Chapter 19 - Everlasting Night

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After the event of that afternoon, each of them went to their own side of their dorm without saying a word to anyone.

The girls saw the way Olivia was mad and disappointed in herself so they let her be without asking any questions at least for now.

On the other side of the orphanage, Leo was standing outside on top of the wall where the SU squads usually stood guard, he was trying to appreciate the gift of mother nature.

With this sweet wind blowing to his face, the bees back to their habitual routine, they passed from flower to flower and then flew away.

He was so focused on them, for him all of these things happening all at once behind the wall were intriguing, and he was locked in.

Minutes later a pile of autumn leaves flew in his face, scaring him back to reality, this wasn't the only thing that scared him since at the same time he heard footsteps noise coming up the wall behind him, he turned his head without completely seeing who was it he simply said "Hey Axell, I almost fell cause you scared the shit out of me-this is not funny"

"What is not funny Leo?"

When he heard the voice he was shocked and dissatisfied to see it wasn't who he expected to see instead it was no one other than the Guard who was always with Jackson and would probably be the replacement in Jackson's absence, he was known as Agent 321.

Blue deep eyes, white skin, nose piercing, short black hair, and tattoos on both of his arms it was visible since he was wearing short sleeves.

But honestly, what was he expecting?

"Hey Enoch, I didn't know it was you, I thought it was someone else"

"Obviously!! What are you doing here, you know better than anyone it is forbidden to climb up the wall when it is dark"

"It wasn't completely dark when I got here but you are right, imma taking my leave now," said Leo while trying to escape

He walked slowly past Enoch while Enoch was looking in front and when he got to his back he started rushing to get down the stairs to get down.

While at it he heard the same voice say to him "Hey Leo, in Autumn it's better to come here early in the morning, I promise that you will like it better!?"

"Okay, noted Enoch, thanks!" With these last words, he managed to get away, disappeared in the middle of the darkness, and was nowhere to be seen again till a few moments later he was seen sitting in the lab room by Devonte.

Devonte did not dare interrupt him cause he thought he was probably working on something new so he simply pushed the door slowly without making a noise then he left him be.

Knowing Leo, he will never work on something new if it's not to bring his friend back so what was it this time?

Was he even working on something seeing the screen of the computer in front of him as bright as a button with a lot of schema in it or was he simply too tired for all of this, after this busy day so he simply fell asleep right there in the chair?

As Leo Felling so comfortable in his chair with both of his eyes shut, the room he was in shortly filled in with darkness with no sight of light and was also inaudible.

A few minutes passed, he opened his eyes and suddenly the room was no longer as dark as it was but now it turned into a dark green color, now sights of big green threes were visible to him.

It glitched so the green threes were no longer to be seen but instead, he saw a passage to a classroom. He stood up from the chair and began walking toward the classroom.

After he got in he glanced behind and the chair disappeared, in his back was a backpack, he did not do much but enter the classroom.

He was pretty much late since the teacher who was a female started to explain the subject of today.

He opened his backpack, and the first thing he saw was an extremely heavy book, he took it out and started reading it, it was about animals, all that existed in the real world, and all that would only exist in a few centuries, and others that seem unreal, and impossible to exist for example.

A cat with a rat head and chicken legs and so many more.


"Yes, Ma'am"

"It's professor for you, young men"


"Let's do this again,"

"Ahem," she clears her throat the proceeded "Leo,"

"Yes, professor"

"Perfecto-now open your book to page 345 to all the different types of levitating animals that you didn't know existed; this is our subject for today!!"

He does as she says which is opening his book to the page stated.

"Now noted: a levitating animal doesn't need to have wings for its legs to stop touching the ground and start going up,

Between them, we most likely found sea animals, like crabs, Dauphin, sea horses, starfish octopuses, and many many more.

Now why is it most likely sea animals acquire that kind of ability? Can anyone answer this question?"

She was looking right through Leo's soul hoping that he would be the one to answer it but turns out Leo was confused as hell about what was going on, hoping for someone else to save him by answering it before the teacher murdered him.

The Teacher approaches him, he tries to hide by sliding down on the chair he is sitting on and also by putting the book up covering his face.

The teacher pointed at someone, and when Leo saw that it was him, he almost had a heart attack

"Yes, Azmir go ahead," said the teacher, and turned out it wasn't him but preferably another student who was sitting right behind him going by Azmir.

So now he was finally able to catch his breath again.

