Prologue : Aracel's Lament

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Lost within the shadows of the night

Either you're born into greatness or greatness you must achieve. I was always told that I should be grateful that I was born into such prestigious family. That I would never have to work a day in my life because there wasn't anything that money couldn't buy. And yet no matter how much our riches increased there was so much that money couldnt not buy.

(Thunder roars, Thunder cries)

I never knew my real father.

Wounded by a great spirit's light

My step father passed away not too long ago.

(Lightning fills the skies)

To my mother, I was like cattle that she wanted to auction off.


My twin brother and my half siblings loathed my existence.

In this desperate hour, I will die

I never had any real "friends" they'd come when they wanted something, but would simply turn their back on me when I found myself to be troubled.

Guide me through the storm and the rain

I had a power in me that I could not control and it only ever lead to me hurting those around me and my time as Subject 13 made things no better.

(I am weak; I am cold)

Maybe that's why my family hated me so much and though I wanted to believe that, I knew that was not the case. Perhaps I was never meant to receive such affections, that I convinced myself of. Because that was just the way that life worked, you're never really able to accept the good about you, but you have no trouble believing the bad things about you.

Save me from my wounds, from my pain

I believed in the bad because I lead a life filled with lies.

Riddles will unfold

My whole life was lie and I covered it all up with smiles.

I can hear her calling

Roaming through the halls of my family's estate, I used to practice how to smile in front of a mirror. I'd use the invisible thread to individually pull at the corners of my lips to bring the edges up in a smile. Eventually I mastered the skill and that was an advantage, but if there was such thing as perfecting a skill, then I had done it. But in perfecting that skill it only became my disadvantage because now I could fake a smile and nobody would ever know what was beneath the surface.

Rain keeps falling

It seemed that as the years passed by, I only fell more into darkness. I fled my imprisonment and no longer would I ever be held to such impossible standards. I was ready to escape my past as an aristocrat and as subject 13. I would forge my own legacy fighting for those, who like me, had no voice for themselves. Looking back at how foolish I was, I can only bitterly laugh now. I seriously thought that I could just leave and that everything would be solved. But no, that's not how life works. Because wherever I went, my mother followed, looming over me like a shadow. She was in control and she held the strings over me like as if I were a puppet. She played along with my new facade and everything went her way until fate for once was not on her side.

Hurry, no time to waste

Ozpin was my savior. When he came along to recruit me as a student at Beacon Academy, I was hesitant at first. I thought that there was no way to escape my mother because I had already tried and failed before. Though I had very little training with any other weapon besides the bow and arrow, Ozpin was still persistent to have me enroll into the huntsman academy. My mother tried to intervene, as she always did, but for once fate was on my side. Through Ozpin's mentoring, I was able to improve immensely with the sword. And as he continued to mentor me, I gained some control to the power that I had. I developed light arrows and then later Ozpin presented me with a sword. I never knew where he got it from, but I wasn't going to question him because of all that he had done for me. I became apart of his inner circle where I had met the others.

(Blood will flow)

Ironwood knew of the old me, but he had never actually met the old me face to face. He knew the new me because we were business partners. So, for him to trust me wasn't a problem. We're close, but we're not that close because I don't have any friends. And that's probably my fault. But we're close enough for me to take his job for whenever he should choose to retire. I'd make a pretty good general and I'd look better in the uniform than he does. Note to self: start designing your uniform. Anyways, he's a decent man, but he really needs to learn how to let loose. Other than that, I've learned a few things here and there from Ironwood. But I still found it hard to forgive for what had happened under his supervision. Though, I suppose that we were even in the matter since what I had let happen was much worse.

I am weak, so make haste

Glynda was there the day that Ozpin accepted me into Beacon Academy. We have a mutual respect for each other. Her abilities as a huntress were captivating and her stoic yet sassy personality was what I most admired her for. She was a woman that could just not be stopped and a woman that wouldn't let no man put her down. It was admirable and I wished that I could be half the woman that she was. On contrast though, she respected that I took everything in a serious manner unlike the rest of the students that she had to deal with. Even if she was spectacle of me at first, I did get to prove her wrong. And in time she did not mind me being a part of Ozpin's inner circle. Not to brag, but I'm fairly certain that I was her favorite student. Still to this day, I wonder what ever became of her...

(Only she can know)

Qrow well... he was always drunk! And he's a self sacrificing idiot! Ugh... the nerve of that man to exist! I'm convinced that the only reason he even exists is to just constantly push my buttons and to get on my nerves! I will never understand why Ozpin trusts that man so much! It's infuriating! And that damned smug smirk of his... terrible, arrogant, maddening, aggravating, annoying-

I have no tears left in my eyes

"She's doing it again..." Layla mumbles

"Oh no..." Lilly sighs

I look up from my journal and glare at my teammates. My lips graced with a snarl, which had practically become a signature look of mine according to literally everyone else.

