Day 281: Jaden Takes Over (Sept. 10)

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(video camera turns on in the dorm living room)

Jaden: Hello! I'm taking over the camera today because Lizzy is really sick.

Yusei: Did you introduce yourself?

Jaden: I'm Jaden!! Today is also Monday...I think.

Yami: It's Monday.

Jaden: Oh hey, Yami! I didn't hear you come into the room.

Yami: I've been here for five minutes, dude.

Jaden: Oh....okay then. So what are we doing today?

Yusei: I'm going to get more medicine for Lizzy and you guys are helping to take care of her.

Jaden: (does a salute) Aye aye, captain! You can count on us.

Yami: I'll do the best I can and Yugi will too.

Yusei: (nods)

Lizzy: (sneezes in the other room)

The boys: Bless you!

Lizzy: (yells) Thank you!

Jaden: do something else important because I don't know what else to record.


Jaden: Lizzy is wearing a mask to protect us from the cold. (turns camera to Lizzy) See?

Lizzy: (moves mask from her mouth) I don't want you guys to get my sickness. (coughs into the mask)

Jaden: Yup! Do you need anything right now?

Lizzy: (sniffles) I'm fine, thank you!

Yami: (screams from the other room)

Jaden: (runs over to Yami in the kitchen) Dude, are you okay?!

Yami: I think I burnt the soup...

Jaden: (gasps) How are we going to give Lizzy the soup now?!

Lizzy: Grilled cheese!

Jaden and Yami: What?!

Lizzy: Just redo the soup and make tomato soup! Then have some grilled cheese to go with it.

Yami: That's a good idea.

Jaden: Yeah! Thanks for the idea, Lizzy!

Lizzy: You're welcome. (sneezes loudly)

Jaden: Wow, bless you!

Lizzy: Thanks!

Jaden: (turns to Yami) You want some help making the soup this time?

Yami: Yes, please.


Jaden: Now we're having the soup we talked of earlier. (turns camera to the tomato soup and grilled cheese sandwich) It's yummy and Lizzy is enjoying it her room.

Yusei: She insisted on staying in her room so that she doesn't give us colds.

Jaden: Yeah....but that's the end!

Yusei: (laughs) That's pretty abrupt.

Jaden: (laughs more) Thanks for watching and see you later. Bye!

(turns video camera off)

I forgot to post this!!!! Whoops, my bad. You guys are getting two journals today! Yay! Thanks for reading and see you on the next chapter. :)

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