Book 2 rebels, spirits and Bending.

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A/n- It's been a week right? so as previously mentioned I changed a few things so enjoy but I think it's alright anyways enjoy leave a vote and check one of my other stories or not. See ya next week.

There will be no war between the two water tribes.

This will mostly be us travelling the nations for Korra to regain her bending and yours as well.


Anyway enjoy

Previously on Legend of Korra Book 1

After Amon's defeat, many in republic city lost their bending as which made it difficult since fewer fire benders were meaning the ecosystem went down with them.

Most Equalists realised how devastating the effects of removing bending would be on the world and their lives so disbanding was the best choice.

After Nathan and Korra's ahem time, the young avatar was visited by Wan the first and with his wisdom showed the path to regaining her bending.

Also while Korra was meditating  a week before this chapter

Korra's dream Pov.

What where am I? I turn around looking at everything I see in cloudy wee there no ground it looks like I'm standing on water. I was going to walk around until someone spoke.

????: So many walls of fear heck I didn't think I could reach you considering what you've been through. But this is the most peaceful you've been so I have to make the best with it.

Korra: Uh who are you?.

Wan: Right my names Wan the first.

Korra: confused "who?"

Wan: the avatar the first I bonded with Raava.

Korra: "I have no clue here but you're the first huh?" she studied him looking up and down "You don't look like what the white lotus mentioned you would."

Wan: That I should wise and calm and whatnot... Nah I was wreckless just like you actually.

Korra: so what your saying is I'm the closest to being just like the original avatar. HA, I knew it was the best.

she said making Wan chuckle.

Wan: Alright less not grow of course here I'm here to help you.

Korra: "With what? the avatar state?" she asked.

Wan: well you'll get there eventually, but what I'm talking about is getting you and the other guys bending back.

Korra paused a moment letting what she heard sinking in.

Korra: I-I can get my bending back! how please tell me.

Wan: easy there I can't stay for long but I can't tell you everything since you won't maintain this for long I'll try and show you as much as I can when I can so you just have to be patient.

And now

It's morning in republic City the bending arena, Nathan and Korra watch with excitement as the match was about to begin sharing some popcorn.

Korra: munch "mmh you're right! sweet and salty work together!"

You: I know right oh hang on you got something on your cheek.

Korra: "hm? here?" she said pointing to her left where a popcorn piece stuck in place.

You: "yep," you said wiping it with your finger and eating it. A small smile curves on your face "You taste sweet."

she was about to say something but the Announcer started talking cutting her.

Shiro Shinobi: It's pro-bending night in Republic City and have we got a doozy for you. Fan favourites, The Fire Ferrets, are about to take on hot newcomers, The Rhino-Lions.

Cut to Bolin and Pabu wearing their uniforms. Pabu is standing on a railing.

Bolin: Now we all know that our last match was garbage. Terrible. Even Pabu could have done a better job. 

Pabu chirps and moves closer to Bolin 

Bolin: "But that's in the past because when you back a Fire Ferret in the corner, well, mister, he comes out fighting!" Pabu gets into a fighting stance and hisses. "So let's get out there and bend like there's no tomorrow. Are you with me?"

Bolin does a fist pump and we see the backs of his teammates as the firebender girl holds her arm and looks down nervously, and the waterbending boy wipes his nose with his arm and sniffs loudly. 

Bolin looks disappointed before the fight bell is rung. probending teams facing each other on the floor of the arena, summoning the elements as they prepare to fight. 

You and Korra were hanging by the edge of your seat waiting to see how the ferrets would destroy the rhinos but. The Fire Ferrets were all knocked back over the edge of the arena it was so quick. The two of your jaw dropped throwing your snack over the place in disappointment.



Both:... hang on where's Mako?

of course, you knew where mako was but he promised you not to tell Korra as she right tell Asami.

 We cut to the team plunging into the water below.

Shiro Shinobi: Ooh, the Fire Ferrets go down in the water and right into the record books for the fastest knockout in pro-bending history.

The fight bell is rung as we cut to a close up of Bolin climbing onto the edge of the floor out of the water, sighing in disappointment.

Bolin: Where's Mako when I need him?

