Day 149: Fine, I'll Levitate You There! (May 1)

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(video camera turns on in the dorm living room)

Lizzy: Hello friends! Today is Tuesday, also known as the 1st of May. We have made it to May, ladies and gentlemen! Let's see...nothing too exciting has happened except a few days ago, Avengers: Infinity War came out in theatres.

Jaden: (groans)

Lizzy: Uh, Jaden?

Jaden: (groans louder)

Lizzy: Something wrong, buddy?

Jaden: (keeps groaning) Why did you have to mention that movie?

Lizzy: (laughs) Oh yeah, Jaden watched it early! One of his friends wanted to go watch it so he went with her. He promised not to spoil it though, but I think he's suffering because of it.

Jaden: None of you guys have seen it so I can't talk to anyone!!

Lizzy: How about you talk to your friend?

Jaden: (whines) But you guys are right here!

Yusei: Are you saying that you're too lazy to get your phone and call her?

Jaden:.....My phone is in my room.

Lizzy: (facepalms)

Yusei: (sighs) Oh Jaden. What are we going to do with you?

Jaden: Can you get my phone?

Yusei: No, we're not getting your phone! Go get it yourself.

Jaden: (whines) But I don't want to!!

Lizzy: Fine, I'll levitate you there!

Jaden: Eh?

Lizzy: (uses her magic to levitate Jaden)

Jaden: Whoa, how are you doing that?!

Lizzy: I'm a sorceress! I can do a lot of things. Now, I'm just gonna put you right in front of your room. Got it?

Jaden: (looks around frantically) O-Okay.

Lizzy: (sets Jaden down in front of his room) There you go.

Jaden: T-Thanks! (runs into his room)

Yugi: I don't think he liked that.

Yusei: The fact that he levitated or that he had to go get his phone?

Lizzy: I wanna say both but I think the levitation is outweighing the other factor more.

Yugi: (laughs) Yeah, I think so too!

Lizzy: Well that was probably the most eventful this day is gonna get. Thanks for watching and see you tomorrow for more fun. Bye!

(turns video camera off)

And that's the end of the journal!! Thanks for reading and see ya next chapter! :)

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