Chapter 12.1--Natasha

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Twas the day before Christmas and I still could not believe I was engaged. I was engaged to Steve Rogers. I had a fiancee. Again. But this time, I was going to marry a man I truly loved and cared about and who cared about me. I never expected this to happen.

Clint and his family had invited the group to spend Christmas with them. We were coming over on December 24th to help with preparations.

As I packed my weekend bag for Clint's place, my ring glistened in the sunlight that was streaming through the windows. I took a break, briefly sitting on the bed to admire my ring. I felt like I was living in a dream. Clint had been away from the compound when we got engaged, so this was going to be the big reveal. I knew he'd want to know but I thought what better way to announce our engagement than at Christmas?

I stood up and finished packing. A few minutes later, Steve came into the room, his feet making the floor squeak.

"Hey," he said, snaking his arms around my middle and kissing my neck.

"Hi." I turned to face him, pulling his body close to mine.

"Are you packed?" he asked. "We're leaving in twenty minutes."

I nodded. "For the most part. There is one thing I need your help with though."

"Oh? What's that?" he asked.

I smiled mischievously and opened my shirt--which was really Steve's shirt--revealing a red and green corset top. "Will you help me out of this? I need to change before we leave and I can't reach the ties."

Steve smirked. He knew full well that I could, in fact, reach the ties. "Sure thing." He left my embrace briefly and locked the door to our room.

* * * * * * * * * * * *

Exactly twenty minutes later, we were all piled into Tony's car on the way to Clint's house. When we got there, I kept my gloves on so that I could keep my secret a little longer. Tony rang the doorbell and a beat later, three children answered it.

"Auntie Nat! Auntie Nat!" the little girl, Lila, squealed, running up to hug my legs.

I laughed. "Hey, kiddo. Have you been behaving yourself?"

She nodded, her hair bobbing up and down on her shoulders. "Uh huh. I'm excited for Santa!"

"Me too," Steve jumped in. I bumped him with my hip.

"Uncle Steve! Come see my stocking!" Cooper grabbed Steve's leg and started pulling him toward the tree.

"Daddy says you and Uncle Steve are dating," Lila said.

I crouched down next to her. "Well, your dad is right." I looked around. "You wanna know a secret?"

Lila's eyes went wide and she nodded. I pulled off the glove on my left hand and showed her my ring.

Lila gasped. "You have a ring! Auntie Nat, does that mean you're engaged?"

"It sure does. But remember, you have to keep this a secret. At least for now, ok? Can you do that?"

Lila nodded and ran into the other room to where Laura was serving snacks. "Auntie Nat is engaged!"

I laughed. So much for keeping secrets.

Clint, who had been helping out with Nathaniel, stood up from beside the playpen. "Well, well. When did this happen?"

Steve came to stand by my side. "December 12th was our six month anniversary. So I decided that was the best time to pop the question."

"So I'm the last to know? Your best friend?" Clint teased.

"Um, I think I'm her best friend," Emery argued, winking at me as I laughed.

"You might be, but I've known her longer. I recruited her for the team," Clint protested.

"Ok, ok. Enough about that! You're both my best friends." I turned to Clint. "I should've told you sooner, but I also wanted it to be a surprise. This one was supposed to keep it a secret." I ruffled Lila's hair as she climbed into my lap.

"Sorry, Auntie Nat. But daddy told me to tell him if you told me you were engaged. He said Santa would give me an extra present if I did," Lila told us.

Laura glared at her husband. "You bribed our daughter so she'd tell you when your best friend got engaged?"

Clint put up his hands in defense. "It was an honest bribe!"

"So you knew Steve was gonna propose?" I asked. I was secretly pleased. I knew Clint wanted the best for me and he'd always been so genuine and supportive about my relationship with Steve.

Clint nodded. "Yeah. He asked for my permission weeks ago."

I leaned over and kissed Steve. "You sneaky fox. You asked for his permission?"

Steve smiled. "I know Clint is the one person who you trust the most out of anyone. I thought it would be best. He's always looked out for you."

"Thank you," I told him. "You really are the greatest." I kissed him again and this time Lila covered her eyes.

"Ew!" she squealed.

We all laughed and enjoyed the rest of the day and evening together. After dinner, Laura put the kids down and the rest of us gathered in front of the tree with glasses of wine.

"So we have a surprise for all of you," Laura announced. She and Clint passed around wrapped boxes with our names on them. "Clint and I wanted everyone to be sort of matching on Christmas morning. It's a family tradition, and we think of all of you as family."

"Thanks, both of you," Pepper said. "That means a lot."

We each opened our boxes. I pulled out a matching pajama set that had my signature symbol on it. On the back, it said: I am Natasha Romanoff. I didn't quite get it until Steve opened his box and pulled out a similar set. His had a shield symbol printed on the shirt and the back read: If found, please return to Natasha Romanoff. Below that, it read: I am Steve Rogers.

Pepper and Tony each had a similar experience. With shirts reading: I am Pepper Potts-Stark and If found, please return to Pepper Potts-Stark.

The rest of the group opened their boxes and each pulled out matching sets as well. Each one had been personalized to the person and included a few more if found jokes. Sam and Bucky had shirts that read: If found, please return to Steve Rogers. Keep at least 6 feet away from Bucky/Keep at least 6 feet away from Sam. They both laughed at that.

"This is pretty awesome," I said. "Thanks again, both of you."

Laura and Clint smiled.

"Our pleasure," Laura said. She yawned. "Well, I think it's time to get some sleep before the kids wake up."

"Yeah, I think we're gonna turn in, too," I agreed, pulling Steve to his feet.

"We are?"

I raised an eyebrow.

He smirked. "Oh, right. See you in the morning!"

Once in our room, Steve and I got changed for bed. We had agreed to wear our new pajama sets in the morning.

I curled up next to him under the blankets and closed my eyes. "Our first Christmas together."

Steve rubbed circles on a bare sliver of skin on my stomach. "It's gonna be a great one. You're gonna love my present."

I turned to face him. "So are you." I kissed him. He held me and turned to flip us so he was on top, kissing me harder and running his fingers through my hair.

I smirked. "An early start to Christmas?"

Steve laughed. "Well, it is after midnight." He kissed me again. "Merry Christmas, Nat."


A/N: Would anyone like to see a bonus chapter from a different POV? If so, which character would you like me to write a section from? Hope you enjoyed this part! Please vote and comment if you did :)


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