Chapter 10 - Tick-tock

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"Olvy" Jigxie's voice echoed and Olivia's eyes began opening slowly.

"Hey Olvy!!"


"Times to wake up beautiful"

"Oh shit, how long I've been sleeping here for?"

"Not for long just about 10 minutes or some," Completed Axell

They gathered themselves together around Leah during her little speech to tell them that the Sculpture was nothing but I sculpture, that it was all prank stuff.

Jigxie approached Olivia and she began talking to her.

"I don't think that it's a prank, we shouldn't play about that," said Jigxie

"They should have known that by now especially when it's something that came from Ludmilla, "

Jigxie crosses her arms and makes that confused face while asking " What do you mean by especially when it's something that came from her?"

"I think she knows more than we thought!!" Suddenly she turned to look at Jigxie and she continued, "I think she's been having these kinds of dreams right before we did."

Jigxie wasn't expecting to hear that so she was surprised and turned her glare away from Olivia and began looking at Ludmilla, surprisingly Ludmilla eyes were already on her so both of their eyes met.


"Okay guys, all of this was also an act so I can get rid of them and have the space for ourselves" Affirmed Leah

"Thanks for tagging along dear!!" she said to Ludmilla

"So what's next?" asked Ethan

"Thanks for asking Ethan but one thing I learned from my mother is something she said to me a long time ago, 'If in your dream you saw something reacted to you as if they knew you were dreaming especially in a lucid dream when you also aware that it's a dream, don't take it for granted' so that's what we are going to do, act upon it."

"So what are your suggestions? cause we still can't find anything about it as if it's never existed," says Olivia

"Perhaps it's never existed before but now it is!" affirmed Devonte

"Okay, I got an idea," stated Axell

"If it's chosen to appear now it is sure that someone else apart from Ludmilla stumbled upon it before,"

"True but what are you trying to say Axell," said Jigxie

"So what I'm trying to say is that since I am the only one who's aware that we are training -"

"What do you mean by you're the only one? I know exactly it is training" Marty interrupted him to say

"Just let me finish Marty- I know that you all know but you guys never had a trainer appear in front of you and make it clear that you're being trained so far but me,"

"He got a point," Confirmed Ethan

"So my idea is to go to sleep right now and question my trainer about that thing, he said he will always answer my questions but with some conditions,"

"What are those conditions exactly? is it something dangerous?" Olivia asked

"Don't worry it's just something related to training nothing more."

"But how will you sleep so fast? we all know that it's impossible to easily fall asleep after a little insomnia incident without you knowing what I mean?" Added Olivia

"I might have a solution for that, I asked Doc Mech to work on a little device that will allow you guys to sleep without taking this pill, which will decrease the risk of you behind drugs -I hate the thought of it.

So yeah, that's exactly what he did, it's not a hundred percent done it's just a prototype thought" exclaimed Leah

"Where is it," asked Devonte

"In my room, let me ask Jackson to bring it for us here, just give me a second."

She went into a corner opened her iPod and communicated something to Jackson.

A few minutes later Jackson came into the room with a black box, he opened it and handed the device to Leah.

How does that work exactly" asked Devonte

"Okay, the person going to put it on, and when the person is in a comfortable position, he's going to use his finger to press the buttons at the same time to activate it, it usually takes 8 or 10 minutes before falling asleep" explained Leah

"How did you know that?" asked Olivia

"Dr. Mech tried it on a patient and why do you think this was in my room for?"

Olivia shrugged.

"I've been using it for the past 2 days to fall asleep quicker, I'm a bit impatient when it comes to my sleep time, especially after a tiring and long day" she continued

They smirked.

"Thanks, Jackson, is everything under control?"

"Affirmative, ma'am!!"


"Okay Axell let's try your plan out and see if it could work," said Leah

"Definitely, but how are we going to do that?"

"Easy, please Jackson help me put this couch in the middle of the room," asked Devonte and Jackson did as he asked which was helping him to put the couch in the middle of the room.


While they were in the process they started a conversation.

"Are you okay bud? You know you can always send me a distress sign and I'll be there to save you in 1, 2, 3" he suggested while his eyes were on Leah.

Jackson looks at him and he glances at Leah, he smirks and replies "I told you that already Dad, I don't need saving 'cause I'm highly capable of saving myself!"

"I know, you are the strongest person I have ever known so I am aware of that" responded Devonte "But just in case you have something on your chest you wanna digest, I'm here, I'll always be here!!"

He looked at his dad with passion and then he nodded.


