《V1》Players and Pieces

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Weiss and Ruby both hang on to something very feathery and very fast. A loud wind blows by, causing the two huntresses in training to be blown sideways.

"Ruby! I told you this was a terrible idea!" Weiss shouts to be heard.

"We're fine! Stop worrying!" Ruby raises her voice.

"I am so far beyond worrying!"

"In a good way?" Ruby asks

"In a bad way! In a very bad way!" Weiss exclaims, fearing for her safety.

"Well, why don't we just jump?" Ruby suggests

Weiss' eyes widen. "What are you? Insane?!"

She is met with silence; Ruby has already disappeared, signaling that she had already jumped.

"Oh, you insufferable little red-!"

Down on the ground in the Abandoned Temple, Blake is still staring skyward and pointing for the others to look up. They do and see Ruby falling right from the sky. She frails her arms, fear painted across her features.

"Heads up!"

Just as she's about to hit the ground panicking, Jaune Arc comes flying through the air and crashes into Ruby, knocking her off course and sending them both into a tree to the left of where Blake and Yang are standing. Ruby is dazed by the rough landing, beowolves and stars circling her head.

"Oohhhh... What was that?" She asks, shaking her head.


Ruby looks up to see Jaune hanging upside-down in a tree branch above her

"Hey, Ruby..."

"Did your sister just fall from the sky?" Blake asks


Before she can continue, several crashing noises are heard in the forest ahead of them, and an Ursa comes out, claws swiping, just as a pink blast of energy hits it in the back and it crashes to the ground, depositing its rider.

"YEEEE-HAAAAW!" Nora yells

She rolls off of the creature's back, then gets up and groans, saddened. "Aw... It's broken."

She dashes onto its neck and observes the carcass as Ren comes up behind her. Ren pants and leans against the now dead creature of grimm.

"Nora! Please... Don't ever do that again."

He looks up again and notices by the pink dotted outline of where his partner should be that Nora has run off again, and looks around frantically. She walks to the ruins and stares at the white rook relic, suddenly grabbing the rook Nora places the chess piece on her head while she dances and sings.

"I'm queen of the castle! I'm queen of the castle!"


Nora stops dancing with the rook on her head, then salutes, dropping the relic into her hand. "Coming, Ren!" Nora says, skipping off towards her friend.

"Did that girl just ride in on an Ursa?" Blake asks


She is interrupted once more as a screech is heard from their right, and Pyrrha comes onto the scene as the scorpion creature uproots entire trees in its chase after her. Pyrrha narrowly dodges its giant claws and keeps on running.



Ruby stands, looking at the monster below. "Whoa!"

She then starts running off of the branch and landing in a roll as Jaune calls out to her.


"Yang!" Ruby raises her arms to give her sister a hug.

"Nora!" The redhead exclaims coming in between the two, knocking them off-balance in surprise.

The Death Stalker continues to follow Pyrrha as she runs.

"Did she just run all the way here with a Death Stalker on her tail?" Blake asks

"You do know that we have well functioning eyes right? We don't need all your unnecessary commentary captain obvious." Layla mouths in retaliation, while rolling her eyes.

Blake turns to glare at her old friend. The tiger faunus however, just smirks enjoying getting under Blake's skin. Klaus just merely looks away, not wanting to get involved in the cat fight that was bound to break out sooner or later.

"I can't take it anymore! Can everyone just chill out for two seconds before something crazy happens again?!" Yang growls, erupting in a small burst of flames.

The tick-tock of a clock counts down the two seconds of Yang cooling down, Ren running over to a ditzy Nora, and Blake and Ruby looking up.

"Umm... Yang?" Ruby tugs on her sister's sleeve and points up.

Up above, Weiss is revealed to be hanging on a talon the size of her entire body that belongs to a gigantic Nevermore.

"How could you leave me?!" Weiss calls out to Ruby.

"I said jump!" Ruby shouts

"She's gonna fall." Blake says

"She'll be fine." Ruby assures

"She's going to fall." Klaus says

"She's falling." Ren mumbles

Jaune is finally out of the tree, panting until he looks up and grins at the sight of Weiss falling through the air, giving him the opportunity to jump off the branch with arms outstretched to try to catch the heiress in his arms. He grabs her and smiles at her, temporarily rendering Weiss speechless.