With Mako

We cut to a close up of Mako's face behind him are iron cell bars. He sits in front of a table in a well-lit room we turn to the other side of the table to see Asami's father Mr Sato. he was wearing an orange prison suit and glasses with a closer look it's noticeable that his hairs been turning white.

Mr sato: How is my Asami. 

Mako: smiles "she's been doing alright, Ya know trying to keep the business afloat."

Mr Sato: good. Good...and what of my letters?.  

hearing that made Mako flinch as he brought up the letters she sent her. 

Mako: "eh" sighs "I'm sorry Mr Sto but she hasn't opened a single one, I try to convince her but she gets defensive." and then it turns into a fight but you don't need to know that.

Mr Sato: he lets out a soft sigh and nods, the mixture of regret and sadness on his face is something Mako easily read as it's shown on Asami's face before. "I.... understand thank you for visiting."

Mako: I'll keep looking after her but we're planning to leave on a trip to the North pole.

Mr Sato: How come?

he asked intrigued

Mako: Korras going to get her bending back actually were going on a trip around the three Nations. So Asami decided to make it work for her by going to the South Pole to meet with someone who can help us put Future Industries back on top. no one would associate with your company since the Equalist thing.

Mr Sato: Hmm... then please see to it that it goes well.

Mako: already planned on it, sir.  

With that Mako left to go on duty. But before he left.

Mr Sato: thankyou despite everything.

Mako: looks back "don't mention it."

A/n- I will make mako great!

With you and Korra sticks her tongue out at Ikki and makes a raspberry noise. having a lot an air bending race to her.

Korra: I have mastered airbending.

she said smugly before Tenzin follows.

Tenzin: You're still a long way from mastering airbending. You need more training to grasp the depths of your spiritual connections which I can help with communicating with the moon spirit.

Korra: their fish Tenzin I think I can get their attention.

You: actually there still spirits the moon spirit is the well was the princess of the water tribe.

Korra punches blasts of air at the surrounding trees sending leaves floating.

Korra: See? Mastered.

Bumi: Looks pretty good to me.

You: "That blows." you said waiting for a reaction but no one commented you even turned to Korra who couldn't make eye contact with you "I'll just stay quiet then."

Tenzin: sighs and puts a hand to his face and turns to Bumi "Is it too late for you to un-retire from the United Forces?"

Bumi: The paperwork's gone through, little brother. From now on, it's 24/7 Bumi Time!

Bumi grabs Tenzin's head and pinches his cheek. Tenzin makes him let go and walks up to Korra.

Tenzin: You've mastered Korra-style airbending. Now you need to master real airbending. Hopefully, I can teach you enough for you to connect with the spirits of bending, you need to delve more deeply into your studies more than ever Korra and on our way, we can stop at our Air temples its the perfect place to train your spiritual connection once you've mastered it we will visit the other kingdoms.

Tenzing unscrolls a map of the Earth with the locations of the Air Temples marked, along with a cartoonish caricature of himself with a thumbs-up drawn in the middle. Cut to a medium close shot of Korra looking appalled, then irritated before the camera zooms out and we see Ikki, Meelo, and Jinora.

Jinora: Can we see where Grandpa Aang was born?

Meelo: How many lemurs can I have?

Ikki: I want to get tattoos, but instead of arrows, I want lightning bolts.

Jinora: You can't get lightning bolts, that doesn't make any sense.

You: I'd like a tattoo may be one of a wave of Korra.

Korra: why me?

You: why not.

Ikki: You don't make any sense!

Meelo: Fight, fight, fight!

Ikki and Jinora press their foreheads against each other as they growl and glare at one another before Tenzin pulls them apart.

Tenzin: sternly "No one's fighting! We're going to have a wonderful time. Now that the President is in office and I'm not needed on the council, I can finally relax with my family and give Korra the attention she needs."

Korra: sarcastic "Great. More attention."

You: wait that means we'll barely have any time together.

hearing that Korra's eyes widened "crap." 

Bumi: laughs " ha you two really want to get it on uh."

Tenzin: You're not invited.

Jinora, Meelo, Ikki: Huh?

Tenzin: Not in front of the children!

Bumi: Alright besides you can't stop me from going to the festival, Mom already invited me.

Before heading to the north pole we went to the south for the festival and to see Master Katara. You all get off the boat and are greeted by Master Katara and Kya Tenzin's sister.

