Chapter 11.4--Natasha

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Three days. That's how long Alexei kept me in that dank cell. Three days that waited. For something, anything, to happen. But my hands were tied. Literally—I was tied to a chair. So technically I couldn't tell where I was exactly, but I knew I was somewhere that seemed cell-like.

I guess three was my lucky number. My eyes were closed, my head leaned back when I heard the unmistakable clank of metal on metal. Someone was opening my cell door. I slipped into a shadow, prepared to fight at any moment.

"Kristina, I can't do this," a voice spoke in hushed Russian.

Katya? But what would she be doing here?

"If you want to be a part of this operation, you must. You have no other choice," Kristina replied back.

"I have a choice." This time I was sure it was Katya. "I want out. I don't want to be a pawn in your games anymore."

Kristina laughed. "Silly child. There are no outs with me."

There was a grunt followed by a thud then silence.

"You really think knocking out your minions is gonna make you seem more powerful since no one else is around to see you do it?" I asked.

Kristina didn't answer, although I knew she could hear me.

I tried again: "If you're going to kill me, why don't you just do it?" I took slow breaths and kept a steady gaze on her.

"Natalia, you know me better than that." Kristina finally stepped out of the shadows.

I laughed. "Clearly, you have some sort of crazy obsession with me. First you copy my face. Then you kidnap me and give me superpowers. Not that I'm complaining about that last part by the way—I love my new powers. It gives me a whole new meaning. Anyway, what was I saying? Oh yeah—then you get Alexei to kidnap me instead of doing it yourself which is kinda beneath you to be honest—"

"Enough!" Kristina yelled in Russian. She slapped me across the face.

I smirked, trying not to let the pain show on my face. "Getting too rambly am I? Yeah sorry about that. Old habits and all that."

Kristina rolled her eyes, clearly bothered by the fact that I didn't react to her slap. "You really want to know why you're here?" Kirstina asked.

I blinked my eyes innocently. "Please. Do tell."

She studied her nails. "Alexei has failed numerous times to capture you. That's why I had to go to Budapest myself."

I faked a smile. "Well, I appreciate the concern, Kristina. You know, feeling like you had to come after me yourself...I feel special."

Kristina smiled deviously. "You were hand-picked, Natalia. We need someone of your skillset."

"You know, most people who want to hire me typically just call me on the phone. It's easier and a lot less stressful," I said, although I was intrigued about what she was talking about.

"Have you always been this annoying?" Kristina scowled at me.

I shrugged. "I've been told my intuition is one of my charms." I grinned, pleased that my plan was going so well. "You wanna know another charm?"

Kristina rolled her eyes. "I probably don't have a choice."

"I'm brilliant at stalling." I broke through my bonds and flipped over the chair I was in, landing in a side lunge with one hand on the ground.

An arrow whizzed by, letting me know my backup was here.

"You called?" Clint said, notching another arrow into place on his bow.

"Took you long enough," I teased, sending a punch toward Kristina. She blocked it, cursing in Russian.

A blur of red and blue whipped past, hitting Kristina and knocking her over. I grinned and Steve winked at me.

"On your left," he called.

I swept my leg and narrowly missed another dart from Alexei's device. Alexei himself wasn't far behind.

"Well well well," I said to Alexei. "You really thought leaving me alone with Kristina was a smart decision? You really don't know me at all." Steve tossed me a stun gun and I caught it, pointing it straight at Alexei. I would've preferred a real gun, but beggars can't be choosers and all that.

Alexei put his hands up in surrender. Once again, it seemed too simple. Too easy. The floor around us began to rumble.

"It's a trap!" I yelled. Everyone did the best they could to find a place to hide. I swear if this place explodes...

I backed myself into a corner and watched as Steve covered Katya with his shield to protect her. She was still knocked out.

Pieces of the warehouse started to fall a little bit around us.

"Why is it that this keeps happening?" Clint asked. He'd managed to join me in my corner to provide some extra backup.

I shrugged. "I guess I just attract crazy Russians."

Clint snorted. "And star-Spangled Americans."

I laughed. Then I noticed that Kristina had started to slip away.

"Oh no you don't," I muttered. Clint saw it too and he nodded to me, giving me a silent three count. On three, he shot one of his arrows at her as I shot my stun gun. We both hit Kristina so that she crumpled to the ground, unconscious. As she did so, I realized Alexei had disappeared again.

"Nat!" I heard Emery call out.

"Cover me," I said to Clint as I ducked out of the corner, trying to avoid falling debris from the warehouse. I ran toward Emery's voice.

"Help!" she cried out. Her foot was caught under a fallen piece of debris.

"Hold on, Em." I tried to pry the debris away but it was no use.

"Bucky! I need your help!" I called out. He was over by my side in a few seconds.

"Em," he breathed, kneeling down by her side. "Try to relax, okay? Give me a second to get you out of this."

Emery nodded and closed her eyes. Bucky worked at the debris for a minute with his right arm before switching over to his left. The debris came away enough that we could drag Emery out from under it and to safety.

"I'm gonna stay with her. You go out there and do your thing," Bucky said.

I nodded before turning to Emery. "I'm leaving you in good hands."

She smiled weakly. "I know."

I ran toward the others. Steve was helping Katya to her feet and we seemed to be missing two Russians and Clint.

"Where's—" I started to say.

"Legolas has them contained," Tony answered. "We need to get everyone out of here before this thing collapses for real."

"Copy that, Stark." I caught Wanda's gaze across the room where red energy flowed from her hands.

"Is Emery alright?" she asked me.

"Yeah, Bucky is helping her," I replied.

Her face darkened. "Let's get everyone out of here alive." She lifted herself off the ground with her powers without saying another word.

A few minutes later, we were all safe outside. Kristina and Alexei were finally in SHIELD's custody with an extra protection detail on their extra protection detail to ensure that no one would escape. I'd had it with my enemies disappearing on me.

"Is everyone alright?" Tony asked, taking charge as per usual.

We all nodded. Emery limped between Bucky and Wanda who each had an arm around her for support.

"If we think everything is good here, we can clear out and head back to the compound," Tony said.

I nodded. "I think it's safe to do that now. Kristina and Alexei are in custody. I think I can relax." I breathed a sigh of relief, happy to know that my two biggest enemies were in custody. I didn't want to even think about what would happen if they escaped. Hopefully, though, I wouldn't have that issue.

* * * * * * * * * * * *

Back at the compound that evening, I settled into bed with Steve. Laying in the comfort of his arms, I relaxed for the first time in three days. I never wanted to leave.

I closed my eyes and listened to the sound of his breathing as he stroked my hair. "I love you so much, Steve Rogers."

He kissed my forehead. "I love you, too, Natasha Romanoff. And I'm so glad you're safe."

I smiled. "Me too."


A/N: I'm trying my best to balance dramatic cliffhangers with cute fluff/silly chapters, so let me know what you think! Please vote and comment if you are enjoying it and/or if you have any suggestions/recommendations for the future of the story (constructive criticism is also greatly appreciated). I'm not sure I love "jealous-Wanda" but I figured I needed some sort of drama there haha. 

Have a great rest of your day/afternoon/evening wherever you are in the world <3

Peace, love, & happy days!


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