Day 97: An.......Interesting Day (Mar. 10)

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(video camera turns on in the dorm living room)

Lizzy: Good morning, friends! Today is Saturday and we are...what are we doing again?

Yugi: Just walking around town. Not a big deal.

Lizzy: But it means that we can go on an adventure! That's a big deal to me.

Jaden: All right!

Yugi: Then we should go then!

Lizzy: Yup. Let's rock n' roll!


Lizzy: We're downtown now and I think we're going to the card shop. And by the way, Will and Melody decided to join us.

Melody: Hi!

William: Hey Internet!

Lizzy: So now we're just trying to get there and get new cards hopefully. We'll see what hap-

(hears gunshots and a few screams)

Lizzy: Oh boy, where did that come from?

Jaden: I don't know but it sounds close. Should we run?

Melody: I think we're still okay.....

(hears gunshots again but sound really close)

Melody: U-Uh.......

Lizzy: To the rooftops!


Lizzy: (whispers) We are on top of a roof right now and are waiting for the gun man to be gone. We actually saw him a few times and the police were chasing after him.

William: (whispers) Why are you recording this?!

Lizzy: Because it's a part of our lives! I can't necessarily skip it.

Melody: Guys, he's gone!

Lizzy: Now is our chance. We will jump to different roofs to get back to the school!

Yugi: H-Have you done this before?!

Melody: A few times but not here in Japan.

Yugi: Is it safe?

Lizzy: Sure it is! Let's go!!!


Lizzy, Jaden, and Yugi: (walk to the front door of their dorm room)

Lizzy: (unlocks the door and goes in) Hello dorm, we're back!

Yusei: (yells from his room) Hi guys!

Everyone else: (screams)

Yusei: (walks to the living room) What?

Lizzy: How did you get here?!

Yusei: I have a key.

Lizzy: No, I mean how did you get out of the hospital so fast?

Yusei: The doctor let me go earlt. I was going to call you but I knew that you guys were out by talking to Crow> What were you guys doing for so long?

The three: (look at each other)

Lizzy: It's a long story......

Yusei: I got time. You should probably end the journal first.

Lizzy: Good idea! Thanks for watching and see you tomorrow!

(turns video camera off)

All right, it's done! Thanks for reading and see you next chapter!! :)

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