Day 311: Nostalgic Memories (Oct. 10)

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(video camera turns on in Lizzy's dorm room)

Lizzy: Hello, friends! Today is Wednesday and I'm just taking it easy. We had homework today but I got it all done. But this time, I'm just in my room playing Pokemon on my 3DS. There's no Pokemon game that's on the Switch yet, except for Pokken Tournament. It's not gonna be out until November, so I'm just gonna play the older games until then. Hmm...maybe I should play Pokemon Mystery Dungeon! Have you guys heard of it? It's a fantastic spin-off series and I love it! I'm not gonna say much about it except that there are no humans. There's just Pokemon. I found it to be really cool to play when I first got the game. If any of you like Pokemon, I would highly recommend the Mystery Dungeon series. It's amazing!! (gasps happily) I should play it right now! That'll give me something to do.


Lizzy: Wow, I forgot how difficult some of the dungeons are at times. It really depends on the Pokemon you have at your disposal. But playing the Mystery Dungeon games was really nostalgic! I used to play those games for hours when I was younger. It brings back memories...(sighs happily)

Yugi: (peeks into Lizzy's room and waves)

Lizzy: (waves back) What's up, buddy?

Yugi: Not too much. What are you doing?

Lizzy: Thinking of nostalgic things while playing one of my favorite game series.

Yugi: (smiles) That's good!

Lizzy: Yup! Yet it kind of feels weird to think of past things, knowing that you can't go back.

Yugi: Well, it's weird for everyone. It doesn't mean you can't look back for even a little bit.

Lizzy: (grins) Yeah! We must look to the future, kind friend!! That's all we can do at this rate!

Jaden: (yells) Yeah!

Lizzy: Am I that loud?

Yusei: (yells too) Yes, you are!

Lizzy: (chuckles nervously) I guess I am loud after all...well, I guess that's good in certain situations. Anyway, thanks for watching today, audience! See you tomorrow for more fun! Bye!

(turns video camera off)

That's the end of the journal! Thanks for reading and see you on the next one. :)

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