Jinora, Meelo, Ikki: simultaneously Gran-gran!

Katara: Oh, you've all gotten so big.

Jinora: hugs Kya "We missed you, Aunt Kya."

Kya: "Oh, I missed you too. Your father doesn't bring you to visit nearly enough. He's probably scared I'll beat him up like when we were kids." lightly punches Tenzin's arm.

Tenzin: "I'm not scared of you..." rubs his arm "Any more".

while that was happening you turned to Korra hugging Tonraq as you stand behind Korra and Senna stands to the side.

Korra: H-hey dad meets Nathan...

You: hello

Korra: "my boyfriend," she said making him freeze while her mother showed a smile and shook your hand. 

senna: I knew there was something between you two glad I was right.

You: thank you for welcoming me.

You offer a handshake "Sir."

Tonraq: crosses arms sternly "Explain now." he demanded walking closer to you eventually towering over your body.

The explanation is before this you never had the chance to introduce your self.

Korra: Dad stops it, please.

Tonraq chuckles and grabs your hand, shaking it heartily and brings you into a hug and whispers. 

Tonraq: I'm glad it was you for a moment there I thought she was with that Mako fellow.

You: hehe yeah.

Bolin walks into the frame.

Bolin: Wow, look at all these people that came out to greet us.

Korra: Uh, no... they came to greet them.

A royal Northern Water Tribe ship docking on the other side of the pier. The crowd claps and cheers.

Tonraq: bitterly sarcastic "The great chief of the Northern Water Tribe comes to grace us with his presence. Hooray."

Senna: Just relax, Tonraq. He'll be gone soon enough.

You: Unalaq you mean you don't like him?

Tonraq: no in fact I don't agree well with my brother.

You: what.

Cut to a shot of the ship's flag, with an arctic hen perched at the top of the mast. The bird makes a call, flying towards the camera and out of frame. Unalaq, Desna, and Eska walking down the plank to the pier, accompanied by guards.

You tense up spotting Eska.

Bolin: Whoa, who are the lovely ladies?

Korra: That's Eska and Desna, the chief's children. Desna is a guy.

Bolin: Oh, no, sure. I knew that. And which one is Desna?

You: the one on the right.

Bolin: how do you know?

You:... no reason. 

Unalaq and his group approaching Korra's group. Tenzin and his family stand in the background. Unalaq turns to Korra and bows.

Unalaq: Good to see you again, Avatar Korra and you Nathan.

Korra: bows Good to see you too.

You: ita been a while master.

you said as Korra turns to you "master?"

You: yeah he taught me everything I know, well almost.

Unalaq: Tonraq.

Eska: turning to you "hello my ex-lover"

Korra and Bolin: WHAT!!

You: aw crapbaskets.

Tonraq: I am truly sorry for the loss of your bending, but I am also glad that I can help you regain your water bending as in the letter when we arrive at the north pole you will be granted secrecy with the ocean and moon spirit.

Korra: bow "I can't that you enough for this."

Tonraq: it's the least I could do for my niece.

Fade into a wide establishing shot of the bay at the Southern Water Tribe and pan right to the city. A shot of people at the festival and pan right. You, Korra, Tonraq, Unalaq, and Tenzin walking down the street.

Unalaq: It's a shame the Southerners have abandoned all connections to the spirits, even during the most hallowed times.

You: true especially since the bridge of the spirit world and ours will be the strongest. 

Korra: I've always loved the Glacier Spirits Festival. It's fun.

Unalaq: This festival used to be a solemn time of fasting and meditation. Now it's just a chance to watch some rube try to stick an entire arctic hen in his mouth.

You: it's the same in republic city as well everyone is just using this to have fun instead of showing respect.

Cut to Bolin sticking a cooked arctic hen on a stick into his mouth, with the other characters in the background. He turns to them.

Bolin: with mouth full "Wha- what? dis good."

Tonraq: Traditions change. It's not the end of the world.

Unalaq: Tell that to the sailors who are being attacked by angry spirits in Southern waters. Some traditions have a purpose. sighs I just wish it was like the old times remember.

Tonraq: you mean when we would venture to the spirit world and play with the spirits we were children back then the world was simple.

Unalaq: the world was more respectable to spirits. 

Korra: Wait, spirits are attacking ships?