"Are you writing about the same thing as the last time that you got mad? Because you seem to just glare at the pages-"

"What she means to say is that, you need to calm down." Klaus says

"I am calm!" I angrily exclaim

Anyways, back to Qrow. He's the bane of my existence! I believe that is the reason I get along with Ironwood so well. I suppose that hatred really does bring people together. And contrary to what others may think, we hate each other! But I will admit that at times we work well together too. If only he didn't get in the way, though than everything would be much simpler. Ugh... shouldn't he passed out in a bar or something? I wish he would be then I wouldn't have to see him. I think he knows.

(I'm not brave; I have fear)

Lilly she was the team leader of Team LLAK. She turned out to be a much better leader than I had originally thought she'd be. Yes, I did think that I had deserved the position of team leader, as did Klaus. She puts all the other team leaders to shame, they simply cannot compare. I guess you can say that I got lucky by being paired with her. I don't doubt for a second though that Ozpin had intended for us to meet. The high almighty healing sun being paired with the cruel lonely tragic moon? That was no mere coincidence. Or maybe it was. Who knows. But we balance each other out. Have you seen what we can do when we put our power together? It's crazy! I always hesitate to use my semblance because you know my past and all... but there's just something about Lilly's semblance that puts the crazy of my semblance at ease. She's somehow managed to keep me down to earth. I have no idea how she does that, but she does. Also, have I mentioned that she's the best team leader? But I'd never tell her that, wouldn't want to raise her ego. There's only room for one big ego on the team and that's not mine actually.

I'm so sorry for all of my lies!

Layla sass, sass, sass. She's literally the queen of sass. Not even Torchwick could keep up with her. She's got her in secrets, but when she knows that she can't keep them bottled up, she turns to us, her team. It's crazy! People actually do that?! Talk things out?! Crazy. I envy that of her because I could never. And the fact that she doesn't care what anti faunus people think about her is inspiring. She's going to end up going places, I'm betting on that right now. Besides being our resident sassy faunus rights activist, Layla has a dark past, but we've accepted her for it. Then again I wasn't one to judge with all that I had done. Layla changed her ways and that was all that mattered. No, that logic does not apply to me. I was irredeemable. Layla was the loudmouth of the team, always speaking her mind and trying to bring the team closer together. It was silly, but I'd be lying if I said that I didn't miss our little team secret sessions that we used to have in our dorm every week, courtesy of Layla of course. I'd never tell her that either though. I have to keep the very little dignity that I have left and Layla would never let me forget it if I said something so feelingly... to her or anybody else for that matter.

(We are getting near)

Klaus, he unlike Layla, was more ashamed of who he was. Then again he had double of the eyes on him by simply being a hybrid faunus. Something that I didn't think was possible, but yet here we are. Also he can shape shift somehow and it's impressive. Nobody else that I know can do that! It's either a wolf or a bat. Personally, I prefer the wolf, but the bat is adorable and he has little itty bitty fangs. Ahhh! So cute! I'd never tell him that either, also if I did Yang might want to punch me? I'm not interested in Klaus that way though, he's just a teammate in my eyes. He and Yang are just the cutest, I'm definitely rooting for them. But internally rooting for them. He's just too shy and awkward to confess. He'll get there one day, at least I believe he will. Klaus is a tough one to solve because like Layla and I, he also has his own dark past to deal with. We don't know much about it, wolf stuff that we wouldn't understand, but it is true what they say about wolves. Klaus is extremely loyal and he kinda scares me? Not kinda, I'm actually very scared of him. But if he knew his ego would inflate. Yes, he's got the biggest ego in the team.


Ruby is an outstanding young mind. Kinda crazy, but in a good way, how she was able to be moved up to Beacon as a young girl. I trust Ozpin's intuition though. And this was no mistake. Because even if she is immature, she can give some good speeches. I think they're all cheesy, but they get everyone else pumped up, so why not. She still has a long way to go, especially with those ticking time bombs that she has for eyes. She'll get there, that I know. Especially now that she has Maria for guidance. But her strive to make the world a better place is very insightful for a child her age. Although we had started off on the wrong foot, I always found that to be one of her best qualities. The fact that she has never given up even after everything that she has witnessed. Maybe that's why I stood at her side in battle because even then she hasn't given up. And perhaps I saw a bit of myself in her...

In this desperate hour, I will die

Weiss, I hate her and I imagine that I always will. She's certainly grown since her petty hatred towards me and my family. But the hate is still there, we just somehow tolerate each other. Maybe one day we'll finally be able to melt the ice in our hearts, but I do not see that happening any time soon. So, for now, she's just there... in my life. She need not ask, but when I see Jacques Schnee he will be punched in the face.

