Day 238: San Francisco! (July 29)

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(video camera turns on in the living room)

Lizzy: Hello friends! Today is Sunday and it's time for an adventure. It's time to get out of the house!! The only time I got out of the house was to go to Walmart and get school supplies. But now it's time for fun.

Jewel: Yeah!!!

Lizzy: And the entire crew is here!....By that I mean Jarod, James, Bryan, Keiza, Summer, and Jewel.

Bryan: If we had the entire crew, then there would be way more people and we wouldn't be able to fit in one car.

Lizzy: Exactly! We'll be using a big car for a big caravan. Let's go and have a blast.

Everyone: (cheers)


Lizzy: We are in a car, kind of jammed together but that's okay. Did I ever say where we were going?

Jarod: Nope.

Summer: Then Lizzy has to announce it!!

Lizzy: We are going to San Francisco for the day!

Jewel: Yay!!

Jarod: Mostly to get stuff at Japantown and Chinatown.

Lizzy: Yeah. I wanna see if they got any new cards to add to my deck.

Bryan: And to eat some good food.

Lizzy: That too because Asian food is delicious. So I'll get the camera going again when we make it to our destination.


Lizzy: We made it! We're here in Japantown. We had a bit of a hard time finding a place to park the car, but we got here.

Summer: We survived!

Lizzy: You bet we did. Now let's have a look around to see what we can find. Ready, everyone?

Bryan: Yeah!

Lizzy: At least someone's excited!

Jewel: Ooh, can we go get crepes?

Jarod: Let's do that later on, Jewel.

Jewel: Okay!


Lizzy: We walked around for a long time! We also walked around Chinatown too and that took a long time as well! The stores from both areas were pretty interesting to window shop. But I did get a few packs of cards and I'm excited to open them later.

Keiza: I got a figurine!

Jarod: And I got some manga.

Lizzy: Yup, at least everyone got something. Bryan got a T-shirt, James got keychains....Summer, what did you get?

Summer: A Totoro keychain.

Lizzy: That's right!

Jewel: And I got a plushie! (shows off a bear plushie) It's so fluffy!

Lizzy: This is pretty fluffy. Now we are having crepes and it's cute.

Keiza: They got little faces on them!!

Lizzy: I got a crepe with two bear faces on them and it's adorable. (shows the crepe)

(This is an actual photo I took at Japantown. It is not from the Internet.)

James: It's also going to be delicious.

Lizzy: (laughs) Yup! Anyway, thanks for watching and see you tomorrow for more fun. Bye!

(turns video camera off)

And that's the end of the journal!!! Thank you so much for reading and see you on the next one! :)

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