"it is because they used to live in an element that is heavier than the others and when they finally could live outside of the water and adapted to this one that is called air, their weight became light to it so which gave them the advantage and ability to levitated between all other animals."

"There it is, as simple as that!!! Good Job Azmir, it feels great to have you in my class, it makes me feel like all of this talking is not in vain,"

"It's like you said, Professor, it's as simple as that so it's not a big deal, and we like having you as a teacher as well, no one will ever be able to replace you!"

"Aww, thank you - how charming!!"stated the teacher

"Okay, another theory is it's because they dream just like us."

All of the students started laughing, all of them except Leo, he was trying to figure out what was so funny in what she said but he couldn't quite figure it out.

"What is so funny?" he mumbled as he turned to face Azmir since she was the first one to burst out laughing, he was trying to get an answer.

To his surprise, she didn't have a face, her face was fuzzy, all he could see was the rest of her body and her hair but no face to identify her. As a matter of fact, when he turned to look at all of them, none of them had a face, it was all blurred.

He crept out and stood up from where he was sitting, pushing the chair as it fell into the ground, now he got all of their attention, which made it ten times worse.

All eyes were on him, judging, saying to themselves, "What has got into him?" all eyes including that of the teacher of whom he was only able to see the face-off.

"What is wrong Leo? Why are you panicking?"

"Aa- I-I-"

"Is it because of how their faces are?"

"Wait did you see that too?"

"Of course but not anymore, it's nothing to make a big deal over, it is simply because you don't know them well enough, once you spend time with them I promise it will be a different sorry, this is how it works."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes!! Now sit down so we can continue the rest of the assignment,"

Leo once again listened so he did what the teacher requested.

"Now, let's get into why is it hard for a predator to be categorized as a levitating kind of animal.

It is because these wild animals always intend to spend a lot more energy than anticipated once they are outside in the wild, everything they see that is a bit smaller than them is prey for them, and they never refuse so it is really difficult for them to acquire the kind of energy and calmest needed to make it happen,"

"What if it is a predator raised domestically, these animals are usually the calmest among them all if raised right?" demanded Azmir while raising her hand

"This is a good question Azmir but it's not going to be the same, the same kind of impact you as the caller going to need from these domestic animals you're not going to find it in them."

"Wait, Caller?"

"Yes Leo, you heard right?" affirmed the teacher

"Hold on-is this a dream class for Callers or creators whatever the name is?"

"Noted that this is two different things such as being a Caller and being a Creators, it is true they play the same role but What we call a Creator is a way powerful Caller who can do it all, who doesn't need a levitating animal to do his bidding but who can make everything he got in his mind true," explained the teacher

"How many of them existed before?" asked Azmir


"So how did you know that one can become a creator if one mastered the art of a caller well enough?" continued Leo


"Me Personally, I think it is a rumor, no one as powerful would ever exist." Azmir interrupted the professor to state

"No Azmir, this time I disagree with you, people who control matters as air, fire, water, and Earth existed before didn't they?" demanded the teacher and everyone nodded

"So if these people existed before this it is slightly an upgrade, control any matter to create what you want, so how do you call that?"

"Anything but a high-level Caller, I feel like this a story our parents came up with to get us to focus more, I appreciate your effort professor but I won't buy it," added Baddie Azmir

"Hahaha, sounds like exactly what our parents would do to make me and my friend stay in school back in the time," stated the teacher and the students started laughing.

"I hope that answers your question, Leo. Yes, this is a Caller class"

As the teacher kept explaining everyone was so focused on what the teacher had to say, it was so clear that this was her passion. She is good at it in her own way and she shows signs of liking the children for what they are and I'm sure the feeling is reciprocated, they perhaps don't like the classes but sometimes they do like the person who teaches them.

After all who likes school, perhaps our great-great-great-grandparents because they used to wake up and go to school even tho there was a snowstorm outside and the snow was 7 feet tall, and guess what? Their school used to be all the way behind the mountains.

Anyway, with her sweet and smooth voice, she manages to make Leo fall asleep.

Yes, falling asleep while in a dream can you imagine it?

His eyes couldn't stay shut nor stay open, every few minutes he tried to fight it by staying up it was the more the urge to sleep overrun him, he couldn't do that for long thought cause it was stronger than him so...

Minutes later he was totally unconscious as he crossed to the other world.

Someone entered the room and saw the way he was turned upside down in the chair, one of his feet was hung in one of the handles and the other one was on top of the chair then his head and the rest of his body were lowkey slipping down the seat.

