where people were starting to sit down.

He sat in his usual spot, next to Nat and Bucky. Nat was still crying, relieved and thrilled that Peter was okay.

They served up some pizza (a Friday tradition) and talked and laughed.

Tony shot Peter a few reassuring glances, smiling at him. Grinning because he wasn't attending a funeral.

Now the only thing Peter had to worry about was the press and school. But those could wait a bit longer. For now, Peter was going to watch a movie with his big, dysfunctional family.

This sucks. IM SORRY. And I p r o m i s e I'm doing requests! I swear it! I'm just trying to make them interesting and not horrible so y'all don't hate me lol. Thank you for reading! We're almost at 10k!!!
August 25th, 2019

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