"You're going to lay down on this couch and use two of your fingers to press and then if they turn blue that means you are asleep" added Leah

Then they put the device in Axel's head and he lay down on the couch, Olivia and Leo approached him, she held his hand and she asked him.

"Are you sure you want to do this? Cause we can always find another way, you know?"

"That's exactly what I am afraid of Liv, there is no other way" he started

"Okay, but we will stay here with you till you wake up," said Olivia

"You got this buddy!!" added Leo

"Now whenever you are ready," said Leah

"Okay, I'm ready," he said while he bent his right arm, closing his first and pointing out his index and middle finger but just before he touched the buttons he tilted his face toward Olivia and said

"Please don't let go"

"Never" she replied and then he turned his head to normal and pressed the buttons and 7 minutes later he fell asleep.


Ethan seeing them holding hands, glanced at Marty right next to him, and he smirked

"What?" asked Marty

"There is a lot of tension in this room, right now- ouuf, it suddenly getting hot!"

"Just shut the fuck up, Ethan"

"Hahaha" laughed Ethan

While on the other side was Jigxie approaching Ludmilla slowly looking for a conversation with her for the first time since they had been here in this orphanage

"Hey, Supp?"

She looks at Jigxie in a way and then he puts her gaze away.

But Jigxie still did not give up as she was trying to get that conversation one way or another.

"I never realized how beautiful you were with bangs, plus that half-and-half color is everything!!!" she scoffed then added" And they called me Emo, can you believe that?"

She made a brusk turn so she could face her and started making hands signed "Stop with the flattery Jigxie, I know you want to ask me something so just come straight to the point"

"So I can't come to you and tell you what I'm thinking now?" asked Jigxie

"I never opened my mouth to say that"

Scoffs "Oh the irony" rambled Jigxie and that made Ludmilla laugh

"Well, what I tried to say is that you never approached me before even tho I wanted you to, so why now?" replies Ludmilla

"Have you been having a crush on me secretly or something?"

"No, what?- what I meant is that I wanted to be your friend since I never or couldn't make any friends in here- only Axell, he is so easy to talk to but we never really hang out, only when he came to see Mama Leah on Class X so-" stated Ludmilla

"I know, he is for sure but I swear I didn't know you were trying to be my friend cause I never said no to a new friend and I'm sorry but I never see you around that much, only with Mama Leah or the art room" Exclaimed Jigxie

"It's because I'm shy, you can see that right now"

She glanced at her, looking through her eyes for a long period and she replied "No, I'm afraid I don't" rambled Jigxie

"What did you see then?"

"A beautiful and royal young lady who is afraid to go after what she wants, scared of failure, of rejection no matter how deep she wants it" Jigxie stated

"And, what is that I want exactly?"

"I - I don't know, I let you figure this out yourself"

"Okay, fair enough, and what pushed you to talk to me exactly? What do you want from me?" asked Ludmilla

"Not much but just a question, you can see things that we can't see, right? So how does that end for us? Are we going to be able to compete with these monsters?"

"I guess I do but only the most irrelevant things that are potentially a treat to the dream realm and the dream real show me in other for us to get ready or investigate about it

And most of the time when I dreamed of something I always forgot them when I woke up like someone or something was blocking them from me" responded Ludmilla "But what I can tell you is that we are destined for something greater and also these things are very dangerous"

"Okay, I guess we got to wait for Axell to wake up for us to truly have more info on what are they capable of" suggested Jigxie

"I liked the way you did your hair too!!!" Complimented Ludmilla back

Jigxie smiles and says "Thanks!!"


Olivia put her head up to look at Axell as she began to feel something was wrong, he glanced at him on the couch and saw water coming out of his eyes while they were still close, and his temperature was dropping.

She wasn't the only one feeling that so was Leo, his hand was on one of Olivia's shoulders, Squatting in front of the couch so as soon as he saw the water in Axell's eyes he pressed his grip on Olivia so hard that Olivia feels the need to look up and glance at him so he let go of her.

Olivia never let go of Axell since he fell asleep now she felt that he might need her she wasn't thinking of going to let go now not anytime soon instead she grabbed that one hand with both of her hands now she closed her eyes while whispering

"Come on Axell, I know that you are stronger than you think so come on,"


A few minutes later she was no longer in the real world but she was in the dream realm, and when she turned her head she saw Axell on the ground suffering from pain and injuries, claw marks were all over him including his face, and shockingly appeared no one other than Lady Death herself.

She was with a black cloak with a hood on covering her head, and black wings while holding the Scyth with her right hand, and in her left hand was an hourglass with three chains attached to it as a handle, she was looking at him on the ground near death.

