Day 55: Ice Skating Day!! (Jan. 27)

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(turns video camera on in the dorm living room)

Lizzy: Hi guys! Today is Saturday and it is a lovely evening. You're probably wondering why I"m wearing a beanie and a warm jacket. (turns camera to her attire) That's because we're going ice skating tonight. It is a school outing!

Jaden: It's gonna be fun! But I'm gonna need some help ice skating again...

Yusei: (puts on his gloves) You didn't practice during winter break?

Jaden: (rubs the back of his neck) Not really....

Lizzy: Then we will help you skate! That is our objective for the night!

Yugi: (comes into the room) And have fun!

Lizzy: (laughs) That too! Let's hit the road, guys!


Lizzy: Okay, we're inside the rink! (turns camera to the ice skating rink) Everyone looks like they're having a blast and there are some doing fancy tricks.

Ryan: (skates towards her and then immediately stops) Hi.

Lizzy: Hello!

Ryan: You gonna skate?

Lizzy: I will, I will! I just wanted to get some footage of the ice skating outing. Ooh, I can try doing it at the same time!

Ryan: Are you sure?

Lizzy: Positive! (starts skating with the camera) Wheeeeeeee! I am multitasking!! (passes Keiza, Aaliyah, and Bethany) Hi guys!

The girls: Hey!

Lizzy: (keeps skating and notices Jaden on the side of the rink) Hey buddy! Having a bit of trouble?

Jaden: Yeah. I'm trying to get a feel for it again but it's really hard....

Lizzy: (smiles) Don't worry, I can help you!! Just grab my arm.

Jaden: (grabs her arm tight)

Lizzy: Whoa, not too tight buddy! But this will work.

Jaden: So what do I do?

Lizzy: (grins) Absolutely nothing! (starts skating)

Jaden: W-What?! (holds her arm tighter) What am I supposed to do?!!

Lizzy: Like I said, nothing! I'm giving you the feeling of what it's like to glide. Do you feel it?

Jaden: Yeah. It feels a bit funny.

Lizzy: (laughs) Don't worry, it feels like that because you're not used to it. Ice skating is a mix of gliding and walking on your skates. It's a lot harder than roller skating because there's less surface area for your feet in ice skating.

Jaden: Okay.....

Yusei: (skates up to them) You guys okay?

Lizzy: Yup!

Jaden: I think so.....but I think I need a little help.

Yusei: How about you hold onto my shoulder with your left hand and hold onto Lizzy's with your right hand? Then we'll push you along.

Jaden: Um....okay.

Lizzy: You'll be fine, buddy!!


Lizzy: Okay, we just got back from skating. (turns camera to the boys) How was it?

Yugi: It was fun!!

Yusei: I enjoyed that.

Jaden: I actually learned how to skate!

Lizzy: Yeah, you did!!

Yusei and Yugi: (claps for Jaden)

Jaden: (grins) Thanks, guys!

Lizzy: Thanks for watching and see you tomorrow for more fun. Bye!!

(turns video camera off)

All right, that's the journal for today!! Thanks for reading and I hope to see you next chapter. Bye!!!!

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