Tony has the best kid

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Haha, I'm back again with another trope!

Thor was on another visit from Asgard. He was just there to say hi, really, maybe eat everything in Tony's cupboards. Hang around with Bruce.

He wasn't exactly expecting children to be there.

But when he walked into the common room for the first time during his visit, he was surprised to see a teenage boy at the coffee table, writing furiously with papers all around him. There were two empty, coffee-stained mugs amongst the work and he was deeply in focus.

That is, until Thor began walking up to him, bringing attention to himself.

Peter did a double take, letting out a little gasp.


Thor tilted his head. "Hello, youngling. What is your name?"

Peter took a moment to answer, his mouth hanging open slightly. "Peter— I'm Peter."

Thor nodded. "I am Thor, son of Odin. I hope you'll forgive my intrusion on your studies."

Peter nodded hastily. "It's not problem! It's an honor, sir."

Thor smiled. He rather liked this boy.


Peter, as smart as he was, was also an oblivious mess.

He could solve equations in the blink of an eye, as well as strategize and react quickly. But sometimes he was also really... dumb.

He'd walk into glass doors when he wasn't paying attention. He'd throw his sandwich on his bed and try to take a bite of his phone.

Je'd grab things he didn't mean to grab, or mess with things he didn't mean to mess with. This is all very important information for later, mind you, but now let's continue our story.

It was an evening at the tower a few days into Thor's arrival.

The team (the members that were currently staying at the tower, anyway) was laughing and joking on the sofas while the television played softly in the background. The New York skyline was lighting up the outside world, which was at a safe distance and separated from them by windows.

The group was talking, lots of the conversation circled around Thor and what was going on back in his homeland.

They didn't really understand half the things he said, but it was nice to see him so enthusiastic.

"-but then again, Rataroskr was always a bit of a jokester."

Rhodey interrupted. "I'm sorry, who are we talking about again, exactly?"

"A magical squirrel," supplied Bucky, who was absently picking at a scab on his arm.

"A magical squirrel? I thought we were talking about an evil lizard," Clint interjected. Natasha was rolling her eyes at him.

"No," Thor corrected, "that's Níðhöggr, and he's a serpent."



"Alright, I'm lost," Rhodey said defeatedly, standing up to get a glass of scotch.

Peter was lost, too, but he hadn't really contributed anything to the conversation, so he kept silent. He was seated right up next to Nat, who had actually been the one to scoot closer to him. (She had a soft spot for the boy.)

"Alright, since you're all obviously too Midgardian-minded to understand, let's play an old game." Thor had a smirk on his lips.

Clint groaned. "Again?"

"It's fun!" Thor defended, picking up Mjölnir and swinging it around a few times before setting it on the table.

Tony groaned. "Thor, we've already been over this. We can't lift the damn thing. I say we all turn in and call it a night."

"Natasha hasn't tried," Thor pointed out.

"Still not gonna," the assassin told him, laying back on the couch.


Bucky shook his head. "I'm sure as hell not gonna be able to."

Thor seemed disappointed for a moment before his face lightened up again.

"Young Peter, would you like to try lifting Mjölnir?"

Peter looked up, taken off guard. "Oh, n-no, I couldn't, Mr. Thor, really. I wouldn't even be able to lift it anyways, so there's no point."

Thor tilted his head. "You seem like a fine young man, why not try?"

Peter shook his head. "Even if I could lift it, which I can't, I wouldn't want to... y'know..."

"Steal his thunder?" Tony snorted at his own joke, while the rest of the team rolled their eyes. Well, apart from Bucky, who actually laughed at it a tiny bit.

"Oh, come on!" The billionaire whined childishly. "How is it that only Barnes thinks I'm funny?"

Rhodey gave him a look. "The last time any of your jokes were funny was in 1987."

Natasha laughed at that.

"Y'know what? I'm done with you people. I'm gonna go to sleep."

"Wow. Tony? Sleeping? What are the odds?" Clint joked, already too tipsy for his own good.

Tony ignored him. "Pete, you should probably get to bed, too. School tomorrow."

Before Peter could respond, Rhodey coughed loudly. "*cough*dAD!*cough cough*.

Peter turned a light shade of pink and stood up. "I'm gonna go to sleep. Night."

Tony gave Rhodey a glare, but his friend was just grinning at him ridiculously.

It was a joke, of course, but Tony knew that he was right, in a way. He was kind of like a dad...


Thor still wanted to see if Peter could lift Mjölnir.

Of course, the child could never rule Asgard (he'd probably turn down the offer, anyway) but it'd be interesting to see if he was as good, as kind as Thor had observed during the days prior.

Peter got home from school the day after the events in the lounge. He nearly dropped his bag by the elevator before remembering that Pepper didn't like it when he did that.

Whoops. Tony's lab it is.

Peter briskly walked to the lab, stopping by the door. He could see Tony inside, who was intently focused on reading something.

Peter opened the door quietly as to avoid disturbing him. "Tony?" He asked in a low voice so he didn't startle his mentor.

Tony looked up and smiled. "Hey, kid. Come on over."

Peter shot a web at the ceiling where Tony sat and tugged, launching himself over and landing in his beanbag chair.

"What are you working on?"

Tony sighed and took off his reading glasses. "Nothing that can't wait. School okay?"

Peter shrugged. "It was school."

"Hm. Hate it when that happens."


Tony hesitated at hearing the slang before remembering what it meant. "You wanna help me with some updates?"

Peter nodded and grabbed his spiny chair, rolling up beside Tony at the desk.


"Tony?" A familiar voice echoed throughout the workshop.

Tony and Peter looked up to see Thor, who was peaking his head inside.

"Come in, big guy."

Thor nodded and strode in, bright as ever. "Afternoon, young arachnid. How are you?"

Peter smiled a little, yawning from working all afternoon in the lab. "Good, how are you?"

Thor sighed. "Good, I suppose. I was curious: what are you working on?"

"Upgrades for our suits," Peter informed him, turning his eyes back to the software he was examining. "Sorry, I've gotta make sure I didn't mess this up."

Thor nodded. "No worries. Although, could you hold something for me for a moment while I look for a belonging of mine?"

Peter, lovely, innocent, oblivious Peter, nodded absently and held his hand out.

He didn't look at first. Whatever it was, it wasn't terribly heavy. It twisted his hand to one side a bit, it had a large weight on one side. If felt like-

Hold up.

Peter looked over at his hand in shock to see Mjölnir resting in it contently.

"HOLY SHIT!" Peter exclaimed, jumping out of his seat.

Tony frowned. "Hey, hey, hey, watch your languA-HOLY SHIT!"

Thor pumped his fist. "I knew it! You, boy, are worthy."

"Worthy? What-what does that-"

"I require nothing from you in terms of ruling Asgard, but you may now live with that knowledge."

Peter could hardly breathe. He looked up to see Clint, Natasha, Rhodey, and Bucky on the far end of the room, Natasha holding a camera and grinning.

While Peter flipped out and the other teammates congratulated him, Tony just smiled triumphantly and spoke to himself softly.

"I have the best kid."

Yayyy, I completed a chapter! Hope you enjoyed, I've wanted to d this trope for a while now.

I'm in quarantine, yayyy. Statewide, people are being told to only leave their houses for necessities. I hate online school with a passion. I need to be in a classroom! I don't want to finish the school year online!

It's okay, though. Gives me more time to write and binge watch stuff. I just watched the last three seasons of Merlin in three days. Yes, a season per day. Hahaha...

Random question, but thoughts on this Sherlock fanart I did? I'm experimenting with styles n' stuff.

That's all for now. I love you all 3000!
March 20th, 2020

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