chapter 26

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\kenzie POV/
"I suppose those are skills," Felix replied. "Thanks." "Your welcome, hey I got a question" I said looking at Felix. "What is it?" he asked, looking at me. "After you moved out, what happened?" I asked. Felix sighed. "I tried to tell some people about Dark and Anti again, but they thought I was insane and brought me to a mental institute. It sounds weird, I know, but I was friends with the people of the town, so they were concerned about me. But... yeah." I gave a sad look before hugging him, I remember mike telling me if someone's sad the least thing you can do is give them a hug so that's what I did. Felix looked somewhat surprised by my hug, but he didn't do anything. He just let me hug him, maybe even feeling better somehow. I let go of him and he picked up his book again and started flipping through the dark and anti pages and was staring at them. Felix had a strange expression on his face, then shut his book, closed his eyes, and sighed. "I won't do anything bad to them," Felix told me randomly. "That's... what I was planning to do once I got here. But, I'll not. You're friends with them, and I'm sure you wouldn't be so pleased with me hurting them in any way." His eyes flickered. I nodded, "yeah....hey when you lived here did anti and dark always stay inside or no?" I asked. "They went in the backyard," Felix responded slowly. "But, that's all. Maybe they went into the town every so often, but they didn't do much. Just walked around and watched as people went and go." "Well I know that they have been going outside lately, dark and anti even decided that we should go to a park...I mean I know there weren't a lot of people but when they saw anti and dark they looked disgusted." I said looking away. "They don't like mortals, apparently," Felix noted. "But that doesn't mean they didn't pick out the ones they like. They picked you, so that's why they're..." Felix paused. "...friendly to you." I nodded and then thought of something funny, "wait here" I said smiling. I ran to the door opened it and yelled, "WASSUP DARCY AND ANDY!!!!" I saw dark and anti look at me in shock because I used felix nicknames for them. I see anti get off the couch and run towards me, he grabbed me and when he did I saw felix jump a bit before he turns around with a worrying look in his eyes. Felix didn't move after that. He was frozen in spot. However, he did peek over his shoulder. "Come here you little bitch.." Anti said smiling. "Hey! I'm not a bitch!" I said. Anti rolled his eyes and was still having a grasp on my shirt. "Anti let go before I say it" I said smiling. Anti looked confused, "say what?" He said deeply. Felix turned around and warily watched, avoiding the gaze from either Dark or Anti. "That you have a crush on dark" I said smiling more, I see anti's face get a dark red before he mumbled something under his breathe and let go of me. Felix smiled a little, but turned his back on us and hid it. He then sighed and straightened himself out. I laughed a bit and then felt a pain on my arm...oh wait, anti slapped me! This made me jump back and yelp, "hey!" I said rubbing my arm a bit. Felix took a step back and observed what was going on and waited to see what would happen. I see anti still red face but he also looked a bit mad, "oh come on anti don't be mad, you know its true" I said smiling. I see anti clenched his fist a bit before looking at me, I smiled and then I grabbed his hat off his head that got him good. I put it on my head and smiled at him but he didn't do anything about it. Anti then walked out of the room leaving me really confused..

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