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A/n- I can't wait for adventure time distant lands to come out, anywho the story

4766 words enjoy the action

Quote Iroh

"Destiny is a funny thing. you never know how things are going to work out"

Previously on Lok

Amon took the bending of some douchebags and blew up the bending arena, we kicked ass and so did Lin. 

And now

It's the early afternoon you riding on Naga with Korra towards the arena after Amon's big entrance yesterday things became difficult for Mako and Bolin since their home was a crime screen. you both get of Naga upon arriving.

Nathan: It's a good thing Asami is inviting them to live in her mansion

Korra: "It good for them since she dating one of them," she said walking up to the attic and following behind.

with Mako and Bolin

Korra: voice coming from the stairwell "hey Guys need any help packing" you following behind "morning guys" you said

Bolin: hey Nathan

Mako: actually were almost done packing

Bolin: excited " yep I cant wait to live in her dad's giant mansion! From here on out" grabs Mako with one arm and waves as a mysterious light shines "it's going to be the lap of luxury for us."

Asami: leaning out from a loft "Hey, Korra, hey Nathan I was hoping you'd stop by." you wave at her as she climbs down the loft.

Korra: smirking with a hand place on the side of her hip "hey Asami, I'm guessing the most excited to have Mako live with you"

Bolin: "and me right?" he said to no one's answer.

Asami: slight blush "w-what no I mean yea, of course, wait not like that," she said stuttering. Mako blushes hearing them converse while you torment him.

Asami: Forget what I said I'd love to have you and Nathan come visit the estate.

Korra: "I don't know. what do you think Nathan" she turns to you and sees you and Bolin with both thumbs up.

Korra: chuckles "All right then." 

Asami: Great, we'll see you tomorrow.

you and Korra go back down the stairs while Asami, Mako, and Bolin using Pabu as a puppet- waves goodbye.

Timeskip brought to you by Korra thinking of Nathan in a swimsuit and Nathan thinking the same thing.

with Nathan


I yelled as i jump off a Lionturtle statue with a waterfall pouring out of its carved mouth. Pabu squeals and takes a flying leap with me into the deep large pool. the whole room, decorated luxuriously with carved golden walls, lawn furniture, and potted plants. 

Bolin is next to dive off the statue's head, and on the opposite side of the pool, Asami is sitting at the edge dipping her feet while Mako stands in the water beside her. while Korra stands in the centre with only her head above the water.

Bolin: "Earthbending bomb!" He jumps into the pool, splashing the others

you notice Korra in the water and a sneaky smile appeared on your face as you came up with a plan and dove underwater slowly moving towards her.

Bolin: "This is the greatest place in the world hey Korra. Watch this." to the butler "Fetch me my towel, good sir."

Butler: Yes, Master... Bolin. (grabs towel)

Bolin: "Master Bolin." (points his thumb at the butler and laughs) I love this guy. Now pat me dry.

Butler: As you wish. "quickly rubs Bolin dry"

Bolin: Don't forget Master Pabu.

Butler: Wouldn't dream of it, Sir.

Korra: "that's nice Bolin getting someone to" before she could continue you jumped out of the  water splashing her face, "WAAH!"

Nathan: "hahaha." you look at Korra to see her pouting in disagreement "aw come on that was funny"

Korra: face soaked "not laughing," she said with a serious tone

Nathan: "aw come on a smile" you poked her cheek " I like it when you smile please?" I splashed her water on your face  making her giggle (there's the smile I love)

Korra: to Asami as she splashes your face "So, what do you have planned for us today? Let me guess: shopping, makeovers?"

Bolin pushes Mako under the water, and turns to raise his hand "Ooh, Ooh! I vote makeovers! Mako pops back up and shoves Bolin underwater in retaliation." he comes back up and you push both of them underwater.

Asami: emerging from the pool "I have something a little more exciting in mind."

The scene cuts to a professional driving course, where two racing automobiles jockey for the lead while you and the others are watching from the stands.

Asami: Pretty cool, huh?

Korra: smiling "Way cooler than a makeover."

