Chapter 5.4--Natasha

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When I woke up the following morning, I had quite a handful of messages:

Steve: Morning, hope you slept well xo

Wanda: Pepper just told me. Is it true??

Tony: Team meeting NOW.

Pepper: Tell me this isn't real. [video attachment]

Half asleep and beyond confused, I stared at Pepper's message. As soon as I hit play on the video, cringing at the possibilities, I understood what had happened.

"Shit," I cursed as I watched the replay of Bucky and I kissing the night before. Wow, it really does look more intense than it felt.

I sent Pepper a quick text back: it's not what it looks like, I'll explain downstairs.

Then I proceeded to reply to everyone else, my heart fluttering when Steve immediately responded to my reply.

Two more texts came in while I changed for the day:

Sam: Nat, you got some explaining to do. Really? Bucky?

Bucky: SOS

I didn't need any more context—I knew I had to set the record straight. For everyone. I quickly sent a text back to Sam: it's not as bad as it seems, before hightailing it to the elevator.

With my luck—or lack thereof—the elevator stopped on Sam's floor and Pepper's floor. They both regarded me carefully.

"I'm gonna explain," I said, trying to break the uncomfortable silence that was building between us.

"I still can't believe you did that," Pepper muttered.

I glanced at Sam, who shrugged.

"I'm hoping you have an explanation," he said. "I'd like to believe you wouldn't do anything to hurt Steve."

"I do have an explanation and I would never do anything to hurt Steve," I said. "In my defense, I didn't know we were being filmed."

Pepper scoffed. "That's not an excuse to have kissed him."

"I know."

"Does Steve know?" Pepper asked.

I nodded. "I told him last night. But I don't know if he's seen the video."

After the elevator doors opened on the main level, we found Clint interrogating Bucky.

Oh boy.

Clint briefly stopped his interrogation when his eyes landed on me.

"You wanna tell us why you and Bucky were together last night?" Clint asked.

"I told you, we were having dinner," Bucky answered for me. He pleaded with his eyes: help me. 

"Clint, lay off, will you? Where is the rule that states two friends can't go out to dinner? Just drop it." I said.


"Clint, seriously, I said drop it." I glared at him. That's when I realized it wasn't just Sam and Pepper who'd seen the video. They'd all seen the video. The entire video.

"Alright, let me set the record straight for everyone. Bucky and I went to dinner as friends last night. That is all there is to it. We didn't know we were being filmed and we sure as hell didn't expect...well, the kiss was just part of the cover," I said.

Pepper and Sam exchanged glances.

"It's not her fault," Bucky said, trying to help pacify the group. "And it's not mine either. It didn't mean anything. Why is this such a big deal?"

"You don't just go around kissing your teammates," Clint said.

I glared at him. How dare he? After how good he was about me and Steve... "Enough, Clint."

Steve, who decided to pick that moment to finally show up, stopped abruptly in the hall when he saw us all in a standoff.

"What's going on here?" he asked.

"Clint saw the video of Bucky and Nat. He's giving them a hard time about it," Tony said. "I just wanna see who's gonna win the argument."

I rolled my eyes. "Tony, you are not helping."

Steve stood between me and Clint. "Barton. Back off, ok? It didn't mean anything"

Clint stepped away. "Alright, fine." He poked a finger at Bucky. "Don't use her."

"I would never," Bucky said.

I let out a breath I didn't know I'd been holding. "Thanks, Steve."

"Man, who knew that one kiss could make such a fuss," Bucky muttered, shaking his head.

Steve and I shared a look. If only he knew the half of it.

* * * * * * * * * * * * *

Tony made Clint take the day off to cool down. He was the only one more upset than Steve had been about the whole 'me and Bucky' situation. And out of the two, Steve was the only one I expected to be upset. Not including Pepper, who I knew was only upset because of the alleged flirting that had gone on between me and Bucky. But that was a different issue.

As the group dispersed after breakfast, Bucky caught my eye.

"Nat, I want to apologize for last night," he started to say.