In the distance, I see a light

Blake is strong, both physically and mentally. I'll admit that she can be stubborn at times, but she's learned to let others in. And she's learned from past mistakes, no longer will she run away from her problems, but now she has the courage to face them head on. In all honesty, I consider her to the closest thing to a friend that I have. Yeah... I don't really have friends. Again, it's completely my fault. And even so, I'm sure that I've ruined my friendship with Blake. She's been somewhat distant and I feel like it's my fault somehow. In some unknown way, I caused Blake to keep her distance. Perhaps I was right, I was undeserving of ever knowing the privilege of friendship or love. I was cursed since I had developed my semblance and Blake knew that. Or she blamed me for the fall of Beacon. I didn't know which one to believe, but both options seemed believable to me. But even if she doesn't want me near her, I'd still fight at her side. Hopefully one day I'll be able to make things right between us.

(We are close, almost there)

Yang she's an angry brute. But that is not all that defines her, although it would do us all some good if she learned how to control her anger. Next time she snaps, I may just have knock her out, done it before and I would gladly do it again unless she gains self control. I've seen the way she cares for Ruby and to me it's shocking how these half sisters are able to get along so well. It's almost as if they were fully biologically related. Except that they weren't and it didn't matter to either of them. Is that what family was supposed to be like? The answer is unclear, but a gut feeling tells me that is how family is supposed to be like. And yet, I didn't understand why my family could not coexist. Yang, on the other hand, is just as loyal as her other half. I don't know many people who would willingly loose a limb for their best friend, but Yang did it. And while it took a toll on her during her recovery, Yang had certainly adapted to the situation. Sure she's a stubborn girl, but Yang is also strong beyond words and that part of her should never be overlooked.

Through the darkness, through endless night

Jaune he exceeded my expectations. I always found it odd how he was welcomed into Beacon, but it happened for some reason. And now, I wouldn't change how fate had planned that day out. Jaune is certainly the underdog, but he's made quite the mindblowing development for himself. It's hard to believe how he went from vomit boy to being a great team leader even after what he has had to endure. And he's finally developed his semblance, even if it was to save a Schnee *yawn* I couldn't be more proud of his achievement. If only Cardin Winchester could see him now, he'd eat up his own words. Which to put it lightly, it's what he deserves. I could probably come to Jaune for help in dealing with a matter, but I'm not quite sure that he could keep a secret from the other's. And that greatly worries me. Guess I'll just have to face this trail alone, again... Curse you Jaune. Not really though...

(Shadows everywhere)

Nora, I don't really interact with Nora, out of the sake of my own health. I just let her talk otherwise I'm afraid that she'll explode if she's not allowed to talk. And there's no need for me to talk to her because she'll talk enough for me to not need to say anything. Imagine putting up with Nora all the time, couldn't be me. Its crazy how Ren deals with Nora all the time, then again he does love Nora, so I guess that helps him deal with her very loud persona. She's not saying a word now and I can still hear the millions of thoughts running through her mind. The only thing that ever really brings us together is Thor because you know... I was and am still spectacle of letting her anywhere near him given the matter of the fact that when I first met her she killed an ursa right in front of me. She's a lot more gentle with Thor, but it still worries me okay?! And don't get me started on their combo moves...

I can hear her calling

Pyrrha, Sorry, I can't do this now... I don't have the words...

Rain keeps falling

Ren is another that I see myself connecting with, but I haven't actually really talked to him all that much. He's a man of a few words, even more fewer words than me! But I respect him, he's calm and wise beyond his years. I just kinda wish that he and Nora would finally make things official and stop beating around the bush. I won't just them though. Then again it's strange in a sense how well collected Ren is. I've only ever seen him loose himself once and that was back when we fought the Nuckelavee. I didn't understand how he was able to keep calm after everything that he had witnessed as a mere child. Fortunately, he was able to avenge his parents and find the closure that he needed after all those years.

Hurry, no time to waste

Now we make our way towards Atlas, but I don't find myself wanting to return. But I have to at least try to stand beside my team otherwise, what would that really say about me? My only hope is that I will be able to right what I had wronged long ago while maintaining the old me in the past. She was dead and had no business coming back into my life now. Not after everything that I was able to accomplish, not ever again, I tell myself. But one can only run so long from their demons before they catch up. And I figured that my time was up.

(Blood will flow)

But that will have to wait another time because much is not known about the journey that brought us here. Or about Team LLAK or even how I essentially caused the fall of Beacon. Or even about what's happening now with me...

I am weak, so make haste

Sad Beautiful Tragic, described my time at Beacon Academy well. And as I tried to blend in as if I was normal, life simply would not let me. Because I wasn't normal. I was lonely cold and distant because I feared that I would hurt someone. I have no friends and no amount of money could ever truly get rid of the problems I had back then. And that statement is still true to this day because money can't fix the problems that I had now.

(Only she can know)

I am Aracel Mikaelson and this is my Sad Beautiful Tragic story.


This prologue is long, but I wanted to try something different this time around.

I wanted to have Aracel write about her thoughts on some of the main characters and then go back to V1 and see how her relationship with these characters developed into what she was writing about in the prolouge.

And yes, you're probably going to hate her character as this story continues but it had to be done.

Since I'm tried of the way that some people percive her as "sunshine and rainbows" I reimagined her character and made her a complete b*tch.

You're welcome.


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