Olivia saw that so she ran as fast as she could and got between them.

"I told You to stay the fuck away from him"

"I heard you but I still didn't see you make any progress about our deal, this is just a quick notice, I will do my part of the bargain so you better do yours!!"

"Okay, just give me some time that's all I asked for,"

"You got 16 more hours, it's a see you soon not a goodbye child," said Death right before she disappeared out of nowhere like she came.

Olivia dropped beside Axell she held his hands, closed her eyes, and started saying "Come on Axell, I know that you are stronger than you think, so come on" She also repeated it in the real world

Minutes later Axell began to heal when she was sure that he was completely out of danger she let go of him in the dream realm and then just like that she was awake and she was still holding him as he asked her but thighter this time.

15 hours later...

Everything was back to normal and they were like their usual old selves once again.

Marty was talking with his friends in the long hallway but except this time he wasn't only with 2 but 3 friends since he introduced Ethan to them now.

"Who is he?" asks Matthew

"This is Ethan one of the newest come to this Orphanage, he is slowly becoming my brother and now I want you two to embrace him and consider him as the same"

He turned towards Ethan and added " Ethan this is Igor and Matthew, my best friend who I considered as actual brothers-this title which you are going to have to wait for the right time for us to call you that"

"Okay, what should I do for you guys to call me that?"

"It's not like by doing something we ask of you which going to make us do it just like that, but you are going to do so by saying the truth to us every time, no secret between us"

"Okay, I got it"

"And by also ready to have your bros back in the right moment and the bad ones and that's how it's done, respect is earned not given!!"

"Is there a ritual or ceremony for that? Like putting my hands on a Bible while saying yes I will"

"Hahaha, I like him already- we have the same sense of humor," said Matthew

"Welcome to team Ethan, you are exactly what we were missing!!"

"I appreciate you, Igor!!"

"Now let's go to the canteen and have some food, I could eat a cow" stated Marty

"Do you guys remember about that skinny ass bich goes by Helda?" asked Matthew

"Yes the sexy hawk" continues Marty

They started laughing and their voice faded away.

Then just like that, they went through a doorway to get to where they wanted to go.

In the other part of the Orphanage were Leo, Jugxie, and Axell on top of the wall looking outside of the orphanage that seems to be deserted through a microscope.

Jigxie was the one looking through it, to be honest, and the boys were just standing behind her.

"I got to go outside and begin to investigate what happened there"

"It's not a crime scene Leo, it's just a deserted land out of nowhere where they keeping us safe away from everything so there is nothing to investigate about" Barked Axell

"Well, wouldn't it be nice to know there are at least?"

"Yeah, but I'm pretty sure we are in the middle of a desert"

"Yeah, it's the Sahara, Kalahari, Thar, or Mojave which one?"

"I got a better idea, I think we should break out and see for ourselves" suggested Jigxie

"What?" they turned to her and said at the same time

"I have perhaps never agreed with everything Leo said but about this one, I pretty much agree with him"

"It's because sometimes I'm just trying to joke around but I can't say the same for her, she sounds dead serious"

"I am!!" she Affirmed

"Girl, are you out of your mind?- Broke out and go where?" Rambled Leo

"Go outside and investigate as you suggested and come back here, they don't even have to know"

"Yeah, she lost it" added Leo

"Well, it's not like she going to let us out anytime soon as she kept saying- and I also have a theory that when we turned 18 they are going to put us in the HU squad which you're also confirmed that isn't the kind of Squad we thought it was but they were The dream realm soldier,

So my theory is that the Premium is their actual HQ

We never saw inside of it, do we know what this level looks like? No!! So-"

"Strong theory and better than any I heard about the premium" stated Axell "If it turns out to be true we are going to try to consider your plan, listen carefully, try to but it's not something we're sure of"

"Yeah, let us think about it" continues Leo

"Okay, whatever-I'm bored" screamed Jigxie

Somewhere else in the art room where Ludmilla drawing white her headphones on with Max and then not too far away was Olivia in a History class.

"Antoinette Delfort is the closest we can hear to something called Vengence.

When she saw she wasn't about to find revenge for all her family by herself she killed herself after she heard that the person she thought was the man behind the Death of his family was assassinated by someone else other than her.

Now the question is why would she do that? Is she going to accomplish in death what she couldn't accomplish in the living world? Who knows?

But one thing is for sure she will stay as one of the most intriguing and fierce people in History, you guys should consider reading the story about her." The teacher Explained, who was a male.