"Just... dropping in?" Jaune says

Weiss looks down, followed by Jaune who realizes why she looked so scared when they both look down. They hang on to each other wide-eyed as their moment of suspension ends, their weapons flying behind them. Jaune does a faceplant into the dirt, limbs all splayed out as Klaus steps over him and catches Weiss, keeping her from failing on the floor. She smiles at Klaus, unknowingly to her though that he was a faunus and in the moment he couldn't help but smile back at the heiress. Layla rolls her eyes at the display, thinking that he would have been able to relate to her when it came to the matter of the humans.

"My hero." Weiss blissfully sighs


"My back..." Jaune groans

Klaus looks down, realizing that at some point he had begun stepping on Jaune with his left foot. He quickly apologizes and moves off of him, releasing Weiss and setting her down on the floor. Though the Death Stalker still lingered, hunting for Pyrrha, but she manages to land on her side at the feet of the heroes.

"Great! The gang's all here! Now we can die together!" Yang says, enthusiastically.

"Not if I can help it." Ruby mutters to herself.

"Ruby, wait!" Yang calls out to her sister.

Ruby, still screaming, fires Crescent Rose and charges at the oncoming Death Stalker. When the two meet, the Grimm swipes Ruby away and she is knocked back.

"D-Do-Don't worry! Totally fine!" Ruby says, getting up slowly.

Ruby turns back to the monster and shoots it in the skull, running away from it and sheathing her scythe as the Death Stalker now goes after her.

"Ruby!" Yang runs to her.

Ruby rushes towards Yang, but the Nevermore caws above them, flapping its wings and releasing lines of sharpened feathers with points that catch on Ruby's cape and prevent Yang from reaching her.

"Ruby, get out of there!" Yang says, both her voice and features laced with concern.

"I'm trying!"

The Death Stalker approaches, raising its golden stinger above a scared Ruby and heading down on the helpless girl.


A white blur races past Yang and reaches the stinger just as it's about to pierce the red hooded girl.

"You are so childish!" A familiar voice says.

Ruby opens her eyes to the sight of the stinger encased in ice. She lowers her arms from their futile position over her head as she stares at her savior.


"And dim-witted, and hyperactive, and don't even get me started on your fighting style. And I suppose I can be a bit... difficult... but if we're going to do this, we're going to have to do this together. So if you quit trying to show off, I'll be... nicer." Weiss says, removing Myrtenaster from the ice.

"I'm not trying to show off. I want you to know I can do this."

"You're fine." Weiss walks away.

Ruby breathes a sigh of relief, then closes her eyes and clasps her hands as she gratefully whispers. "Normal knees..."

She then gets up and stares at the Death Stalker as it struggles to escape with its tail trapped in the ice. "Whoa!" Ruby marvels

Yang rushes up to Ruby and gives her a hug, which Ruby grunts at upon receiving.

"So happy you're okay!"

The two stare at each other for a moment, then look up at the Nevermore still flying overhead and roaring.

"Guys? That thing's circling back! What are we gonna do?" Jaune asks

"Look, there's no sense in dilly-dallying. Our objective is right in front of us." Weiss says

"She's right. Our mission is to grab an artifact and make it back to the Cliffs." Ruby pauses to direct a nod at Weiss, agreeiny with her previous statement. "There's no point in fighting these things."

"Run and live - that's an idea I can get behind!" Jaune says

Ruby goes over and grabs a gold knight and Jaune takes hold of a gold rook. The two share a brief smile with one another. The Death Stalker continues to fight its bonds, cracking the ice a little in the process.

"Time we left!" Ren says

"Right. Let's go."

Ruby waves to the others and goes forward with everyone following aftet her. Yang takes a pause and smiles proudly at the progress her younger sister has already made. Blake approaches her partner, noticing that she had stopped.

"What is it?" Blake asks


The two catch up and meet up with the as they head out of the forest and into another abandoned series of structures as the Nevermore follows them from the air. They spread out when it passes above, concealing themselves behind some of the stone blocks with their allies as it perches on a high column and caws.

"Well, that's great!" Yang mutters, sounding annoyed.

The Nevermore caws again, but this time letting out a cry of pain. A golden lasso is wrapped around the top portion of it's beak and sharp heels dug in the grimms back. With a pull of the lasso, the Nevermore's head is drawn back as it let's out another loud screech.