Nathan: I don't know I think I'd like to see Korra with makeup on maybe she'd look much prettier than she usually dies. (wait did I say that out loud) I turn to see Korra with a slight blush looking the other way, the Mako and Asami slightly wide-eyed and Bolin giving me a thumbs up

Asami: sweat dropped " b-by the way KorraEver been behind the wheel?

Korra: still blushing " I only know how to drive a polar bear dog"

Asami: You want me to take you for a spin?

Korra: excited "Let's do it."

while Asami drives with Korra out to the track me and the guys cheer from the seats and a conversation sparks.

Mako and Bolin: Yeah!

Bolin: puts his arm around your shoulder "Woohoo! soooooo Nathan you and Korra"

Nathan: what?

Mako:  come on dude what you just said there, that was obvious

Nathan: can we not please

Bolin: not what talk about how you and Korra are crushing on one another

Nathan: shes not crushing on me, besides let's talk about Mako and Asami were is that going

Bolin: I already tease them about marriage and their dates and stuff but you two thats fresh  

after their constant teasing Asami decided to bring us back inside while Korra went to the bathroom which didn't help because when she was out of earshot they roped Asami into your torture. 

With Korra

I wash my hands in the sink, still thinking about what Nathan said (Nathan thinks I'm pretty maybe he likes me but how can I find out) She shuts off the water and dries with the towel, then notices a powder puff beside the sink, she lifts the puff by its handle and raises it to her face. She hesitates, then shuts her eyes and roughly slams the puff onto her face. A cloud of powder explodes outward to completely hide her whole upper body, sending Korra into a coughing fit. 

She emerges from the bathroom still coughing and waving floating powder from her face. As she walks away, she overhears Hiroshi's muffled voice coming from behind a closed door.

Hiroshi: No, no, I assure you. Everything is going exactly as planned Mihm, yes. Luckily the Cabbage Corp investigation has bought us enough time. (Through the keyhole, she sees Hiroshi sitting at his desk with his back turned towards the door.) Trust me. By the end of the week, we'll be ready to strike.

Hiroshi slams the handset down on the phone, and Korra jumps up with alarm. She visibly struggles with her thoughts before running back down the hall.

In the main hall, Mako and Asami are watching as Bolin and Nathan JOJO poses Nathan is Giorno and Bolin Requiem Korra runs past without even looking at them.

Korra: (turns around as she continues to walk towards the door "sorry to say this Asami but forgot Tenzin asked me to do some shopping I gotta go immediately Nathan come on

Nathan: (T didn't ask anything) "alright then" you turned t the others well see you guys later

Time skip brought to you by anime

It is night in Republic City. Spotlight traverse the sky, and a Metalbender airship floats lazily above the city.

Tenzin: So you think Mr Sato manufactured those gloves for the Equalists, then framed Cabbage Corp?

Lin: That's a bold accusation, but what proof do you have?

Nathan: yeah Korra when you told me that I thought you were joking

Korra: I know what I heard. Sato's up to something.

Lin: He does have the means... and he has a motive.

Tenzin: That's right.

Korra: A motive? What is it?

Nathan: Twelve years ago, the Agni Kai Triad robbed Sato's mansion. (sad) A firebender killed Sato's wife during the break-in.

Korra: sorrowful "That's terrible." 

Tenzin: wait how do you know that.?

Nathan: the subject of parents came up and she told me it's a touchy subject for her

Korra: unamused "wow you two must be pretty close huh," she said, "what does that mean?"

Lin: Maybe we should look at Mr Sato a little more closely.

we get to the Sato mansion and enter with Lin, Tenzin, Nathan and Korra walking in with determination. Surprised, Mako asks his question

Mako: What's going on? Why are they asking Hiroshi questions?

Korra: I overheard him on the phone yesterday. Asami, I don't know how to tell you this, but I think your father might be involved with the Equalists.

Asami: outraged "What? I don't believe this." walks off to follow Lin and Tenzin Mako turns to follow her but turns to Korra before

Mako: You spied on Hiroshi? What's your problem?

Nathan: come on lay off Korra if what she heard is true then this has to be taken seriously

Mako walks up the stairs leaving, you turn to Korra as She looks down with disappointment. you walked up to her and placed an arm on her shoulder giving her a smile.

