Day 244: Spoiler Alert! (Aug. 4)

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(video camera turns on in Lizzy's room)

Lizzy: Hello my Internet friends! Today is Saturday and once again, it's gonna be a gaming day. I don't know if we're going to do Pokémon Snap again but we'll see what happens!


Lizzy: It turns out we're playing Pokémon Snap once more because it's fun!

Jarod: I admit this pretty fun, even though Oak isn't a good judge when it comes to pictures.

Bryan: I agree!!

James: Me too. But we figured out the sign puzzle.

Lizzy: Yeah! Okay, spoiler alert if you don't want to know this.

Jewel: Spoiler alert!!

Lizzy: Yes, you have been warned! After going through all the areas, at a certain point Oak will tell you that there are signs that look like Pokémon. What the player has to do is find the sign in each area.

Keiza: The one that didn't look like it would be a Pokémon was hard!

Lizzy: It was clever though. But it was pretty difficult! So now we have unlocked the secret area called Rainbow Cloud. I don't know what to expect but Jarod is gonna go in there and get the job done.

Jarod: Yeah!!

James: Then get in that stage.

Jarod: Just did.....oh, it's Mew.

Jewel: Hi, Mew!

Lizzy: I'm guessing that it's the final boss battle?? Because Mew is the only Pokémon I'm seeing that we can take a picture of.

Bryan: I'm guessing that it is.

Summer: Is this the same Mew from the title screen that the guy tried to take a picture of?

Keiza: It looks like it!

Lizzy: Then it's time for our revenge!! The Mew can't get away this time!!!

Jarod: I think I got a few pictures but it's almost the end of the stage.

Jewel: Aww!

James: But at least you have more chances to get a better photo since you can go there multiple times.

Jewel: Oh yeah!

Jarod: Oak didn't think I did a good job!!

Bryan: Your photo was pretty far away.

Jarod: You have a point.

Lizzy: And we made it to the credits!!

Everyone: (cheers)

Lizzy: On that note, I'll end it here. Thanks for watching and see you tomorrow for more fun. Bye!

(turns video camera off)

I seem to be forgetting to post recently and that worries me. But anyway, thanks for reading this chapter and see you on the next one. :)

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