chapter 42

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Felix stared at the blood splattering and pooling out onto the floor. Black blood, to be exact. The police immediately began clearing the place out, all except for the four. "H-how're you...?" Felix began, but was lost for words. Kenzie stumbled a bit, "G-god, i-i...f-feel...l-light...h-headed" kenzie said laughing weakly. Dark and Anti rushed over to Kenzie's aid, and a policemen approached Felix. "You'd better have a good explanation for this," he said lowly. Felix sighed and started to explain what happened while dark and anti helped kenzie. "T-this is all a big misunderstanding-" "Looks like murder to me," the police growled. "But for a good reason," Felix went on nervously. The police narrowed his eyes, then muttered, "Hey... I know you!" Dark and Anti looked up. "You're that guy who got out of the mental hospital!" "Yeah, but I'm alright now," Felix stuttered. "So that's unimportant.". Kenzie's eyes narrow at the cop and asked nicely for anti and dark to let her go and they nodded and did what was told. She sighed and walked over to the cop and felix, cop was surprised when he saw a bullet hole in kenzie's head but saw her alive. "What is that?" the cop asked Kenzie. "Where are your parents?" He looked at Dark and Anti. "Care to tell me? Because if you don't, things will happen." Kenzie sighed, "I never knew my parents but-" as she about to finish her sentence, mike and mack ran over to her and Hugged her. "Hey! We said no civilians!" the cop exclaimed, but was cut off by Dark. "They are her guardians, dick." Mike turned kenzie around and sighed when he saw the hole in her head. "I'm glad you lived" he said hugging kenzie closer. Mack pulled away from the hug and looked at the three men, "kenzie, who are these guys" she asked pointing at dark, anti, and felix. Kenzie smiled and laughed weakly, "they are my friends" she said smiling. Mike smiled back and pulled away the hug and looked at dark and anti and felix, "thank you" he said smiling. Mack saw Jay's dead body on the floor, "wait, I know him" she said. "Jay?" Felix wondered. "You know him?". Mack nodded, "yeah, he uses kids about kenzie's age and goes on mass murdering. The kid's eyes turn black and their teeth become sharp. After they kill mostly everyone, they either kill themselves or be killed. Its really horrible, we're glad kenzie is still alive." Mack explained. "We've seen it happen with our own eyes," Felix sighed. "Dark and Anti even had it happen to them. I'm glad we're all good, honestly." The policemen narrowed his eyes. "This is now a crime scene. All of you, out. Felix, you'll be coming with us." The other policemen began to usher the six out of the store. Once they were outside, the police began talking to Felix. Kenzie didn't like that police man, it was like he didn't want to at least listen at what they were saying. She growled and was about to walk inside when anti pulled her back. "You're hurt, kenzie" he said sadly. Kenzie sighed and let dark and anti fix her up. Mike and mack smiled at how anti and dark treated kenzie.

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