"Buck, it's ok. We didn't know any of that was gonna happen. And Clint will get over it. He's just... super protective of me."

He shook his head."That's not what I was talking about." He pulled me to the side so no one could hear us. "I'm talking about what almost happened here after the kiss. I shouldn't have assumed anything. I know how you operate, and I don't want to overstep. I should know that I'm trying to keep my feelings in check—"

I stopped him with my fingers to his lips again. "Bucky, it's ok. I should've told you that I was seeing someone before we went out for dinner."

"Nat, I'm serious about this. Maybe Clint was right. Maybe we shouldn't have gone out."

I tipped my head back and closed my eyes. "Bucky, listen to me. This isn't your fault. If anything, it's my fault."

"Nat, you don't—"

"Yes, I do. I should've anticipated a reaction like this."

The corners of his mouth twitched into a smile. "I forgot how stubborn you are."

I laughed, then changing the subject, said, "Listen, today I need to find out more about Kristina. You think you can help me dig up some stuff on her?"

Bucky nodded. "Sure thing. And we're meeting with Emery later, right?"


*    *    *    *    *    *    *    *    *    *    *    *    *

We met up with Emery at the coffee shop a little while later. She hugged me then immediately dragged me to the side away from the guys.

"Nat, he's really cute," she gushed, jutting her chin out toward Bucky.

"Aren't you supposed to be in a 'relationship' with A?" I asked, using our code for Alexei.

"Technically. But things are sort of strange right now. I can't really talk about it here. You know, protocol and everything."

"Why don't we go out for drinks tonight? We can talk about it then," I suggested.

"Only if I can crash with you after," she said.

I laughed. "Deal."

We went back to the guys and ordered our drinks. I glanced over at Bucky occasionally, but he didn't give me any sign of whether or not Emery was the person from the memory file.

Bucky finally turned to me when Emery went to get a refill.

"It's not her," he whispered.

I nodded. "Then we still need to be on alert. Are you gonna see what you can find out about Kristina?"

"Yeah. Steve said he'd help me."

At the sound of his name, Steve looked up at us. "What am I helping with?"

"Finding Kristina," I said. "We think she may be the one—" I lowered my voice "—impersonating me."

"Right, I did agree to that." He glanced up as Emery started back toward the table. "You might want to ask Emery to help you. If this Kristina person has any connection to Ale—I mean, A, she might know something."

I sipped my coffee. "I'll talk to her about it later. We're going out for drinks tonight anyway. But for now, you two should see if you can find anything helpful."

We finished our coffee outing with some more small talk then got ready to leave.

"It was really nice meeting you, Bucky," Emery said, touching his shoulder lightly, as we split up at our cars.

He smiled and gave her a small salute. "Same to you."

"I'll stop by the compound to pick you up for drinks later," Emery said to me.

I nodded. "See you tonight."

As we drove back to the compound, we discussed the events of the afternoon.

"So what do you think?" I asked, directing my question more to Bucky than to Steve.

"Well, like I said before, she is not the same person from the memory file. But I still think we need to keep an eye on her." He caught my eye through the rearview mirror. "I know you said you weren't going to let her stay at the compound while I'm in town, but I think it could help."

I nodded and clicked my turn signal on. "I'll talk to her about staying with us at least for a couple of days. I think she'll enjoy that."

"What makes you say that?"

I smirked. "Oh, I don't know—the way you were flirting with her back there? It couldn't hurt for you to get close to her."

"I'll do my best, but I still don't know if I trust her—even if she's not who we thought. Plus, if she and Alexei are still together, I don't want to piss him off twice in the same way. And for the record, that was not flirting."

I snorted. "Whatever you say, Romeo."

* * * * * * * * * * * * *

For drinks that night, we drove to our favorite bar on the edge of town. It was never super crowded and we always had a good time dancing or playing pool. Sometimes we'd even sing karaoke—not that I'd ever admit that to the team. They'd never let me live that down, especially Tony.

"So, update me," I said to Emery when our drinks arrived.

