Day 315: Playing Online (Oct. 14)

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(video camera turns on in the dorm living room)

Lizzy: Hello, friends! Today is Sunday and we are going to have fun. I don't care what anyone else thinks but we will have fun. WE WILL HAVE FUN, WHETHER YOU LIKE IT OR NOT!

Yusei: (sneezes)

Lizzy: (screams) The common cold! Protect yourselves!!

Jaden: But it was just a sneeze.

Lizzy: How can you have fun if you have the common cold?!

Yusei: I don't have a cold! It's not like Crow has one.

Yugi: Crow has a cold, doesn't he?

Yusei: (sighs) Yeah, he does.

Lizzy: I knew it! I knew him going outside in the cold without a jacket was a bad idea!

Yusei: Yup. (turns to Lizzy) So what were you saying about having fun again?

Lizzy: Oh, that's right! (turns to the camera) We're gonna be playing video games online today! Why I'm mentioning this is because we aren't just playing games with each other. We are playing with each other.....with more people that we don't know!

Jaden: Yeah!!

Yusei: We're diving into the unknown.

Lizzy: (smiles) Together! We're diving in together!

Yugi: But you played online while you were playing Fortnite, Lizzy.

Lizzy: Oh, that's true. But this time, we get to play together!!


Lizzy: Oh my goodness, these people are so good at Mario Kart!

Yusei: How do people have time to get really good?

Jaden: I don't know but they're amazing!

Lizzy: I know! (turns to the camera) We played a few rounds of Mario Kart online and people out there are amazing at the game. If these guys are high schoolers, I just want to say that you people are amazing for fitting in school and video games.

Yusei: Or they're just playing videos games and don't care about school.

Lizzy: That can also be true! For those of you that are, you-

Jaden: -are cool!

Lizzy: (looks at Jaden and sighs) Oh Jaden.....(turns to the camera) Anyway, thanks for watching today and see you tomorrow for more fun. Bye!

(turns video camera off)

That's the end of the journal! Thanks for reading and see you on the next one. :)

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