Day 213: The Fourth of July (July 4)

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(video camera turns on in the living room)

Lizzy: Hello friends!! Today is Wednesday, and it's July 4!!! Happy Independence Day, everyone.

Jaden: (tilts his head) Why do you celebrate today again?

Jarod: Because today is the day when this country officially decided to be independent of Britain.

Jaden: Was Britain that bad?

Jarod: Well....that's up for debate. But we're cool now. Britain's awesome!!

Jewel: Can we see the fireworks now?!

Alex: Not now, Jewel. We have to wait for the evening.

Jewel: Aww...

Luna: Are you okay with being a part of this, Alex? You're from England.

Alex: (smiles) I'm totally okay with it. Besides, I love fireworks!!

Jewel: Fireworks!!!

Summer: Someone's really excited for fireworks.

Lizzy: (laughs) Maybe we should eat some good food first before we enjoy the cool fireworks.

Jarod: And try to get almost everyone out of playing Mario Kart.

Lizzy: Oh yeah!! It seems like a lot of people are playing. (walks to the stairs and goes up to the gaming room) Hey guys, you want some food?

Yugi: In a minute!!

Lizzy: Are you in the middle of a race?

Yusei: Yes!!

Lizzy: Well...the food's gonna get cold...


Lizzy: I am thankful that everyone got a bite, actually many bites, of food after their round of Mario Kart.

James: Actually it was many rounds.

Lizzy: Now, who's ready for fireworks?

Everyone: (cheers)

Jack: Why are we cheering in unison?!!

Lizzy: That's a very good question and I think I mentioned it the other day. But let's not be focused by that right now and let's watch the sky.

(fireworks go off)

Summer: Cool!!

Jewel: Woohoo!!!

Bryan: It's really loud!!

Lizzy: But pretty!!


Lizzy: Well, the fireworks were super fun and now it's time to sleep. Tomorrow's the last official day of the entire event of the convention and tournament. Anyway, thanks for watching and see you tomorrow for more fun. Bye!!

(turns video camera off)

And that's the end of the chapter!! Happy 4th of July to everyone and I hope you enjoyed the day. See ya next chapter! :)

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