"She's crazy!" Weiss exclaims, glaring at her longtime nemesis.

"Even I'll admit that she has guts, for a human at least..." Layla mutters

Jaune looks behind at the Death Stalker bursting onto the scene.

"Ah, man, run!"

The group emerges from their hiding spots, causing the Nevermore to rise up into the air.

"Nora, distract it!" Ren calls out

Nora obliges, running out from her block and jumping through the feather projectiles before reaching behind her and launching several heart-topped shells from her grenade launcher, bursting into pink electricity when they hit the Nevermore and causing it to retreat. Aracel holds on to the lasso tightly as the Nevermore takes flight again. She holds out a hand towards her partner and Lilly grabs it, holding on to the pinkette.

"I told you this was a bad idea." Lilly says

"Well, you're the one that wanted to go back to help these imbeciles. The least you can do is attack the damn bird!" Aracel sneers

Lilly rolls her eyes and readies her blade, Apollo, to attack. Lilly plunges her sword through the Nevermore's back, causing the grimm to react by erratically flying in an attempt to shake the two girls off of it.

Nora unaware of the Death Stalker rushing up behind her until Blake and Ren perform a cross-slash with their respective weapons, against its shell. Weiss lands next to Nora, creating a glyph to use as a jumping platform beneath them and leap to safety while Blake and Ren are now being chased. Klaus runs past them heading towards the Death Stalker, in order to give Blake and Ren the time to run. The scorpion grimm, angered by the previous attacks, brings it's stinger down on the hybrid. However, Klaus catches the stinger in his hands, stopping the grimm in it's tracks. Though unlike Jaune, he isn't flung around, as he pushes the grimm back. Electricity cackles nearby and suddenly Layla is right at his side. Her hands light up, in a teal shade, as electricity flows her hands through her revolver, shooting the Death Stalker to paralyze it momentarily. The redhead then grabs onto Klaus and runs over to the rest of group in a flash, catching Klaus off guard.

"Go, go!"

Pyrrha stops running beside Jaune and gets out Miló, firing red shots alongside Ren's green blasts for a second until it reaches them and tries to swipe, prompting the group to run again. The ten of them race over the ancient stone bridge, not noticing the Nevermore closing in on them until it uses its giant wings to shatter the path right in the middle, forcing Ruby, Weiss, Yang, Nora, Jaune, Klaus, and Layla closer to the central collection of columns and leaving Blake, Ren, and Pyrrha on the other side with the Death Stalker. Due to the impact, Aracel loosens her hold on grimm, the pinkette prepares to fall off, but Lilly acts fast. She grabs the hilt of Apollo and runs the blade down the Nevermore's back, while making sure to grab a hold of Aracel. It wasn't enough to kill the grimm, but the attack did cause damage to it. The two then jump off and make it onto the stone bridge safely. While Ruby fires at the retreating Nevermore while Blake is beaten back by the scorpion.

"Let's do this!" Nora says, running up beside Jaune.

Jaune looks down at the misty abyss. "Yeah, but, uh... I can't make that jump."

Nora smiles diabolically at him, laughing as she knocks him back, turns her weapon to its full-length hammer form, and jumps to the edge of the bridge.

"Oh, wait!" Jaune exclaims

Nora slams the hammer into the bridge and throws Jaune to the other side, as he yells in distress. Nora places one foot on the hammer and fires it off the collapsing section of bridge, launching her to slam its face right in the center of the Death Stalker's skull. She fires it just as the stinger comes down to get her, and blasts back again to avoid its reach, accidentally knocking into Blake and making her fall from the edge. Blake sees the Nevermore above her and launches her whip so the gun's blade sinks into the edge of the bridge, circling around and leaping onto the aerial grimm's back. She dashes all over its body, slashing the entire time, before jumping off and landing on the ruined platform at the top of the columns next to Ruby, then going over to Yang and Weiss.

"It's tougher than it looks!" Blake says

"Then let's hit it with everything we got!" Yang says, readying Ember Celica.

"We'll weaken it for you, but to do that, we'll have to get up close to it." Lilly suggests

"But you said my idea was crazy!" Aracel says

"At this point, I'm willing to try anything." Lilly says

"We'll lend you a hand as well." Klaus says

Layla raises a questioning brow. Klaus looks over at her, letting her know that he isn't changing his mind. Layla grumbles, not wanting to fight back as all she wanted now was to take a cat nap.