Olivia writes the name on her notebook in capital letters and puts two traces under the name.

"Okay, my assignment for you is to find all you can find about her- her age? where she was born? who her mother and father were? and did she have any children? all you can find on her, thank you!!"

The bell rang, and she got up and grabbed her bag put her book and notebook in, then she left the classroom.

Arriving halfway in the hallway she saw them coming from 4 different directions, coming running to her.

"Hey, hey Olivia we need to talk, now," said Ethan out of breath

"Okay, okay, calm down now-What is going on?"

"Let's say that your sworn enemy keeps appearing to us and it's freaking us out" repeated Marthy

"What do you mean by my sworn enemy? I don't have any enemies so why should I have a sworn one now?"

"Are you sure about that?" asked Ludmilla

"They are talking about the one you made the deal with, Death!!" exclaimed Leo

"I was right to freak out at first turn out I was right all along she is scarier than we thought" added Ethan


Flashback of them being in the restroom.

"Ethan, is there any particular girl you are interested in please not her, I know you have a thing for her already?"

"Who are you guys talking about?" asked Igor

"Do we know her? Added Matthew

"Ethan knows exactly who I am talking about? And I don't want to put his secret out?" continued Marty

"Come on now, you know that isn't true"

"Yes it is, you were even Jealous when you saw her with him!!"

"It's not her, it's him who interested me- No, no, no it's not that way-"

"So I was right, you really hate him just like us" mumbled Marty

"Think about it however you want" exclaimed Ethan

"I think I know who you guys are talking about" exclaimed Matthew

"Yeah, yeah, it's him but don't say it, the walls have ears" barked Marty

Ethan finished peeing so he left the others and went to wash his hands, his eyes fell on the mirror and he saw a figure pop up and whispered "Tick-tock" so he screamed, and the figure in the mirror seemed to scream too.

They ran away and the face of Lady Death appeared laughing at them running away from her and then she got back inside the mirror.

"Did you see her too?" asked Ethan

"Duh, why do you think we all ram away" said Matthew


"Wait, hold on- I thought it was something about dreaming, why would she attack us in broad daylight, in the real world?" Olivia mumbled

"V this is of Death we are talking about, Death doesn't want a specific place to do all of this, she is everywhere- now this is not a drill we need to take her seriously" Affirmed Axell

"You've got 16 more hours, this is a see you soon not a goodbye child" She had a quick flashback of her saying.

"Shit, she was dead serious" whispered Olivia

"Duh," said Jigxie

"Where did you guys see her?"

"In the restroom's mirror, Olivia!! so now what do we do? I can't stay here and be haunted by death compting my time before I die" responded Ethan

"Just follow me, I got my ideas but we need to talk to Mama Leah and Devonte first," she said while heading to get to the elevator to level X to Mama Leah's room

While coming out of her room she bumps into them.

"Hey, why all of you is here? What is wrong?"

"Mama Leah, we need to talk" suggested Olivia

"That's exactly what I was hoping for, why do the people in here keep saying they saw death knocking at their doors? - what did you guys do?"

"It's not them but me alone- I perhaps dream of going back in time and saving someone that I shouldn't saved because of that I sort of made a deal with Death herself."


"Don't worry I can fix that, do you know the 3 legendary brothers' story by any chance?"

"Yes, I do, what is the rapport this story has to do with doing a deal with a dangerous force like that young lady? A force which we don't even know anything about,"

"I know, I'm sorry to put all of you guys' lives in danger believe me I did not mean to-but yeah my deal with her is to find the real culprit of that story and she'll leave us alone"

"I know all of the story but I'm afraid there was no culprit at least they didn't find any but I will tell you the story so you can have a better understanding"

"No, we don't have time to listen to the real story, we only have 12 hours"

"So what are you suggesting?"

"We need to go out and investigate ourselves"

"No chance."

"Well, Mama Leah you got to trust us and know that we can manage to live by ourselves since you and Devonte won't be there forever, no offense, and that we won't stay as a teenager forever either"

"None was taken," she sighed "I'm afraid you are right, and it's about time for you guys to go outside, and see it as it is, like I promise"

"So what are you learning to do to give me a chance to make up for my mistake? please mama Leah?"

"We don't have a choice, do we? So I will let you guys get outside and do what has to be done"


"But some of the HU squad got to come with you, there is no way I'll let you go by you guys selves"

She opened her mouth to say something but Axell and Leo were a few inches behind her while the other was far away so Axell approached them and interrupted her to say "Of course we accepted but they gotta stay miles away, we don't want anyone thinking that it is an interrogation, do we?"

