Day 358: Camera Privileges (Nov. 26)

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(video camera turns on in the dorm living room)

Lizzy: Hello, friends! Today is Monday and I am feeling better since I slept almost all day yesterday. Now, I have my camera back!!

Yusei: (chuckles) You have camera privileges again.

Lizzy: Hooray, camera privileges!!!!!!

Yugi and Jaden: (cheers)

Lizzy: So, since we got at least a week left in these journals, what are we going to do?

Jaden: (gasps) There's only a week left?!

Lizzy: Yes, my friend.

Yusei: Wow, so you've recorded us for at least a year everyday?

Lizzy: Uh-huh.

Yugi: That's very impressive!

Lizzy: Thank you. So, what do you guys want to do?

Jaden: Play video games!

Lizzy: Excellent idea, but can we play Duel Monsters first? I haven't played that in a while.

Yusei: Yeah, we can play that.

Jaden: I really want to play that now!

Yugi: You like to plays a lot of games.

Jaden: You do too since you live in a game shop!!

Yugi: (laughs) That's true.

Lizzy: So let's play!


Lizzy: It's a Rainbow Road course! We get to play Rainbow Road.

Jaden: Which one?

Yusei: The one with a train in it.

Lizzy: Ooh, I like this course! I like the colors.

Yugi: You don't like the one where we are in space?

Yusei: But we are always in space when it comes to Rainbow Road!

Yugi: I mean, the most recent Rainbow Road course.

Lizzy: That one is pretty cool but I like the one with a train more. It's time to begin! I talked for too long and forgot the boost!

The boys: (laugh)


Lizzy: Okay, that was a lot of fun. (turns camera to herself) Thanks for watching and see you tomorrow for more fun. Bye!

(turns video camera off)

7 days until One Year!!!

That's the end of the journal! I can't believe that this is going to be ongoing for one more week. That is insane!! To those of you that have been reading since the beginning of book 2 or even book 1, thank you so much for reading this. I hope this has been an enjoyable read so far. See ya on the next journal! :)

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