Day 270: Summer's Birthday (Aug. 30)

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(video camera turns on in the music room)

Lizzy: Hello, my friends! Today is Thursday and two things are happening. It's time for music in our music club. (turns to everyone) Are you guys ready for some music?

Everyone else: Yeah!

Lizzy: Are you sure?

Everyone else: (screams) YEAH!!

Lizzy: Okay!!! Let's have some music fun!


Lizzy: We have had music fun and now it's time for cupcakes!

Summer: Cupcakes?

Lizzy: Yes, we got you cupcakes for your birthday today.

Summer: But why?!

Keiza: It's your birthday! We should celebrate it because it happens once a year.

Summer: But then you will sacrifice me! I refuse to be a sacrifice!!

Lizzy: Wait, what?!

Keiza: (gets the cupcakes and puts it on a table)

Summer: No, I'm gonna be sacrificed!! (starts running from the room)

Lizzy: Come back here!! (chases after Summer without the camera)

William: Why do you think Summer thinks she'll be sacrificed?

Ryan: Is it just because it's her birthday?

Dylan: (shrugs) Probably.

Lizzy: (comes back to the music room, dragging Summer back with her)

Summer: I refuse to be sacrificed on my birthday!

Lizzy: You're not going to be sacrificed. Just blow out the candles on your cupcake cake and eat. That's it!

Summer: Okay, fine!!

Lizzy: Commence the singing!

Everyone but Summer: (sings Happy Birthday to Summer)

Summer: (blows out the candles)

Lizzy: Yay!! Now you get to eat the cupcakes with strawberry icing.

Summer: Oh, so that's why Keiza asked that yesterday!

Lizzy: Yup! So now you can enjoy strawberry icing. (turns to the camera) Anyway, I'm gonna end the journal here. Thanks for watching and see you tomorrow for more fun. Bye!

(turns video camera off)

That's the end of the journal! Thanks for reading and see you on the next one. :)

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