Nathan: don't worry it's going to be fine.

Korra: confidente "yeah"

In Hiroshi's office. He is sitting at his desk in the foreground with Lin and Tenzin are standing side-by-side.

Lin: Mr. Sato, we just have a few follow-up questions for you.

Asami: barging in through the door and walking around to Hiroshi's side "My father is innocent. Just because we're not benders doesn't mean we support those awful Equalists!"

Hiroshi: surprised "Equalists? Is that what this is about? I can assure you I have nothing to do with those radicals."

Asami: Yeah, you don't know what you're talking about, Korra.

Korra: I overheard you on the phone. You said the Cabbage Corp investigation bought you time and you're getting ready to strike. 

Nathan: explain that!

Hiroshi: laughs heartily "This is all just a misunderstanding. Resulting from the young Avatar's overactive imagination. My number one competitor was knocked out of the game. It's providing me with an opportunity to strike the market with a new line of Automobiles. It's just business, nothing nefarious."

Nathan: That sounds believable

Tenzin: sharing a look with Lin "In order to put all suspicions to rest, might we have a look into your factories and warehouses?"

Asami gives a loud, angry sigh, and looks like she's about to speak, but Hiroshi holds up a hand to settle her.

Hiroshi: If you feel it's necessary, you're welcome to search all of the Future Industries.

The scene changes to the unique-looking Future Industries factory. It has four smokestacks, one at each corner of the building. Two Metalbender airships are hovering in the sky around the factory.

Nathan: After searching the warehouses and factories we found nothing 

Korra: I can't believe we didn't find anything.

Lin: It would appear Hiroshi is innocent.

Asami and Mako walk over and Asami puts her hands on her hips as she confronts the others.

Asami: hostile "Okay. You did your search. Now you can all leave."

with Nathan

after leaving the mansion I told Korra I had something to do. I lied I came back into the mansion hiding on the ceiling above the front door to Hiroshi's office My fingers were surrounded by ice claws which I used to stay above the door.

Nathan: (alright this is by far the craziest thing I've done if I get caught I'm actually going to jail) 

you kept quiet as you waited for him to come out the door (come on you big fat bast-) you were about to continue your thought as he came out the door and began walking down the hall (there you go now show me what your bidding) you thought as you followed him clawing the ceiling.

you saw him enter a workshop you've already checked (what is doing?) you thought as you landed quietly and moved quickly to stop the door from closing and slipped inside. when the door closed you look forward to seeing him go through a metal door you follow behind and stopped holding the door not all the way closed so you can see inside the workshop.

Nathan:(what the heck is he doing?!" your eyes widened as you saw him open a hole in the wall and flipped a switch revealing a secret tunnel and a staircase leading further down in the centre of the room. (Korra was right after all) after you see him enter the door closes and you entered the room.

Nathan: i gotta go tell Lin about this immediately.

you turn back and make you way out but hear Asami's voice as she enters the room then Mako, Bolin, Korra Tenzin and Lin followed by some officers.

Asami: shocked as well as everyone "Dad? Hello? wait for Nathan what's going on

Nathan: hey funny story I snuck into your mansion like batman following your father around to prove Korra's right which she is.

Asami: Thats, your insane!

Nathan: it would be if I wasn't right

Mako: serious "were is Mr Sato Nathan"

Nathan: Oh he's in the secret tunnel underneath the mansion.

Asami: "What?" annoyed "There's no tunnel."

Nathan: "you just had to be here" turning to Lin "could you please bend this spot please"

Lin looks down at the empty patch of floor shrugs, then takes an Earthbending stance and rips a metal straight out of the floor with a wave of both arms. The entire group approaches the whole and looks down. The camera pans out to reveal a braced, dark tunnel with an industrial elevator just below a flight of metal stairs. Asami looks crushed, Mako's eyebrows are raised, Korra simply stares grimly, and Bolin has a hesitant expression.

Bolin: whispering to Asami, from behind a hand. "Do you think your dad knows about this tunnel?"

