10:00 PM

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It's back! Place final bets on who was killed now!


10:00 PM

No one speaks or even moves for the longest time. It feels like hours have passed.

Finally one takes a unsure step forward. He sinks to his knees not caring the blood soaks his jeans. Tears come to his eyes. He shakily reaches out and feels for a pulse. A little gasp escapes him as he finds none. He slowly closes her eyes. Unsure of what to do her brushes a stray strand of hair behind her ear.

"Mia sorella..." He whispers as tears begin to flow freely.

"Nico," Hazel whispers as she sits next to him and pulls him into a hug.

No one speaks while the two half siblings embrace. Nico lets go of Hazel suddenly and stands a thought coming to him.

He glares at the other nine his eyes still puffy and red. "Who the hell killed her?" All in question look surprised at the question. "WHO!"

"W-Why do you think someone k-killed her?" Thalia asks still staring at her one time best friend.

"How else is she dead!?" He screams. "17 year old girls don't just stop dead!"

"She could have fallen Nico," Hazel says gently placing a hand on her brothers arm. Nico nods and mutters an apology.

"What's that?" Piper asks pointing her flashlight a bit past Bianca's body. Eyes turn to see a football trophy covered its bottom covered in blood next to the dead girl.

"She was killed?" Hazel asks in a small voice. Frank wraps the smaller girl in a hug.

"So who the fuck did it?" Nico growls.

"You seem so sure how do we know you didn't? I thought emos like blood?" Luke asks. Before most even blink Nico's fist connects with Luke's nose. Both start yelling and everyone holds the two a part.

"You bastard! I would never hurt her!"

"That's enough!" Percy shouts standing in between the two. Both glare at the other but stop struggling. Nico shakes off the people who hold him and begins to pace.

"Like it or not my sister is dead," Hazel says wiping away tears to no avail. "Frank and I found her. I know Nico didn't do this and she didn't do it to herself. That leaves eight of you."

"I was with Luke in the offices on the opposite side," Leo states in his defense.

"I was guarding our shirt flag in the science lab," Percy says quickly.

Everyone else begins to spit out alibis and yelling ensues once again.

"Everyone can't be innocent!" Nico shouts.

"There has to be some logical explaination," Annabeth states walking carefully around the body to get a better view of the trophy. She crouches down to examine it.

"Naturally," Jason mutters.

Annabeth ignores him as she looks at the trophy. "It's last years football trophy the team recived for winning the championship. It was supposed to be down the hall in its display case..."

"So Leo can get into the cameras and then we can see who gets the trophy out, right?" Percy asks.

"Power is out Jackson," Reyna reminds him.

"There is a fingerprint in blood," Annabeth says slowly. Behind her one face pales drastically.

"So you're going to compare our fingers?" Hazel asks.

"I did a science project in first grade where you take a fingerprint with tape, paper and a pencil. We could compare them..."

"Or we could call the cops?" Thalia suggests.

"We weren't able to crack the safe to get our phones," Luke says.

"Plus have you seen the snow outside?" Leo asks. "It's a lot heavier than expected. People are supposed to stay off the roads until morning."

"How do you know that?" Piper asks. Leo only pulls a small radio out of one of his toolbelt pockets in response.

"Let's just go along with Annabeth's plan," Nico states. The others nod in agreement though one is mentally screaming no.

Nico turns and begins to walk the other direction.

"Where are you going?" Percy asks.

"To get a blanket. I'm not just gonna leave her like this. I might as well clean myself off..." Everyone looks at eachother and make silent choices.

Percy goes after Nico. While Reyna brings Hazel to clean off. Luke and Leo head back to open the safe. Phones are needed right now. Piper and Frank begin to search for a blanket. Thalia, Annabeth and Jason, begin to look for tape and pencils.

Time passes and everyone is busy but one person returns to the scene. They grab the trophy while silenty cursing themselves. They quickly wipe off the blood from trophy.

"Y-you b-but, why?" Another voice asks quietly and scared. The murder quickly looks up to meet the others eyes.

"It wasn't supposed to happen," They say quickly.

The other turns ready to sprint and tell the others when a cold voice comes from killer of Bianca di Angelo.

"I know what you did last year. I will tell everyone else. I kept your secret now you keep mine."

The other freezes before looking the other in eye. "Niether of us were here just like neither of us where there when... she died last year. Deal?"

"Bianca kept your secret to the grave. Will you keep mine that long?"

"You have no right to talk about her like that!" The other snapped. "You killed her."

"It wasn't supposed to be her!" The murder whisper yelled back. The other stared at the other is disbelief.

"Who? Me then?"

"Doesn't matter. I was never here. I never killed anyone."

"Me niether."

The gave each other parting glares before heading back to what they were supposed to be doing.

Ha! I feel so evil!

Okay so who do think was supposed to be killed?

Who's the murder?

Who died last year?

Who found the murder and was involved in last years death?

And yes I know the answer to all. And no I will not tell you.


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