chapter 15

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\kenzie POV/
"Um...sure" I said still nervous. Dark smiled more, "alright then let's go!" Dark said. "Wait!" I said before dark and anti could walk out the door. Dark and anti looked at me, "what?" They asked. "Shouldn't we get dressed first?" I asked. "Sure, come on let's go anti" dark said before anti could say something dark grabbed his arm and pulled him into their room. I walked into my room, after getting dress I walk out my room to see anti in a green hoodie with his green and white hat with a black serpticeye on it and some jeans. "Where's dark?" I asked. Anti looked at me, "he is still getting dress" anti said. I nodded and after a while dark came out in a red and black flannel and some jeans. "Ok, let's go" anti said. We walked out the door and started walking, we got to a park that had some people in it because it was still early in the
morning. We walked over to spot in the grass and sat down, I looked over to see anti relaxing. "Hey I'm going to get something, I'll be back" dark said, me and anti nodded and then dark walked off. I got up and told anti I was going for a walk, he said ok but told me not to go to far. While I was on my walk someone tapped my shoulder, I turn around to see a guy staring at me. "Hello" I said. The guy smiled, "hey cutie~". Great this guy is trying to flirt with me...just great! "What do u want?" I asked a bit annoyed. "I want you.~" he said. I shook my head and started to walk off until the guy grabbed me and slammed into the wall. WELL THATS JUST GREAT!! Now my back is going to hurt in the morning. I saw anti walking over to the guy, "leave her alone" he said. The guy rolled his eyes and looked at me, then anti pushed the guy out of the way. The guy grabbed anti and threw them on the ground, then anti's face got red and stood up on his feet and started to yell in another language...Irish I think...then anti punch the guy in the face. I could see blood coming out of the guys nose, anti's pupils started to shrink like a cat when he saw the blood. "Don't do it, anti!" I heard dark said. I saw anti look at dark before he walked off. Dark looked at me and walked over to me, "you ok?" He asked. I nodded, "is anti ok?" I asked. Dark sighed, "he's still a bit pissed but he's fine" dark said. I nodded and we both started walking back to our spot.

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