Asami: I don't understand. There must be an explanation

Korra: (gently) Maybe you don't know everything about your father. I'm sorry.

Lin: "Officers, into the tunnel. Be cautious." They snap from attention and file down the stairs, leaving Mako, Bolin, and Asami behind. The teens move to follow, but Lin's voice stops them. "Uh-uh. You four stay up here. Officer Song, keep an eye on them."

Nathan: Woah hell no I found this spot I'm coming along

Lin: yes but if it wasn't here then you'd be trespassing and you'd be in my prison

Nathan: " true but I wasn't so I'm coming, " you said making her sigh and nod along

you all go down the stairs and find a large elevator platform, as it follows a rail down the diagonally descending tunnel. The only light is a spotlight at the front of the elevator, and red emergency lighting throughout the shaft. Korra is leaning against a railing looking around and you join her "thank you for believing me" she said. After a short ride, the elevator comes to a halt against a perpendicular walkway that the Metalbenders quickly follow it, moving in Bending stances.

we emerge into a brightly lit, massive room covered in crisscrossed metal bracing. Near the entrance, two massive banners bearing Amon's face hangs from a rafter.

Lin: "Not your average backyard workshop." she said as you and Korra were in the background  whispering

Nathan: pst Korra you better pick up that phone

Korra: huh? what phone, why?

Nathan: "because you CALLED IT!" you said it took a second before you got a small laugh out of her. she nudged you "come on we have to take this seriously,"  

you both look around to see a line of machines parked up against a wall. Superficially human, they stand on legs that end in tank treads, boast a pair of massive clawed arms, and have bulbous heads that resemble first-generation diving helmets with large glass view-ports. The view shifts back to Korra and company, revealing more of the 'mecha tanks' behind them.

Korra: And I'm guessing those are the new weapons.

Tenzin: Hiroshi was lying all right, but where is he?

Nathan: I don't know maybe that TANK INFRONT OS US THAT WE ALL SEEM TO NOT SEE

Hiroshi:  "I'm afraid you won't be able to metal bend that wall, Chief Bei Fong. (Sickly green spotlights start flipping on, causing the captives to flinch under the glare. The lights are shown to be coming from the mecha tanks, which are powering on.) It's solid platinum. My mecha tanks are platinum as well Not even your renowned mother could bend metal so pure.." 

A group of the mecha tanks drive over and form a half-circle around the Benders. The view cuts to Hiroshi himself, in the cockpit of one of the mecha tanks. he is clutching a steering lever in each hand. 

Korra: Hiroshi, I knew you were a liar. no-good Equalist. Come out here and-

Hiroshi: And do what, young Avatar? Face the wrath of your bending? No. I think I'll from inside here, where my odds are a little more... equal.

Lin: That source was a set-up. You lured us down here.

Hiroshi: Guilty as charged.

Hiroshi pushes one of the control levers, and his mecha tank shoots out a grappling claw. you all jump out of the way as the other mecha tanks move in. One smashes a claw down toward a group of Metalbenders, but they dodge and shoot out their whips to entangle the mecha tank. Two other Metalbenders tangle up another of the vehicles, while Lin dodges another grappling hook attack and leaps up into the air above it. As she arcs through the air, she deploys large metal wrist blades out of her armour. As she lands on the mecha tank, she punches at the cockpit's main window and drives the blade in as far as it will reach where a masked Equalist shift out of the way of the blade. More blade attacks burst in through the various windows, keeping the driver from doing anything but twisting around in fright. Back outside the cockpit, Lin continues to stab away as the mecha tank rolls backwards into some scaffolding.

A burst of exterior fire lights the cockpit up with an orange glow, and move to see Korra Firebending at the mecha tank. The humanoid vehicle rolls forward with hesitation but then is pushed back by a burst of air that comes from over Korra's shoulder. Tenzin in an Airbending stance, while Metalbenders are still wrangling mecha tanks in the background. Tenzin moves towards Korra each step carrying him into a different attack that unleashes powerful bursts of wind. while a mecha tank tools from behind him only for its wheel to freeze as Nathan then runs towards the machine bending the water he froze into ice claws as he jumps on its mirrors and begins stabbing away before noticing the exhaust tank on its back and bends water into it making it explode.

