chapter 17

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~anti POV ~
Tears were falling from my eyes while I was trying to breath. I heard footsteps coming close to me, "You ok, anti?" I heard kenzie asked. Once I was finally able to breathe, I spoke "I never seen dark like that...maybe he just hates me" after i said that I started crying again then suddenly felt arms around me,I look down to see kenzie hugging me. "Dark doesn't hate you anti, he's just mad right now" kenzie said in a comforting tone. I calmed down a bit and then hugged kenzie back. After a while we pulled away, kenzie wiped away some of my tears making me smile a bit. Kenzie smiled back and we got up off the floor, we walked into the living room to see dark watching TV. When we went to go sit down I look to see dark staring at something behind me until dark notices me staring and looks away. Once me and kenzie sat on the couch, kenzie spoke up "dark r u still mad at us?" She asked. Dark looked at kenzie and sighed sighe "No, I'm not." Dark said. "Ok, good now apologize to anti" kenzie said. Me and dark locked eyes I could see the guilt in his eyes. "I'm sorry, anti. I really am" dark said looking down. "Its fine" I said smiling a bit. Dark looked up at me and smiled at me, " I want to apologize for something else" dark said smiling making me give a confused look. "What r u sorry for?" I asked which dark smile more. "I'm sorry for staring at your ass" dark said smiling. I blushed and I could kenzie giggle, "you shut up over there, kens" I said. Yep that her nickname for me get over it! Dark and kenzie look at me, "kens?" They asked at the same time.

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