Day 63: Study Day!! (Feb. 4)

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(video camera turns on in Lizzy's room)

Lizzy: Hi guys! Today is Sunday and tomorrow is a very important day because it's a big test! That test practically decides the fate of any student that is struggling in their classes and are in their second year of high school. Unfortunately, Yugi, Jaden, and I are in our second year. So....we have to take the test. (walks to the living room where Yugi, Jaden, and Crow are at) Crow decided to join us because he's in the same year as us.

Crow: (waves at the camera)

Lizzy: So now we're gonna study like crazy!

Jaden: Yup.

Lizzy: Did you just agree with me on something school related?

Yugi: Well, this is an important test. I've heard many stories of people who didn't pass the test.

Lizzy: Oh dear. What happened to them?

Yugi: Some got held back a year, some dropped out of school, and others transferred to other schools because they thought it was ridiculous that a school like this had this type of exam.

Lizzy: So since it's a test of almost everything we learned up to this point in high school, is this like a well-rounded death test?

Yugi: Pretty much.

Yusei: (comes into the room) I don't think I've heard it as a death test before.

Lizzy: Well now it is!!

Crow: How was the test for you, Yus?

Yusei: I try not to look back at those times.

Everyone else: (laughs)

Yusei: But it honestly wasn't too bad. As long as you study a good amount, you'll be fine.

Lizzy: Hooray! But wait a sec, I have a question.

Yusei: What is it?

Lizzy: Don't take any offense to this did you and Crow get held back a year then? If it wasn't this test for you, then what was it?

Yusei: Your brother didn't tell you?

Lizzy: None.

Yusei: Well, Crow and I weren't used to the school curriculum, or anything school related when we first came to the school. So we got held back to ease us into school life. Jack was already used to it though and he didn't get held back.

Jaden: So you were homeschooled?

Yusei and Crow: (look at each other and then look at Jaden) Yeah.............

Lizzy: Anyway, I think we're just gonna spend the rest of our time studying for that big exam. Thanks for watching today and we'll see you tomorrow. Pray that we make it through. Bye!!

(turns video camera off)

All right, that's the end of the journal for the day!!! Let's hope that they make it out of the test alive!! XD See ya next chapter! :)

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