The Metalbenders are pulling at their whips, grunting with exertion, but they're starting to be pulled forward by their enemies. One even carves Earthbending gouges in the floor with his feet, but that fails to keep him in place. One of the Metalbenders' backs, where the spool of metal whip-wire is starting to smoke as the wire is yanked continuously by the struggle. The wrangled mecha tanks, with two whips wrapped around its left claw. The arm moves around, trying to resist, then locks into place and pauses for a second. Suddenly, electricity emanates from the claw, travelling up the metal wire and shocking the Metalbenders. They all scream and get launched backwards as the mecha tank is freed.

Lin, still stabbing away at her unmoving mecha tank target despite having already shattered every window, turns to see what's going on and is immediately struck by one of the projectile grappling-claws. She is thrown off her mecha tank and was about to crash into nearby scaffolding before Nathan jumps in and catches her and Immediately cuts the grappling claw attached to her.

Nathan: "are you alright?" you placed her down

Lin: "I am thanks." you nod and run back towards T and Korra as Lin gets back up  

as you run you see Korra and Tenzin are double-teaming another mecha tank. It's pushed up against a while, struggling against continuous fire and air blasts. inside the tank's cockpit, Hiroshi is being bounced around by the attacks. His pince-nez glasses are knocked off his face and fall off. Hiroshi growls and pushes both his control levels forward. Outside, one of the mecha tanks grappling-claws shoot forward at Korra, but she dodges with a series of backward flips that carry her out of the claw's continuing path. She Earthbends a chunk of the floor into the air and fires it back at the mecha tank, but another claw comes at her from behind and catches her you noticed she is caught and sent flying but before she could get out of range you latched onto Korra with a water whip and shielded her as you were armed into a some of the metal machinery on the far side of the factory and grunted in pain.

Tenzin: Nathan!

As you both fall Tenzin shoots out a swirling sphere of air that catches her and lands her softly on the ground. Seeing you safe, Tenzin turns back to the mecha tank and dodges another grappling-claw attack. Within his cockpit, Hiroshi works some more levers, and his tank rolls forward while firing its claws again. Another mecha tank joins the attack. Tenzin once again dodges all the claws and jumps into an Airbending move that summons a giant, spinning wind-wheel around him. Tenzin rides it forward like he's surfing and avoids another claw, then leaps into the air. Hiroshi's mecha tank stops and fires some new projectile, a metal disc that deploys small, whip-like tendrils (basically a metal bola). It catches Tenzin as he spins through the air in preparation for another counter-attack, wrapping around and electrocuting him. He lands hard on the floor and stays down. Korra gets up immediately as she shakes on you. 

Korra: worried "Nathan! Nathan!" she shakes you but no response you were out cold.

Angry she launches large fire blasts towards two mecha tanks knocking them back. as a metal claw comes from her left she flips over it launching two fire blasts from her feet and lands back down as she was about to launch another fire blast another metallic disc comes spinning through the air as Korra prepares to dodge it flies past her hitting the unconscious and hut Nathan behind her who wakes screaming in pain only to passe out again. As her attention was on you another disc came and snared Korra shocking her.

Hiroshi's tank comes to a stop, and the front opens into a series of panels that lets him climb out. Hiroshi steps down onto the factory floor and looks at his defeated enemies- Lin, Tenzin, Korra and Nathan. The Lieutenant steps forward to join him.

Hiroshi: "Well, I'd say that was a near-flawless test run." turns to the other mecha tanks and points at the Benders "Load everyone into the transports and deliver them to Amon!"

Masked Equalists carry the unconscious Metalbenders to the trucks' cargo-containers. Off to the side, near where Tenzin, Lin, Nathan and Korra are lying, a panel on the floor lifts up slightly and scrapes to the side. Bolin and Mako peak out through the new hold on the floor.

Bolin: Oh no.

The Equalists toss another Metalbender into a truck.

Bolin: Korra was right! We gotta do something, quick!

