Day 223: A Happy, Upbeat Start (July 14)

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(video camera turns on in the gaming room)

Lizzy: Hello friends! Today is Saturday and it is gaming day!! We are having fun with some good gaming.

Jarod: When are you going to join in, sis?

Lizzy: I will soon! Just give me a sec to introduce the day.

James: You could've just been like "Hey, this is the journal" and then pointed your camera at the TV so that your audience can see what we're up to.

Lizzy: I could but I like to give my journals a happy, upbeat start for the day.

Bryan: I've noticed that a lot in your journals, being upbeat and positive.

Lizzy: Is that bad?

Bryan: Of course not! People may be having a bad day, so you being upbeat makes other people happy. So keep doing it.

Jewel: Yeah!

Lizzy: Aww, thank you! I do my best to keep the journals happy, though sometimes I can't. It's something I can't control.

James: That's good too. A balance between the fun things and sad times is pretty realistic on life.

Lizzy: Okay, I think we're getting a little too in depth. So let's start playing games.

Jarod: Good idea. Let's roll!!


Lizzy: Another good day of gaming. I think it was Super Mario Odyssey and Mario Kart for the Switch today. (thinks of something and chuckles) Remember friends, games are fun but have fun with other people too. The more people that are playing, the merrier it will be!! Anyway, thanks for watching and see you tomorrow for more fun. Bye!

(turns video camera off)

And that's the end of the journal! Thanks for reading and see you on the next one. :)

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