"Well, Bucky asked me out," she replied, taking a long sip of her frozen margarita.

"Wait, really?" I thought back to our conversation earlier and how hesitant Bucky was to trust her despite the flirting.

Emery nodded. "Nothing too crazy. He doesn't want to go anywhere public that A could find us. In fact, I think we're doing what you and Steve did on your first date—you know, dinner and a movie at the compound. Hopefully falling asleep together on the couch afterwards with maybe a kiss goodbye in the morning." There was a faraway look in her eyes as she spoke.

"He's a good kisser," I found myself saying. Then I pushed my glass a little closer to the center of the table. "Woah, is it just me or are these really strong tonight?" I'd only had a few sips.

"I bet he is," Emery sighed. She sat up straighter in her chair. "Ok, quiz time. Who's the better kisser? Steve or Bucky?"

I laughed. "I feel like that's a trap."

"C'mon just answer. I swear we'll still be friends no matter what you say."

"Well, I don't know. They both satisfy different needs."

Emery raised an eyebrow. "How so?"

I chewed on my straw. "Steve is more...he's gentle. He takes his time to ease into the kiss, but once he's comfortable...mmm. It's pretty hot."

"What about Bucky?"

"He tends to get more right into it, but in a good way. When he knows what he wants, he goes for it—considering what you want too, of course—but it's pretty intense at times. And he uses a lot more tongue."

Emery giggled, the alcohol clearly already kicking in for her as well. "Well then. I think I scored a good one."

"You certainly did. But, Em—what about A? I mean, he's your cover, right? You can't exactly go out with other guys."

She nodded, swirling her straw around her drink. "Things are a bit complicated with A right now."

"How so?"

She looked around nervously. "Look, I know I said, we'd talk about him but it is sensitive information. Do you think we can talk about him tonight at the compound?"

I nodded. "Of course."

We hung out at the bar for a while longer and I beat Emery in a game of pool before we left. When we got back, it was still early enough that some of the team was watching a movie on the main floor.

"So, about what you asked at the bar," Emery said, "about how Bucky and I would work since my cover is with Alexei. The truth is...well, Alexei—he's sort of gone."

"Gone?" I echoed.

She nodded, grabbing a water from the kitchen before we went upstairs. Once we were upstairs, she handed me a small piece of paper. "This was on my kitchen table a few days ago."

One phrase was written on it in messy handwriting:

KS has what you want. 1461 Crimson Peak Rd, Apt 12


"Oh my God," I mused. "Em, do you know what this means?"

She nodded. "It looks like whoever this Kristina is, she's the mastermind."

"Yeah, but why? Alexei always did his own dirty work." I thought about the memory file Bucky had shown me.

"I don't know," Emery said. "Wha—I mean, do you think he could be manipulating us? This smells like a trap. What if he knows I'm onto him?"

"If he knew, we wouldn't be having this conversation," I told her.

"That's true." she shuddered. "We still don't know why he went after you given that so much time has passed."

"Right. But KS—or I'm assuming Kristina Sokolov—has some sort of power here. And if I had to bet, she's the one who's running around with my face. Tony and Peter are looking for a connection but if I'm right, the device Alexei used on me extracted part of my DNA when it inserted the tracker. That's why Peter's analysis came back with two sets of DNA."

"So where do we go from here?" Emery asked.

I sighed. "We go with our only lead: finding Kristina Sokolov. Do you still have a key to Alexei's apartment?"

I sighed. "We go with our only lead: finding Kristina Sokolov. Do you still have a key to Alexei's apartment?"

Emery nodded, kicking off her heels.

"Tomorrow. We'll go before the team wakes up." I found it almost too easy that we had both an address and a key.

"I have the address, so I'll drive. What exactly are we looking for?"

"Anything that'll help us incriminate him," I said. "And anything else that might lead us to Kristina."

"I'll set an alarm," Emery said.


A/N: The GIF is Seb in Gossip Girl with Blake Lively (😍). GIF from Pinterest. Please vote & comment if you enjoyed!


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