Who Is He? Pt. 2: #takeabreaksm

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Peter is stressing out over finals...

With his busy life, it felt like there was never enough time to study for finals, do patrol, Decathlon, and do everything else he had to get done. Peter was stressed.

So, he came up with a solution. He grabbed a black backpack (different than the one he used for school) and put his study material and work in there. Then, he slipped it on his back and went out for patrol.

When not busy and just sitting on rooftops, he pulled out his books and took notes. He had to get A's, it was just the standard he held himself to.

This continued for days, and people started to notice. Pictures of Spider-Man reading textbooks and taking notes in a composition notebook. Of him swinging around in the backpack and thinking intensely with a pencil in hand.

People started tweeting and posting about it, commending him for still taking his education seriously as Spider-Man, as well as for still going out for patrol every day when he clearly needed to study for whatever testing he had coming up. But they also felt bad, and wanted him to not feel pressured to go out and be Spider-Man every day when he clearly had to work.

Soon, a hashtag started floating around, it's use expanding rapidly. Exploding throughout social media.


People were tweeting Spider-Man all the time telling him he didn't need to do patrol every day.

Peter thought it was nice that they cared so much. But not doing patrol? No. It would make him feel awful to take a break when someone might need his help.

He decided to send the people an official message about it.


Y'all keep telling me to take a break, but trust me, I'm good. Studying will not stop me from making sure people stay safe. :)#takeabreaksm

He posted it, and it went around pretty fast. People seemed to still want him to rest, but respected his decision. It was a selfless one, after all.

Peter tweeted something else unrelated afterwards:


You guys also keep asking me if I'm coming to storm Area 51. Idk man, I've got, like, serious Alien PTSD from Thanos lmao

Send Tweet.

Peter checked his StarkWatch. It was time for patrol.

Peter slipped into his Spider-Man suit, grabbed the backpack, and hopped out the window of his room in the tower.

He swung from building to building, landing flawlessly on the room of one after a few minutes. He looked over the city. No one in danger.

He jumped to the next rooftop, then the next. Finally, he found the ideal spot to watch over where he had a view of multiple streets.

Since he really only needed his ears and Karen to identify danger, he pulled his textbooks out of his bag and began to take notes for his history final coming up.

After a few minutes, a voice rang out. "Hey! Spider-Man!"

Peter looked up, confused. He didn't sense any danger.

"Spider-Man! Down here!"

Peter looked down to the sidewalk to see two teenage girls waving at him. He smiled under the mask and waved back. "Hey, ladies!"

"Spider-Man, what are you studying for?" one of them shouted back.

"Finals," he responded, standing up, leaving his backpack sitting there.

The girls giggled and gave him a smile. "Everyone says you should take a break!" one yelled. "And we agree! Take a day off!"

Peter crawled down and sat on the side of the building, defying gravity. "Thanks, but no can do! I vowed to help people, so no breaks! My choice," he reassured them.

One of the girls, who had dark ebony hair, shook her head. "You're gonna fail if you don't study properly!" she joked.

Peter raised an eyebrow, though the girls couldn't see it. "Nope! The only bad grade I've ever gotten was in English class."

The girls laughed at that. "Just sayin'!" one called.

Peter shook his head and chuckled. "See ya!"

He scared back up to the roof, grabbed his books and bag, and swung off.


Peter got home late from patrol that night. Thing is, when he got home, Tony, Natasha, and Steve were in his room.

"Uh, hey," Peter said awkwardly.

"Hey, kid," Tony said with a relaxed voice. He wasn't mad, that was good.

"Am I in trouble? It's only twenty past curfew, sorry if I worried you."

"You're not in trouble, Pete. We just wanna tell you something."

Peter took off his mask and raised an eyebrow. "Okay, shoot."

"Peter," Steve cut in, "you need to take a break. Really. You're studying really hard, which we're proud of you for, but between patrol, Decathlon, and school, you're not letting yourself rest. It's not healthy. You're... jittery." Steve said it all softly with a smile on his face. It was apparent that he cared, but Peter was reluctant to agree with him.

"N-no! No, no. I'm not jittery. I can handle it, I'm totally-totally fine. Totally. I'm Spider-Man, I don't need to rest.

"No, kid," Tony said, "you may be Spider-Man, but you're still a sixteen year old. You need to give yourself a minute to rest every once in a while."

Peter frowned. "Tony, no, please. Spider-Man is all I have left that gives me a reason to be important to people. Peter Parker is just a kid. But I'm more than that now. Now I'm-I'm important, I'm needed. I can't give that up, not even for just a day. It's important to me."

Natasha's face softened. "Peter, we understand, but Spider-Man isn't the only important part of you. Even without these... abilities, you're a good person. If Peter Parker was a bad person, then Spider-Man would be, too. You're important as you to us. We care about you, and we want you to take care of yourself. So, please, just for us, take the rest of the week off. Please?"

Peter looked down and sat in his bed. Then, under his breath, he mumbled "I just want to help people."

Tony sat on the bed next to Peter. "Kid, we know. But you've done so much for New York, they wouldn't mind if you rested for a little bit. Hell, they're telling you that they want you to take a break. Listen to them."

Peter took a moment to think.

Four days. Just four days.

"Okay," he finally said.

Step smiled and put his hand on his shoulder. "Thanks, Peter. Just until finals are over."

Peter nodded and gave him a smile.

Tony got up off the bed and joined Steve and Natasha on their trek to the door.

"Get some rest, Peter. See you tomorrow."

Peter double tapped his Spider-Man emblem and let the suit slide off him. He walked to his dresser and got out a pair of sweats and a t-shirt.

I'll shower in the morning.

He brushed his teeth, settled into bed, and grabbed his phone. He pulled up Twitter.


After lots and lots of persuasion (and a mom lecture from three of the Avengers) I've decided to take a break from Spider-Manning for the rest of the week. (1 of 2)

Just so I can study for finals and all that. I'll have other people on the crime stopping until then, so don't get any ideas ;) thanks everyone, guess I needed this #takeabreaksm (2 of 2)


The next morning, when Peter rolled over to check his phone, he grinned at the notifications.


Spider-Man listened to us! Good luck, we love you, man! #takeabreaksm


We're glad you're taking some time for yourself, Spider-Man! Good luck, I'm doing finals rn too and they're no fun. #takeabreaksm

Peter spilled over and decided he could sleep a little more. He was on break, after all.

Hope you liked it! I've been having trouble writing satisfying endings, but I'm working on it. As always, excuse spelling errors.

I'll be gone from Wattpad for the next 5-6 days on a little getaway with some of my friends. We're gonna do horseback riding and kayaking and that kind of stuff, fun. So I'll be writing some, but I won't post, possibly until days after I get back (the trip is 3-4 days). Love you all!
August 6th, 2019

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