chapter 32

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3rd POV
Kenzie looked a bit tired but still was a smiling at Felix. "Are you tired?" Felix asked. "I can leave if you need to get some rest." Kenzie nodded and closed her eyes with a smile on her face. Soon falling asleep. Felix put Kenzie's head down on the pillow and put a blanket nearly over her, then left the room quietly. After Felix left, pain quickly spread through kenzie's body making her eyes shot open and sitting up screaming in pain. Felix felt shivers go down his spine when he heard the scream. "Dark! Anti!" he shouted before running into Kenzie's room to check on her. Dark got off the couch hearing Felix call him and ran into kenzie's room hearing screams getting louder as he got closer to kenzie's room until he walked in the room. Felix rushed across the bedroom and stared at Kenzie. Nothing seemed wrong with her. Is she having a bad dream? Felix questioned in his thoughts as Dark and Anti came running into the room. "Kenzie...?". Kenzie just kept screaming but this time she was screaming 'it hurts, everything hurts'. Dark walked over to bed and looked at Felix, you could see the worry in his eyes. "W-what hurts-?" "My body!" Kenzie nearly screamed at the top of her lungs, cutting off Felix. Felix didn't know what to do; he was frozen to spot. Dark gently grabbed kenzie's shoulders and tried to lay her down but she won't move, dark looked at Felix "help me, Felix" he muttered still trying to lay kenzie down. "Come on kenzie, you got to lay down that way it won't hurt as much" dark said calmly. Felix blinked and shook his head. He then walked up as Dark let go of Kenzie. "Kenzie, you need to at least lie down," the blonde said soothingly. "It'll help." Kenzie shook her head screaming 'no' over and over. "Why?" Felix asked. Before kenzie could say something she shut her eyes and started to throw up blood making all three men jump. "Get a bucket, one of you," Felix ordered, and Dark immediately left the room to retrieve one. Anti walked over kenzie and Felix and noticed kenzie crying....blood, "omg, Felix she's crying blood" he said worriedly.
"What's wrong?!" Felix gasped. He tried to recall the symptoms he studied before. Vomiting blood... does she have a torn blood vessel?! Felix thought. "Maybe Jay torn something of hers," Felix suggested urgently. "Like a blood vessel or an intestine. M-maybe we should call a hospital..." "What about the CRYING blood?" Anti asked. "A HEAD injury!" Felix replied. "Jay injured her, and it could've been worse than we thought! She needs a doctor! We can't just patch this shit up with a bandaid, Anti!" All of a sudden kenzie stopped screaming, stopped throwing up blood, stopped crying blood and was laying on the bed. Anti checked to see if she was breath and when he did he found out kenzie wasn't breathing, "FELIX!!! SHE ISN'T BREATHING!!!" Anti screamed. "What?!" Felix asked with chastened breathing. He checked Kenzie's breathing, then checked her pulse. It was still working. "This doesn't make sense..." "I'm back," Dark said, then dropped his bucket once Anti told him what happened. "I'm going to kill that motherfucker when I find him" dark muttered. "Felix, what do we do?" Anti asked looking at felix almost at the break of tears. "Hospital!" Felix snapped, racing away. "She's obviously still alive or some shit if she has a fucking pulse, which makes NO sense at all!" Kenzie's eyes suddenly snap open but instead of her one brown and one blue eye...they were black and her teeth were sharp. She saw anti's finger near her and went to bite it. Dark followed Felix, Anti notice kenzie try to bite him and moved his finger away, then he noticed kenzie's eyes and teeth, "GUYS!!! COME IN HERE!!!!" Anti called. Kenzie smiled at anti and jumped off the bed and started walking towards anti. Felix was already headed downstairs when Dark turned around and ran into Kenzie's room. Felix went downstairs. Dark saw kenzie and grabbed her, she bite down on his arm HARD making dark hiss in pain and drop kenzie. Kenzie growled at anti and dark before running out the door and running downstairs. Dark and anti chased after her. Felix was just about the grab the phone when he heard everyone rushing down the stairs. Felix turned around and stared at Kenzie. "What the fuck?!" he exclaimed when Kenzie tried to attack him. He shoved her away, and Dark grabbed her my her arms from behind. "Bring her back upstairs and LOCK her in the room from the outside so she can't get out!" Felix ordered. "GO!" Dark nodded and walked upstairs and shoved kenzie in her room before she could do anything he shut the door and locked it. Kenzie was growling and clawing the door, dark sighed and started to walk back downstairs.

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