Unalaq: nods "I'm surprised the Avatar doesn't know about that. Apparently, you haven't been given all the information you need. It would be my honour to instruct you in the spiritual ways of the Water Tribe."

Korra: I wouldn't mind learning about fighting spirits. Airbending is getting pretty boring.

Tonraq: Tenzin is Korra's instructor. He can give her all the training she needs.

Unalaq: So you've said. But I did teach Nathan after all maybe you can vouch for me.

You: eating some nuddles "huh? oh yeah he good very good" 

small time skip brought to you by searching an hour to find a remote that was on top the tv

We arrive at a dining room below. Korra and Unalaq sitting at the head table. while you beside her.

Korra: This is a wonderful feast in your honour, Uncle.

Unalaq: This is nothing. When this festival was founded, the tribal elders would commune with the spirits. People would watch the brilliant displays of light as spirits dancing in the sky.

Korra: Wow. I've never seen that.

Unalaq: And that is a shame since the Avatar is the bridge between the material world and the spirits. That is why I want so badly to teach you, to help you fulfil your destiny.

Tonraq: I thought I had made it clear that Tenzin is teaching her.

Unalaq: Every Avatar before you travelled the world to learn. It was Tenzin and your father who kept you secluded at the South Pole.

Korra: I thought Aang ordered the White Lotus to keep me down here?

Tonraq: We all did what we thought was best for you.

Korra: Who I train with should be my decision, Dad, not yours or Tenzin's.

You: she's right Korra is not a child she's an adult and doesn't need baby sitters.

Tenzin looks back at Korra from further away. Bumi's head comes into frame and the camera zooms out to show Kya sitting beside Tenzin. Bumi gently elbows Tenzin.

Bumi: Looks like someone's trying to take your place as the Avatar's stick-in-the-mud mentor.

Kya: Bumi, don't pick on Tenzin, you know he's always been sensitive.

Tenzin: I'm not sensitive!

back to Unalaq

Unalaq: As your chief, it is my honour to speak at this festival, which was founded to bring our tribes together and restore the ancient balance between our world and that of the spirits. But I am saddened to see what it has become- A cheap carnival that celebrates greedy and trivial humans.

Tonraq gives Unalaq an irritated look while he drinks from a cup. Varrick cleans his teeth with his fingers while he uses his plate as a mirror. Bolin and Ginger are seated with him. Cut back to Unalaq.

Unalaq: I fear a change is approaching while many of the other nations chose to ignore this we the North can no longer stand idly by while our Southern brothers slip into total spiritual decay. Angry spirits are already attacking ships in your waters. I only hope we are not too late to change course.

Unalaq sits back down and the people begin to mutter to themselves. Cut to a shot from the front as Varrick stands up into the frame.

Varrick: Chief Unalaq, everybody. Always great to have him in town. Now let's have some fun with Wacky Wushu's dancin' otter-penguins.

Varrick steps away and Wacky Wushu dances in from the right. He water bends a slide on the floor which three otter penguins slide across. He bends the water back the other way and the otter penguins slide back into view, standing up in front of Wushu before they all bow. The scene cuts to a wide, overhead establishing shot of the festival at night. 

You feed Korra some cotton candy, which she greatly enjoys before feeding some to you. Bolin is eating rice balls on a stick and stares at the two of them with an annoyed look. Bolin turns his head away and sees Mako doing the same thing to Asami and acts as if he's barfing.  

Bolin sees Eska and Desna. Cut to a closer shot of Eska and Desna, then cut back to Bolin. Bolin clears his throat, smirks, and nudges Mako with his elbow.

Bolin: "Wish me luck." hands Mako his rice balls "I'm making my move. Whee!"

Mako: Good luck.

Korra: Those two have always creeped me out. They smell like a grandma's attic.

Korra: yeah...what?

Mako: I can't believe Korra wasn't your first girlfriend.

Asami: me neither.

Korra: well clearly I'm an upgrade.

You: you sure are a snowflake.

Korra: "snowflake? since when did we get to having nicknames for each other." she said leaning into you.

You: oh I don't know I think it just fits since your one of a kind.

Cut to Eska and Desna as Bolin approaches Eska.

Bolin: Hey, I'm Bolin, a friend of Korra's. You're Eska, right? Wow, I'm just... I'm loving these robes.

