chapter 28

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Felix POV
I started looking around warily. Where did she go? I wondered as Anti panicked. I looked over my shoulder and barked, "Calm your fucking tits! Panicking won't solve anything!" Anti calmed down a bit after that, but he was still whimpering. I groaned and kept looking, glancing under Kenzie's bed and even her closet. This could be just a prank, but now I know it isn't. At least when I heard a high-pitched cackle come from Kenzie's laptop. I looked at the laptop screen to see a boy with a smirk staring right back at me. Anti stopped panicking and whimpering, and fell silent. He looked away nervously, as if hiding something. Once again, there was another fit of laughter coming from the boy. "Who are you?" I challenged him, feeling a slight amount of fear. But I wouldn't back down to a virtual freak. "I'm jay" he said smiling evilly. "Do you have anything to do with Kenzie?" I asked, and he laughed again. "Stop laughing! It's annoying as fuck." Jay looked at something off camera and smiled more, " hey kenzie would you like to say hi to your friends" he said pointing the camera to kenzie who was sitting down on floor, she was not happy but smiled small and sad and waved at felix. My eyes widened, but I quickly shook my head. "Let her go!" I ordered. But the freak-Jay-didn't look as if he was going to listen to me anytime soon. I spat with anger and noticed how Anti was cautiously avoiding my gaze. "What?" I asked him. "Do you know something?" Anti whimpered and slowly nodded, dark was anti holding up so anti wouldn't fall on the floor. "What do you know?" I asked, frustratingly slamming the laptop shut so Jay couldn't laugh again. "Please, Anti. If you don't speak up, you might never see Kenzie again." Anti sighed and then spoke, "jay, h-he takes people in the laptop and hurts them.....not only physically but that its easier for him to kill people" anti said looking down before he started crying into darks chest.

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