"Ugh! Let's just get this catastrophic day over with already." Layla groans

Using her semblance, Apollo's Reign, Lilly creates small flames in her hands to help her propel through the air as she makes her way towards the Nevermore. Small sparks go off around Layla, as she zooms over to the grimm, the static and the rate of her speed keeping her from falling. Aracel is next and rather than expose her secret, she ties her lasso around the end of one of her light arrows. She fires the arrow at the Nevermore and watches as the grimm is impaled. The pinkette grabs onto the end of the lasso and allows herself to be pulled along. Once she's within range, Lilly grabs her hand and pulls her up, helping Aracel onto the grimm's back. Klaus simply shifts into a bat and flies over, then transforms back.

"Do you actually have a plan other than us just mounting on this bird?" Layla asks

"Try to find a weak spot-"

"Just attack the grimm, Macavity." Aracel says, cutting Lilly off.

"Macavity?" Layla questions

"We don't have time for this." Klaus says

Aracel and Layla go for the head, while Lilly and Klaus focus their attacks on the grimm's back. Aracel feels the electricity crackling around Layla, as she fires shots behind the head. Aracel looks down at the sword in the sheath that's tied around the belt on her waist. She reaches for the handle, but hesitates, her hand shaking at the thought of using it. Layla glances at her and before she can mouth her off for not doing anything, she notices the fear flashing in her lavender eyes. Aracel tumbles back, due to the unsteady surface, but before she can fall down, Layla reaches over and grabs her by the hand. Aracel is shocked and so are Lilly and Klaus who happened to notice this.

"If you can't do anything get out of my way. I have no time to babysit Ozpin's puppet." Layla sneers

Aracel looks away from Layla's intense gaze. Klaus looks away, feeling the second hand embarrassment as a witness. Lilly puts a hand on his shoulder and then the two continue to attack. Klaus' ears twitch, hearing the sound of a clawshot, he glances back only to see Layla taking out of anger in a flurry of attacks. However, Aracel was gone. He frowns and faces away, instead Klaus turns his focus to the task at hand. He and Lilly slash at the Nevermore's back, while Lilly occasionally attacks with her semblance.

"That's quite the handy semblance you have there." Klaus says

"Thanks, it's hereditary." Lilly says, giving Klaus a small smile.

"That explains, why you've found your way to her." Klaus mutters

Lilly looks at the hybrid, her brow raised in confusion. But she doesn't ask about what he meant, knowing that now was not the time. With the Nevermore approaching, Ruby, Blake, Weiss, and Yang set their weapons to fire a barrage of blasts at the bird, which it either dodges or takes harmlessly until it crashes through the columns and platform. Klaus grabs Lilly and Layla and uses himself as a shield so that neither of them would get hit from the attacks or the debris. The girls leap from one section of falling stone to the next until they reach the higher bridge on top, just below the cliffs. When it's clear, Lilly, Layla, and Klaus jump off the Nevermore and rendezvous with the girls.

"None of this is working!" Weiss says

"I have a plan! Cover me!" Ruby says, she blasts away as Weiss raises her blade and heads into the fray.

Down below, the Death Stalker is still battling Jaune, Ren, Nora, and Pyrrha.

"We gotta move!" Jaune says

The Death Stalker aims a claw at Pyrrha, but she deflects it with her Akoúo shield and slashes it with her blade. The scorpion recoils and swipes at her with its other claw, but Jaune is there to deflect it with his shield, knocking it back so Pyrrha can leap over and attack its face. Ren runs up firing and gets on the stinger when it tries to hit him, shooting at the base between it and the tail while Nora fires more grenades at the attacking claws. Pyrrha hurls her javelin straight into one of the monster's ten eyes, making it throw Ren to the side.

"Ren!" Nora's brows furrow in concern.

Ren hits the side of a stone block hard and falls to the ground, not getting back up. Jaune, though, manages to stand and notice the stinger is hanging limply.



Pyrrha raises the shield and hurls it like a discus, slicing the stinger off and causing it to fall into the Death Stalker's head as Pyrrha retrieves her rebounding shield.