Surprisingly the chair was also recliner like by magic as if this was where he planned to sleep for the rest of the night.

"Poor baby, look how he is sleeping like someone they kicked out of his house and he is now homeless," exclaimed Miss Cynthia as soon she stepped inside of the room "Leo? -Hasn't Devonte remarked that one of his chickens left his cage?"

She stepped back outside and a few seconds later she came back with Agent 231.

Also known as Enoch.

"Please take him and put him to bed, I don't know how long has he been here but I think he's been here for a while now," stated Cynthia

"Copy that Ma'am," said Enoch as he passed his big arm around Leo to take him off the chair and carry him through his dorm

On his way out Cynthia called his name "Hey Enoch," so he stopped and then glanced back and both of their eyes locked.

"I am Miss for you, I am not quiet in this state yet when you call me ma'am; or simply Cynthia,"

"Okay, mi-"

Miss Cynthia looked at him in a way so he thought he was doing it wrong, he tried to improvise

"Cynthia! -Catch you later" said Enoch and she nodded.

She smirked then turned her head toward the computer which was on, stretched her arm then one finger to press the button, and turned it off but then suddenly her eyes got caught in something she wasn't supposed and expected to see.

"Project Crown!!- Minded your mind .°•°. work on the process- This is new" she mumbled to herself.

She immediately saw the Enter button light up once she clicked on the Minded Your Mind project, she did not think twice she quickly pressed it, on the side of the desk a drawer opened up, and she glanced to see what was in it then she saw two silver metallic marbles, she left the spot she was standing to get to the side of the desk and then she grabbed them.

There was step-by-step instruction glued to the side of the drawer, which explained how everything worked.

She took a quick look at it then next she simply grabbed both of the little metallics balls and also an elastic band she put it in first then attached each of the balls on each side of her head.

She waited but nothing ever happened, a few seconds later, the little balls deployed and turned into little silver spikes, stung her in so many parts of her face, making her scream.

It even got near her eyes.

Since the door was already shut by itself and the room was soundproof no one was able to hear her screaming.

She kept going and then she suddenly stopped; The pain, the screaming, everything stopped.

Her eyes started glowing white while kneeling in the middle of the room and things she had forgotten since she came out of her mamma till she grew up to be what she is now came back to her all at once, she saw everything.

Just like that, her whole hidden existence was now brought before her.

And after she saw everything the spiked spheres detached from her themselves, fell on the floor, and started rolling.

"Who the fuck Am I? Am I even a real teacher?" She said to herself just before losing consciousness and falling on the floor.

Enoch who was outside long enough saw that she never got back outside, he got curious and suddenly headed back to the lab room.

When he got there he opened the door, he was shocked to see her lying there on the floor.

"I need assistance in the nursing room immediately, I repeat Miss Cynthia fell and now she is not responding, I need help immediately, over," He said, and then quickly a voice replied "Agent Enoch, bring her here as soon as you can, over" and it was Jackson

He grabbed her as if she was a little girl and ran with her to the elevator to get upstairs.

As soon as he got there Jackson asked "What happened?"

"I don't know I was called by her to bring Leo to his Dorm cause she found him sleeping in the lab and then the time I went back I saw her lying in the- lying in the hallway" he explained

"Good, you did good!!" stated Jackson

They gave the Twins Docs their time to do whatever they had to do.

10 minutes later they got out and told Jackson and Enoch "She is fine, she is just sleeping so there is nothing to worry Devonte and Leah over" Exclaimed Doc 1

"Glad to hear Doc 1" replied Enoch

"Thanks, Docs. Now may I escort you, ladies-to y'all room?" suggested Jackson

"Of course Handsome, After you!!" rambled Doc 3 while biting her lips, and both of them saw the sign but pretended they did not.

Jackson looks at Enoch and Enoch looks at him back then he says "I will keep an eye on her, I'll alert you if anything,"

"Okay soldier, stay in position," he mumbled then he winked and Enoch smirked.

Jackson led the way and the ladies followed as expected.

Arriving at the destination, He opened the door for them, then got out of the way giving them space to get inside their room.

They got inside;

"Have a wonderful dream ladies!!"

"Thanks, Jackson" squawked Doc 1 as she entered the room and undressed at the same time, leaving a pile of clothes outside on top of that pile of clothes was her red lovely thong, showing her bare pair of well-shaped ass.

"You as well Boo thang!!" Added Doc 2

All except one?

Doctor 3, as she crossed the door so Jackson could close it behind them so he could go back to his post, but turned out she had other plans.

