Bonus chapter: Tony's POV

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A/N: unlike the other bonus POV chapters, this one takes place chronologically with the story, picking up after Tony and Yelena leave the lake house.

Shout out to Avengers_Captain for the suggestion!


The ride back to the compound was...interesting. If I thought Natasha was intense, Yelena was about 10 times more intense.

"So Stark, is it true that you've hit on my sister?" she asked.

Damn. "Uh, once. It was a long time ago. I was sort of dying and—"

"She seduced you?"

"I wouldn't exactly call it seducing rather than know, why am I telling you this?"

Yelena smirked. "I have that effect on people."

We drove in silence for a while until Yelena started humming a song: Bye bye miss American pie. Drove my Chevy to the levy but the levy was dry.

"You know my dad used to sing that song with me when I was young," I told her. I wasn't sure why I felt the need to bring up my dad to Natasha's sister, but the statement sort of just came out of my mouth without any warning.

Yelena put her feet up on the dashboard. "So did mine. But your dad wasn't a Russian spy using you as a cover story for a maniac."

See what I mean about interesting?

I cleared my throat. "Right, yeah. Sorry. Um, so you and Nat seem to get along well."

Yelena laughed. "When we're not trying to kill each other, yeah. It's funny, though. I've never seen her so dedicated to anyone before. And I don't just mean Steve."

I nodded. "She's a changed person. She's not even the same girl who tried to seduce me all those years ago."

"I hate to break it to you, pal, but it was all an act," Yelena told me. "It's how we were trained."

We pulled up to the compound and headed inside.

"So listen, I know you like to do your own thing but Nat really wants you to stay here with us. For protection."

Yelena nodded. "I understand. This is one of those rare moments when I agree with my sister."

Inside, we found Bucky and Sam lounging in the kitchen debating something with Wanda. Then things got even weirder.

"James, it's been a while," Yelena commented."

Bucky's eyes went wide. "Uh, Yelena. Wha—what are you, I're here?"

"Nice going, Romeo," Sam muttered under his breath, to which Bucky shoved him a little too hard with his metal arm.

"Wait a minute," I said for what seemed like the thousandth time. Maybe I should make this a drinking game... "How the hell do you two know each other?"

"Do you really want us to answer that?" Bucky asked, helping Sam up from the ground.

Yelena grinned.

"You know what? No, I don't actually want to know." I shuddered. Listen, I'm gonna go get your room set up. You three—" I pointed to Bucky, Sam, and Wanda "just don't make a mess."

I heard Yelena laugh as I walked away and Wanda saying, "Hey, it's nice to meet you."

"Oh good you're back!" Pepper cheered upon seeing me upstairs.

"Of course." I kissed her. "How was your day?"

"Pretty good. These two are kicking up a storm." She rested her hands on her belly. "They get that energy from you, you know."

I smiled. "I know. Hey, so Natasha's sister is gonna be staying with us for a while."

"Nat has a sister?" Pepper asked.

I nodded. "Apparently so. Who knew?"

"Apparently Bucky knew. Man, that guy goes through girls faster than—" I paused, choosing my next words very carefully "uh than a racehorse?"

Pepper laughed. "Nice save, Einstein." She kissed me again. "Don't be too long, dinner is almost ready."

"Can't wait. And tomorrow it's my turn. The doctor said—"

"The doctor said it's fine for me to be up on my feet as long as I'm not in pain. And I'm not. The twins do their little kicking thing and then they tire themselves out. Just like someone else I know."

I smirked. "Yeah, yeah. Compare me to our unborn children."

Pepper raised an eyebrow. "Well, they are half your DNA."

I shrugged. "They have pretty fantastic DNA from their mother too."

Pepper laughed. "I'm flattered. Go do your thing, Tony. I'll see you downstairs in a few minutes."

I watched her walk away, thinking to myself I'm the luckiest man ever. Once I had finished setting up Yelena's room, I went back down to the main level where I was ambushed by Emery.

"Anthony Edward Stark, where is Natasha?" she demanded, planting her hands firmly on her hips and giving me a death glare that put Nat's signature glare to shame.

"She's not here at the moment but if you leave a message, she will get back to you within the next 24 hours. Beeeee—ow!" I mimicked a voicemail up until the end when she hit me. "Geez, Em. You're brutal."

"She's in vicarious bridezilla mode," Wanda supplied, to which Yelena smirked.

"I am not," Emery huffed. "Look, all I know is you left here earlier with her and now you're here and she's not. So where is she?"

I glanced at Yelena who shrugged. She was going to be no help whatsoever. "She's...indisposed at the moment. If you haven't noticed, both halves of the couple we've come to so dearly name Romanogers are not here."

"Oh." Emery cleared her throat as Wanda and Yelena burst into a fit of laughter. "Well, then I guess this can wait until tomorrow."

As everyone went to sit at the table for dinner, I stopped Bucky in the kitchen.

"Hey, man. Look, I don't know the situation with you and Yelena but I do know your situation with Natasha and—"

"There is no situation with Natasha. We're done. Have been for a really long time. Yelena and I are the same way. We weren't even anything serious. Not the way Natasha and I were."

"You know, you talk like you still have feelings for her."

Bucky raised his eyebrows. "Which 'her' are we talking about?"

I rapped on the counter with my knuckles. "That's for you to figure out."

"You really are annoying, Stark. Plus, I have a girlfriend. If Yelena hasn't already figured it out, she will soon enough. She's smart."

"See, I told you you'd figure it out."

Bucky rolled his eyes. "Whatever you say."


A/N: this was definitely a challenging POV to write because I've been thinking so far ahead with the forthcoming chapters and it was hard to get in the Tony Stark mindset (as I expected because only Tony Stark knows what goes on in the brain of Tony Stark 😅). That said, this definitely took some different twists than I originally intended but hope it gave some nice in-between context! Vote and comment if you enjoyed :)


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