Day 330: Making Cookies (Oct. 29)

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(video camera turns on in the dorm living room)

Lizzy: Hello, friends! Today is Monday and I'm making cookies!

Yusei: You are?

Lizzy: Yeah. The dough is in the fridge.

Jaden: Why is the dough in the fridge? Can I eat it?

Lizzy: No, you'll get sick! The directions say that the dough has to be in the fridge for at least two hours.

Yugi: What kind of recipe requires something like that?!

Lizzy: Uh.......pumpkin spice cookies?

The boys: Ooh....

Lizzy: Valerie's birthday is tomorrow, so I'm going to make her some cookies for her birthday. I figured since it's still fall, I'd make fall cookies! And of course, you guys can have some cookies.

Yugi: I wasn't going to ask that.

Jaden: I was!

Lizzy: Yup, I figured as much.

Yusei: So how long will it be until those cookies will be ready?

Lizzy: I think it needs another hour or so. I mean, it can stay in the fridge longer but I don't want to stay up late just to make cookies.

Yugi: That's a good point.

Lizzy: So let's time skip to when the cookies are in the oven!


Lizzy: The cookies are now in the oven! (turns camera to the oven) It only needs to be in there for no more than 10 minutes. So it doesn't take too long to bake. The preparation is the longest part of the entire recipe.

Jaden: Lizzy, it smells good!!

Lizzy: Is that why you and the other two are here?

The three boys: (silent)

Lizzy: can't have cookies until I give most of them to Valerie, ok? To be honest, I want some too after tomorrow.

The boys: (cheer)

Lizzy: (laughs) We'll have a little cookie party to celebrate Halloween and the fall season. (turns to the camera) Anyway, thanks for watching today and see you tomorrow for more fun. Bye!

(turns video camera off)

That's the end of the journal!! Thanks for reading and see you on the next one. :)

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