"We will try for sure but it won't be wonderful if you are not in it" she Affirmed as she put her hands on him, pulled him inside, grabbed Doc 1 Clothes then shut the door.

When he got inside one of them tapped twice, and all the bulbs lit up.

To his surprise, the room was separated with nothing else but three different colors.

The left side was Green, the middle Pink, and the right side Red

Other details were that it was completely empty with only a big-sized bed in the middle still with three colors.

Doc 1 who was already naked lay on the right side of the bed calling him with her finger to come and join her and then bite her finger.

The two others were all around him already, kissing him, touching him but when they saw Doc 1 calling him they stepped back at the same time giving him his personal space so he could fully see what She was asking of him, and when he was done getting instructions from the big boss, he stepped forward trying to make his way to her but the others stopped him and then slapped him at the same time in his balls.

"Ouchh," he screamed

"Ooppssssssss" they repeated together and started to chuckle

Doc 3 put her hand under his chin helping him to get straight. And all he knows next is that they both grabbed a side of his cloth and ripped it off him, together.

Then pushed him onto the bed to join Doc 1 and then they undressed and joined them.

Doc 2 snapped twice and the light went off, Doc 3 whistled and then the light went back on but with a combination of different colors, she whistled till she got what she really wanted. And then they started making love or should I say messes.


Leo went back to the dream realm, he was still being taught by the same teacher but surprisingly it was a different spot such as the zoo.

"Now would a Sloth be on that same list, the list I asked you to make?" demanded The professor, and when she saw Leo, she stopped everything to welcome him back. "Oh hey, Welcome back Leo!"

"Welcome back Leo!!" repeated the other students with no enthusiasm as if they were forced to say that.

"Thanks, why aren't we in class? Why the zoo?" asked Leo

"Well the time for theory is over, it's practice time so get ready dear," responded the professor

"Get ready for what?"

"Get ready to get scared, really scared so you'll have no other choice but to pee on yourself," confirmed Azmir, and the others started to laugh.

"Ah, shut up Azmir,"

"Azmir, that is enough." demanded the Teacher

"So what is the subject of today, can someone fill me in?"

"Well, I asked them to make a list of the terrestrial animals they would think would be easy to levitate; so do you have your list with you young men?"

"Not really, but I can tell you 10 right now,"

"Oh, okay; no one ever did that not even Azmir, so go ahead!!" said the teacher

"I give 6 no one was able to do that either, and it's not like they still have,"

"Well, we shall see, whenever you're ready Leo," added the professor with confidence

"To begin with, I shall bring forward a deer"

"Interesting choice!! Why?"

"Because they control their weight perfectly don't get me wrong they are heavy but for them, it's as if they weren't, They have longer legs, which gives them a natural advantage in speed. They are also very agile and can change direction quickly, no wonder they are Santa's favorite" stated Leo and everyone busted out laughing at that last part

"Smart!! Please keep going,"

"The Gilla monster, gardens snail, a slow Loris, a Koala bear, a giant tortoise, A sloth since anyone couldn't answer this question, and the reason why is because they are the slowest; to continue horses, galagos, monkeys and to finish as an extra I added Cheetah one of the predators; it's all for their agility"

"And he did not even mention any of the ones you cited earlier Azmir, so Bravo!!!" confirmed the teacher, and a warm round of applause broke out for him.

The teacher keeps explaining the subject to them while walking with them, showing them around the zoo.

Azmir approached him slowly and started talking to him, trying to be friends and probably to get to know him better.

"That was splendid dude!!" affirmed Azmir when she succeeded by getting right by his side.

Leo simply glanced at her and smirked for being congratulated by the best, he couldn't believe his eyes and replied "Thanks" Then his eyes went right back to following his teacher, cause what is the point of looking at someone whose face is erased?

"I mean it."

"And I said thank you, didn't I? I appreciate it but be a little less hypocritical over it will ya? Perhaps I will know that it came from your heart,"

"Good one" she simply replied while smirking "So why are you here exactly?" she added

"What do you mean?" he squawked still with his eyes looking upfront

"Are you here for my spot, the spot of being the best student, don't lie?" demanded Azmir, annoyed with the fact she couldn't have his attention however hard she tried.