As the Equalists continue their work, the brothers sneak closer, stopping to hide behind a large cylindrical tank. After pausing to make sure they haven't been spotted, they run out to the others. Bolin gets Korra and hauls the avatar up onto his back, audibly struggling with the weight, while Mako lifts up Nathan on his own back. Then they each lean down and each grabs one of Lin's and Tenzin's arms.

Hiroshi, wearing mechanical gloves that crackle with electricity. The Lieutenant is beside him, fighting sticks at ready.

Hiroshi: Not so fast, boys

Bolin: drops Lin, and starts gesturing with Korra's arms "Hello, Mr Sato. Wow. What a really, swell, the scary, factory you have here under your giant mansion."

Mako:  angry "Sponsoring our team, supporting the Avatar. It was all just a big cover."

Hiroshi: "Yes. And the most difficult part was watching my daughter... (closes eyes) traipse around with a Firebending street rat like you!"

Hiroshi sends another shock through his gloves, and steps towards the brothers, but is halted by Asami's voice and turns around with surprise.

Asami: "Dad, stop!" closes eyes and turns her head away, then looks back at her father, sad "Why?"

Hiroshi: sadly "Sweetie, I wanted to keep you out of this for as long as I could," view briefly cuts to Bolin, still holding Korra as she wakes up "but now that you know the truth, please, forgive me. These people, these benders... They took away your mother, the love of my life. They've ruined the world! But with Amon, we can fix it, and build a perfect world together." Asami has a stunned expression, then averts her gaze. "We can help people like us everywhere." Hiroshi takes off one of his electric gloves, and holds it out." Join me, Asami.

Asami just stares, her eyes glistening with unshed tears. She slowly moves towards her father. She looks at the glove with an expression that could be as much fear as wonder and reaches out a trembling hand. Mako, Korra, and Bolin you who recently woke up all watch. Mako looks crushed as Asami takes the glove and slips it on. She looks at it on her hand, her expression harsh.

Mako: No.

Nathan: weakly "don't join the dark side Asami," you said as you blacked out again from the pain

Asami: sad "I love you, Dad."

Asami closes her eyes and turns her head, then shoves her gloved hand against Hiroshi's chest and hits him with a massive burst of electricity. He screams and then falls. As soon as he's down, the Lieutenant rushes over and tries to attack Asami with his sticks, but she gives a high kick that pushed his first blow out of the way. She stops his second attack by grabbing his wrist and twists him around in an Aikido move that both brings him to his knees and shocks him with the glove. He collapses to the ground with a scream of his own.

Mako and Bolin stare with stunned, slack-jawed expressions. Two of the mecha tanks turn to view the commotion.

Mako: Let's get out of here!

The group follows Mako into a run. They hop down through the hole Bolin made before. Just as Asami is escaping, leaving only Bolin, one of the mecha tanks fires off a series of the electrified bola-disks that had been used to subdue Tenzin. Before the first one lands, Bolin hops down the hole and pulls it shut behind him by Earthbending an adjacent slab of the floor over like a door. The next two disks bounce harmlessly off.

Timeskip Brought to you by story writing its harder than imagined.

Outside, the Metalbender airship is flying away from the Sato estate. Within, Asami watches through the window as her home shrinks away. She looks devastated and clutches a pole for support. over her shoulder we see Mako holding her in a comforting hug from behind holding her bald as Asami lets out small tears as Mako tightens his hug.

Lin: weakly "My metal benders are on their way to Amon, and it's all my fault. Tarrlok's right, I failed as Chief. First thing in the morning, I'm handing in my resignation."

Tenzin: urgent)"No! You can't give up like this."

Lin: weak, but angry "I'm not giving up." pull herself up into a sitting position "I'm going to find my officers and take Amon down. But I'm going to do it my way, outside the law."

Tenzin looks at her but doesn't react.

Back with the others, Korra has her own defeated expression. Behind her, Bolin is looking out the window with Pabu on his shoulder.  Mako comforting Asami with his hug, and you lying on a bench unconscious as Korra moves and sits beside you placing a hand on your chest.

A/n- yeah finally done 4766 words hope you liked it

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