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When you arrive at the Furnace you will be sent down an elevator and down under ground, once you get off you will be in a hallway. There will be a open space to your right, which is were other kids will be eating lunch. From there you will get your cell number from a man named Warden Cross.

The room that was on your right is called the slop trough, where you eat. It has several tables and in the corner is where kids serve up the slop. You eat here until a bell rings. Most fights occur here.

Breakfast and lunch are the only meals you get, which contains steak, salmon, venison and champagne truffles. Although it's all blended together and served as a thick, grey paste. It doesn't have much taste, mostly of salt.

In the furnace they are three gangs that rule that place. The skulls, the Fifty-Niners and the Shadow-Kickers.
The skulls tend to harass you, mostly beating you up.
The fifty-niners have the gym, they tend to give you a good whack if you go in there without their permission.
The shadow-kickers, at breakfast, if your the last kid down, you better watch out, they don't take kids like you nicely.

The cells you sleep in is a small square room that only has a metal bunk bed, white mattress and a thin white blanket. The room also contains a toilet. At night your cell is pitch black.

After breakfast you have jobs to do, which are making slop and serving it, cleaning the cell toilets and chipping, which is where you go into a mining cell and mine the stone walls to make rooms.

Now there are monsters called black suits watching you do certain jobs, such as chipping. These guards are tall and bulky, with black suits and very pale faces. They often carry around guns. But most importantly... They can't die.

Next are strange human like figures who are called wheezers, the reasons why are because they sound like there gasping for air and are always twitching in odd directions. Their faces are covered in gas masks, which are stitched to there bald heads. If close enough, you can see their black, piggy eyes.

These are the dogs of hell, they feast on kids who are most venerable. They are large, and their heads reach up to your shoulders. They are skinless dogs, having sharp teeth to tear quickly. They will only come to get you if you are not quick enough to reach your cell before the doors shut. A loud, long bell will usually come on, making everyone run into their cells as fast as they can. Be quick! Before your cell doors shut! Or else you'll be the dog's next meal!

At the dead of night, red lights will come on, it signals that someone will get taken away. If a wheezer comes up to your cell and marks a red 'X' across the door it means that someone from the marked cell will get taken away by the guards, whom are with the wheezers. Try not to draw attention to yourself, or you'll get taken!

(If you have any questions ask away!)

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