"What? No, I would never-I-I'm just trying to understand-" he confirmed

"Understand what? Hahaha, remember what the teacher said not everyone can be a Caller, there is always one every Golden so don't waste your time 'cause it's going to be me!" Exclaimed Azmir

"Suit yourself," he simply Replied

"it is obvious cause every single night you kept having that same dream then when it got real you kept running pacing the whole forest like crazy," she murmured

"What did you say?" with that last one she immediately got his attention like she always wanted, and when he turned to look at her and face her while asking that; the little girl started to grow on him, taking the size of the half part of the zoo, as tall as the threes, with huge and sharp teeth, ugly and scarier than ever.

She bent down looking at Leo while screaming "I said it's time to run little bitch, run-"

Leo started shaking for a second and then the next he remembered he had two legs so he started running.

As soon as he started running, it transitioned to him having the same nightmare he kept having every time with that old lady and her giant floating fish pet running after him. The only change this time was that the old lady was no longer there instead there was a growing Azmir as a nightmare and that same giant fish showing teeth running after him.

He kept running, again and again, all over the forest, from one side of the forest to the other side and when there was no other way to go he went in the other direction then the next.

Sweating, losing his balance, and weak but he never stops no matter what.

In that part of the dream, it should have stopped ten minutes ago but this time for him this night was eternal.

He kept running, again and again, but then he remembered something the teacher said "Now noted: a levitating animal doesn't need to have wings for its legs to stop touching the ground and start going up,

Between them, we most likely found sea animals, like crabs, Dauphin, sea horses, starfish octopuses, and many many more.

Now why is it most likely sea animals acquire that kind of ability? Can anyone answer this question?"

He suddenly stopped by a twin three and then responded to the question the same way Azmir responded to this question when he came the first time in that class, "it is because they used to live in an element that is heavier than the others and when they finally could live outside of the water and adapted to this one that is called air, their weight became light to it so which gave them the advantage and ability to levitated between all other animals."

With that last thought, he slowly turns toward the monster and the giant fish that were running after him at light speed, eyes shut, arms open like Christ The Redeemer statue in Brasil, and head up waiting for them to catch him.

A few minutes later what he had expected never happened, the collision never happened and he is still not dead.

"Still alive?" he asked himself while opening his eyes slowly just to see the giant fish with two glowing eyes turning around the twin threes and him like an adorable pet wanted to adopt him as its master.

She looks at it through its eyes and then it's started shaking its caudal fin like a dog would shake its tail when it finally sees its master after a long time.

Leo saw what was going on so he started laughing.

"Hahaha, I'm not dead- I'm still alive bitch- now tell me who is scared now?" he screamed

"See, it was easy after all," said a soft voice like his teacher's voice behind him, and when he turned, expected to see the professor and mostly Azmir surprisingly Azmir was no longer there instead it was Messiah

"Messiah, you are back!!"

"I was never left dear, I am always there!" This time she said with the usual deeper voice which made Leo shake since he never heard this voice before, "Don't be afraid, I am not a monster, and even if I was now you are one of the people who might have a chance to try to stop me!!"

"Perhaps not, but I have my doubts cause you were deguise as my teacher,"

"Huh, but not all teachers are monsters."

"Well turned out this one was and also my math teacher" exclaimed Leo, Messiah was confused so she put one hand in her face while shaking her head, in a sign of disappointment.

"Okay- So what's now?"

"What's now Young men? Congratulations- you are the chosen one!! now time to wake up," she snapped three times, and just like that he was back in the real world laughing at this wonderful dream he just had.


On the other side of the building was Miss Cynthia also woke up, Enoch heard her fight sight so he quickly got in trying to help her.

"Where am I?"

"You are in the nursing room, now you are safe!!" Exclaimed Enoch

"Wait-what? What am I doing here, I don't remember getting here."

"You didn't miss-I-I meant Cynthia, I found you lying on the floor so I panicked and brought you there myself but luckily the Docs said that you were fine," he explained


"What was the last thing you remember?"

"I remember I asked you to call me Miss or preferably Cynthia and then- Oh shit-"


"I remember everything," he affirmed then she turned and starred at him in the eyes "I - I touched something, and then the next I know was that I remember everything!" he confirmed

"Shush, not so loud," suggested Enoch "I didn't tell them I found you unconscious inside of the lab I told them I found you in the hallway, so they don't have to know all that including that you remember what you remember,"

"Yes, please can this be our secret?"

"Yes, I will bring it with me on my deathbed" stated Enoch "Pinky promise?"

"Pinky promise!!"

"Now let's go, let me escort you to your room," suggested Enough " Can you walk?"

"Yes, I am alright, just tired," affirmed Miss Cynthia

"Good, then let's go."

5000 words count
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