"Nora, nail it!" Jaune says

"Heads up!" Nora calls out

She jumps on Akoúo, as Pyrrha leaps as Nora aims her blast down to give herself a maximum lift. Nora smiles the entire way up before twirling down until her hammer slams its head into the stinger, driving the point through the Death Stalker's head and crushing the bridge beneath it. Jaune and Pyrrha bound over the monster to the land behind it, and Nora fires up and away behind them as the monster falls to its doom. Jaune hits the ground on his back, Nora lands on her bottom, Pyrrha manages a crouched pose, and Ren simply walks over to them, panting and groaning until he just collapses. The other three get up and watch as the Nevermore is peppered with firepower.

"Arrow." Layla says, holding a hand out expectedly.

Aracel glares at her, but still throws Layla a light arrow mid-fight then she goes back to firing at the Nevermore. The arrowhead turns teal as a result of the fusion of electricity that Layla produced. She throws it at Lilly and the tiger faunus gestures to Klaus. The raven haired male shifts into a wolf, he looks up at Lilly and his golden eyes flash with excitement. The blonde propels herself with her flames and Klaus chases after her, using his own projectiles to keep following her out into the open where the Nevermore was at. They appeared to look like Weiss' glyphs, but the surface did not carry the Schnee emblem. It had strange symbols all around the surface, Lilly took notice of this, but it wasn't anything that she could decode or understand. Suddenly she stops and looks at Klaus.

"Fetch." She simply says, throwing the arrow towards the Nevermore.

Klaus grabs the arrow in his canines and approachs the Nevermore face to face. Lilly lands next to Layla and watches as Klaus stops in front of the large aerial grimm. His eyes gleam and the Nevermore stops moving in mid-air, the only movement being that of it's flapping wings. Klaus returns to his regular form and fires the arrow in it's mouth. The grimm twitches as the electric fused arrow begins to take effect on it.

"Ready when you are Beauty." Aracel says, winking at Blake.

The amber eyed girl only rolls her eyes in response, as she uses Gambol Shroud to fling Aracel over where the Nevermore was at. Aracel punches the grimm directly in the eye, she then grabs a hold of Klaus as Lilly wraps Aracel's lasso around the two. Pulling back, she brings the two back to the ground safely.

"You're both crazy." Lilly says, handing Aracel back her lasso.

The pinkette simply shrugs, attaching the lasso back to her belt. Meanwhile, Yang is still burning through her ammo on the beast, landing a blow at its face and causing it to head right towards her, but she leaps for its open maw and forces the beak wide as she attacks.

"I! Hope! You're! Hung-! ...-gry!" Yang screams, firing a round with each syllable.

She looks behind her and jumps back from its mouth onto a ruin, causing the creature to crash into the cliffs. Despite Yang's attempts, the Nevermore recovers quickly, and Yang smiles as she spots Ruby and Blake on the broken columns with Weiss rushing to the battle. Yang passes her while the Nevermore starts to fly back up, but Weiss hops over to the ruin it's lifting off of and freezes the tip of its feathery tail to the ground, leaving it stuck in the same spot despite its flapping. Weiss back-flips into a snowflake-circle jump and lands on the other side, running to the group. Blake fires the pistol portion of Gambol Shroud over to Yang, and the two tighten it between the columns so Ruby can jump on the center with Crescent Rose and bend it back into Weiss' black sigil, right next to the caster.

"Of course you would come up with this idea." Weiss says

"Think you can make the shot?" Ruby asks

"Hmm! Can I!" Weiss replies confidently.

A second passes by.

"Can you?" Ruby asks

"Of course I can!" Weiss snaps

Ruby looks forward and pumps Crescent Rose as Weiss turns the circle from black to red and releases Ruby at such a speed that the ground behind her launch cracks, rose petals flying from her ascent. With each new shot, she gets closer and closer to the trapped Grimm until her scythe catches the Nevermore's neck in its blade and causes them both to fall to the cliff wall. Weiss raises her sword and creates a series of white circles up the wall, which Ruby dashes through by firing the entire way up. Yang, Blake, and an exhausted Weiss watch her climb up with the bird in her grasp until, both warrior and monster crying out, Ruby reaches the top of the cliff, circles up, fires one last shot, and rends the Nevermore's head from its shoulders in a shower of petals. She lands beside the severed head as the body of the giant Nevermore falls lifeless to the ruins and crevice below while the girls and, farther away, Jaune, Pyrrha, Nora, Ren, and Lilly watched in amazement. Klaus crossed his arms over his chest, he was somewhat impressed for someone of Ruby's age, but taking out a Nevermore was literal child's play where he was from.

