chapter 30

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3rd person
After dark was done Kenzie smiled and whispered a weak "thank u" before she closed her eyes making anti jump a bit. "She passed out," Dark reassured the other, then set her down on the bed. Dark sighed, "he got her good" he muttered. Anti got off kenzie's bed to let her lay down. Dark and anti looked at felix and then at kenzie. Felix sighed, a guilty feeling weighing his chest. "I'll... I'll leave you with her," he mumbled before awkwardly leaving the bedroom. Anti hugged dark making dark jump a bit but dark hugged back, "kenzie is going to be ok" dark said soothingly. Dark ruffled kenzie hair a bit before walking out of the room with anti. Felix avoided Dark and Anti's gazes when they walked by. He still hand forgiven them, and he wasn't planning on doing so. Felix sighed and looked at the page of the journal with Jay. Kenzie slowly opened her eyes, she tried to get up but hissed because everything hurt and stung really bad. She slowly turned to see her door opened, "g-g-guys?" She weakly called. Felix heard a faint sound coming from upstairs. He stood up. "Guys," he said sternly, immediately catching the attention of Anti and Dark. "I think I heard Kenzie." Anti was passed out on the couch in darks arms, dark looked felix and said "why don't you check on kenzie while I go take Mr. Sleepy head to bed" he said before getting up and grabbing anti and taking him to their room. Felix nodded solemnly. However, her partially didn't want to. This is all my fault, he thought as he got up and went upstairs. Felix was stressed. Of course, not because of Kenzie. Felix still wouldn't befriend demons again, and the guilt in his chest held him down like a gigantic dumbbell. Felix opened the door to Kenzie's room and saw her staring right back at him. "Hey," Felix murmured, walking in. Kenzie smiled at felix, "hi!" She said happily and weakly. "How're you feeling?" Felix asked shyly. "Well besides that everything hurts I'm good and more happy now that you're here" kenzie said still smiling like a goof. "Heh," Felix chuckled. "That Jay... what an ass. I'm just glad you're recovering." "Yeah, he is an asshole. And thank you for saving me" kenzie said her smile soften. "It was nothing, really," Felix shuddered. "I just was doing what I could." He thought about how emotional Anti got, and how both him and Dark were actually... WORRIED for Kenzie. "Anti and Dark are, well, really attached to you," he mumbled. Kenzie chuckled a bit, "yeah, they are like brothers to me even through I haven't been here that long" she said smiling. "Mm," Felix mumbled, barely audible. Him and Kenzie awkwardly stood there for a while, then Felix coughed. "Well, erm, do you, uh, want to see Dark? Anti is sleeping... f-for now." "No, I'm good. Felix are you ok?" Kenzie asked worriedly. "Um, y-yeah," Felix stuttered. "You're the one that should be asked that, not me." "Felix, I'm fine. Sure I may be hurt but at least I'm recovering, slowly but surely recovering. You look worried about something and I want to help." Kenzie said looking at felix. "It's... I'm just thinking about some things," Felix said. "Nothing much." "Well, do u want to tell me what you're thinking about because it looks like it's bothering you?" kenzie asked looking at felix with soft eyes.

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