"No, it's gotta be like we are doing research for an assignment" suggested Leo

Mama Leah looked at Olivia and she looked at Mama Leah then she nodded, signed that she agreed with them.

"Okay then, we have an agreement so get ready to be in Rig Valley in an hour" stated Mama Leah, and then she left them, letting all three of them join the rest and let them know the good news.

"What's new?" asked Marthy as soon as they got to them

"We are free to go outside to do an investigation and find the real culprits to the 3 legendary brothers' story" replied Olivia

"Yes, yes, yes"

They started cheering as soon they heard to word outside

"So we have to get ready we're getting out in 1 hour- and just so you know the HU squad is tagging along"

"No, no, no" replied Marty


Moments later they were in one of the HU squad deployment automobiles outside of the Orphanage gate adventuring in the outside world.

Their smiles expressed their contentment to finally be able to see what they dreamed so much of seeing, they saw so many kinds of animals, so many kinds of structures, so many kinds of plants, and so many kinds of places, and when they were about to enter the Rig Valley, they started seeing so many kinds of people and that how something tell them that they weren't dreaming anymore and that's was the real world.

Jackson told the other members of the squads to stay outside the Valley so no one could ever suspect anything and he would drive the children to the valley in a normal white car, a Cadillac XT6.

That's what he did, he drove them there and then the rest was up to them.

"Jackson you can stay there in the car and we will take care of the rest" ordered Olivia

"Okay, but each of you takes a radio and let me know of anything wrong."

"Copy that sir!" added Axell

"So where do we start?" asked Jigxie

Ludmilla points at a clothing shop

"Yes where Ludmilla pointed at, I believe this was the little brother's shop, you'll find things with only his label" rambled Olivia

"Okay let's do this before it's too late, Leo it's your time to shine, make us proud" Said Axell

He nodded and they entered the clothing shop except for Axell who stayed outside to investigate the neighborhood, so each went their separate way to find a clue but Olivia and Leo went to the old lady at the front desk.

"Hey, My name is Leo, and my colleague right here is Olivia"

"Nice to meet you I am Osana, so what's bringing you here?"

"We've been seeing this beautiful label everywhere in almost everything but what makes us come here is the new handbag I saw, wow it is-" explained Olivia

"Out of this world, ain't it? This my dear is the new Generation it just came out a few months ago- just follow me and I'll show you where to find it"

When they heard of new-gen they looked at each other.

"Isn't the one brother who was the owner and artist behind these works died 25 years ago? so who put this new gen out?"

"Oh- I meant so you know it's not new as you think but what I'm trying to say is that we've hired someone talented to update this particular Handbag in honor of the Fenhg brothers' memories" she stated "Cause this is the month they all died so that makes them 26 since they died may they rest in peace"

"May they rest in peace," they said together

"Now, please allow me to show you" Osana

On the other side, Marty and Ethan were fighting for their lives, running like crazy where every single step they made something tall, big, and fragile fell behind them.

Like that big square pole made of mirror, that little kid strumbled hit it but his dad held it in time so it couldn't fall, there was something on top of it made of concrete that fell direction of Ethan fortunately with his quick reflex he survived that dangerous moment.

The Dad and the kid apologized to both of these gentlemen for that incident and when the family was making their way to another section, the pole they thought was safe came falling at light speed direction the two young gentlemen, they ran straight as fast as they could, looking for where that section has a cut so they can escape and get out of there.

The longer they were running the further the only cut they saw seemed to be, it was to the end of the section they were.

They increased their speed when their eyes finally caught the cut.

Ran, ran, and ran when they finally arrived at the end to enter the cut Marty slipped almost falling and blocking Ethan's way but fortunately, Ethan who already analyzed the situation, saw all the outcomes so he did not think twice, he jumped to the right side pushing Marty into the cut I'm the process to the doorway and then the tall and big pole made the collision with the floor, pieces of mirror went flying all direction and was all over the floor.

Ethan quickly stood and realized how they were almost losing their life but shockingly while he was staring at the mirror pieces on the ground he saw someone in a black cloak appear through it.

He did not wait any longer but grabbed Marty and said "Let's get out of here"

The voices repeat several times behind them with the sound of a clock.




5000 words count
******. .*******

What do you guys think of this chapter?

Are we going to finally see what some of them are capable of, and what kind of power they have?

How would you react if you saw the Grim Reaper in person?

Comments, Votes and leave a follow. I would appreciate that, thank you!!!

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