"Wow..." Jaune mumbles in awe.

"At least this over with." Layla mutters

Ruby, her cape and petals flowing with the wind, looks down at the others as they peer up. From where she stands, Aracel narrows her eyes. While she initially questioned Ozpin on his decision of allowing Ruby to come to Beacon, it seemed that there's more than meets the eye when it came to the young girl. Though she kept silent on the matter, deciding in that moment that she would evaluate Ruby and the others more closely. Aracel huffs and turns on her heel, heading off on her own.

"Well... That was a thing!" Yang says

Ruby continues to smile as the faint sounds of an audience clapping are heard, growing louder and louder as a familiar voice is heard.

"Russel Thrush. Cardin Winchester. Dove Bronzewing. Sky Lark."

The screen of the auditorium shows each of their profiles as the boys are lined up for the applauding audience.

"The four of you retrieved the black bishop pieces. From this day forward, you will work together as Team CRDL, led by... Cardin Winchester!"

The audience gives one more clap of ovation, while the four students walk up to the stage to take their places in front of the headmaster as their faces fill the screen.

"Jaune Arc. Lie Ren. Pyrrha Nikos. Nora Valkyrie. The four of you retrieved the white rook pieces. From this day forward, you will work together as Team JNPR."

Amid the clapping, Nora laughs and gives Ren a hug.

"Led by... Jaune Arc!" Ozpin announces

"Huh? L-Led by...?" Jaune questions, just about as confused as everyone else.

"Congratulations, young man." Ozpin says

A grinning Pyrrha offers a friendly shoulder bump to Jaune, but her "fine leader" is knocked over and falls on his butt in front of the laughing audience.

"Blake Belladonna. Ruby Rose. Weiss Schnee. Yang Xiao Long. The four of you retrieved the white knight pieces. From this day forward, you will work together as Team RWBY. Led by Ruby Rose!"

Weiss looks to her right surprised, where Ruby is obviously in shock as Yang goes over to hug her sister.

"I'm so proud of you!" Yang smiles

The girls leave the stage, and as the four final faces fill the screen: Lilly, Layla, Aracel, and Klaus take their place on the stage with Ozpin.

"And finally..."

Aracel closes her eyes and clasps her hands together in front of her. Klaus' ears perk up and his long fluffy tail wags from side to side, a prideful look on his face.

"Lillian Emerald. Layla Greil. Aracel Mikaelson. Niklaus Zale. The four of you retrieved the two king pieces. From this day forward, you will work together as Team LLAK. Led by... Lillian Emerald."

"What?!" Aracel and Klaus exclaim in unison.

Though their complaints are drowned out by the sound of the crowd clapping as the ceremony comes to a close. Layla had her own complaints, but rather than waste her time vocally sharing them when she wouldn't be heard anyways, she kept her mouth shut. And instead opted to biting her tongue. Lilly, on the other hand, looked shocked to having been given the role of team leader. It was an honor, it truly was, but she hadn't been expecting to become the team leader. Ozpin gazed at the newly formed team LLAK, he tried to hide his amusement from the display before him. But he just couldn't and he allowed himself to give them a small smile, sensing that great things were to come in the near future for team LLAK.

"It looks like things are shaping up to be an... interesting year."

Going into the night, the moon shines through a window, providing a view to the outside for a shadowy room filled with shelves and a desk in the back, where Roman Torchwick is getting a call on his phone. The muffled conversation ends, and Roman angrily slams the phone down, sighing. He holds a cigar to his mouth and puts his symbolized lighter to the end, just as a man in a gray mask and black hood comes with a trolley. Roman holds out a collection of lien, which he places on the table and the man takes.

"Open it." Roman demands

The masked man does so with a crowbar, revealing a large amount of Dust crystals of varying colors - orange, blue, white, red, green, cyan, gold, yellow, and more. Roman picks up a blue gem in his hand and looks at the loot.

"We're gonna need more men..." Roman says

On the wall behind Roman there's a map above the desk, showing Vale and various districts and areas of crossed-out locations, all leading into a specially circled place, Beacon, being singled out among the others.


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