Eska turns to glare and hisses at Bolin. Bolin is a bit taken back before clearing his throat.

Bolin: So... you are from the North, right? Cool. That's like, you know, that's like, my favourite direction.

Desna: I think he is trying to establish some kind of bond with you based on your geographic point of origin.

Eska: Perhaps it would be interesting to spend time with a person whose ways are so rough and uncultured. You amuse me. I will make you mine.

Bolin: You mean like a boyfriend or... like a slave?

from afar Bolin heard you yell "THERES NO DIFFERENCE GET OU WHILE YOU CAN"

Eska: grabs Bolin's collar Win me prizes.

Bolin laughs nervously as Eska pulls Bolin with her and Desna. Cut to a shot of a water gun carnival game, using cute caricature cutouts of Aang as targets. Jets of water hit the targets, with the one closest to the camera hitting the hole in the target's mouth, causing Aang's arrow to light up and a cutout of Momo above his head to rise. 

Korra: Unalaq offered to train me. He says he can teach me about the spirits and my connection to them.

Mako: Sounds good. What does Tenzin think?

Korra: Tenzin thinks I'm his prisoner or one of his kids. I'll never finish training with him in charge.

Carnival Barker: We have a winner!

Korra: I mean, you heard what Unalaq said. The South is spiritually unbalanced and it's Avatar's job to fix it but my Dad won't even let me think about Unalaq teaching me. (beat) Well?

You: Well, what?

Korra: What do you think I should do?

You: I guess you should do what you think is right. I support whatever decision you make.

Korra: sarcastic "Oh... thanks. That's a big help."

You: Korra I can't tell you what to and not do you the avatar you gotta deal with it.

Korra: Damn it your right.

The scene cuts to a night time shot of several huts with lights on the inside near a cliff as snowfalls. Cut to a low angle shot of a wind chime hanging over a door. 

The wind blows it and it chimes softly. inside and we see Korra sleeping against you as Naga sleeps on the floor. Naga lifts her head to listen to something, then gets up to go outside. Cut to a close up of Korra looking tired.

Korra: "Ugh. Naga, what are you doing?" Naga starts howling "Naga, hush." goes outside and sees Naga howling at the cliff's edge. She runs up to Naga and places her hands on Naga's neck "Quiet Naga, you'll wake everyone up."

you said getting out of your tent wearing nothing but been watermelon sleeping shorts

You: what's going on?

Naga casually licks Korra's face and continues howling. Cut to Mako and Bolin exiting their own huts from below, with Korra and Naga in the background.

Bolin: What's going on?

Cut to a close up of Korra as she turns to look at what Naga is howling over. Cut to a shot from Korra's perspective as a large dark spirit materializes.

Korra: What. Is. That?

You: it's a dark spirit.

Korra: A dark spirit what's it doing here.

The dark spirit suddenly runs towards Korra. It jumps at her from below and kicks her. You ran after her even though you haven't recovered your bending yet. Mako and Bolin see this and start running to her aid. 

Korra goes tumbling until she collides with the rocky ledge in front of her hut. The dark spirit's tendrils wrap around her arms and it pins her against the wall while it comes to face to face with her. "hey ugly!" you shouted gaining its attention and making it angrier the dark spirit lets go of her and charges towards you. You stand still and et on your knees.

Korra: what are you doing!

she shouts as the spirit stops in front of you and roars. You smiled at the beast despite the danger and spoke.

You: spirit I am sorry for all of our disrespect.  

The spirit stops moving rapidly and calms the other around you watch wide-eyed as golden rings encumber you and the spirit.

Tenzin/Tonraq: Nathan!

Water begins to circle it. The dark spirit looks to the side, and we cut to Unalaq waving his arms in a circle, bending the water. The water begins to take on a more defined spiralling ring shape around the spirit. 

Cut to Korra as she watches relieved that you safe also intrigued to learn how to do this, and there is a glow. Cut to the now calmed spirit as the water around it starts to emanate a golden glow. Unalaq raises his arms over his head, and the dark spirit starts to glow as well. Cut back to Unalaq lowering his arms, then cut to a long, wide shot of the scene as the glowing water rings dissipate and the spirit slowly walks off. Cut to a shot from behind Unalaq as he watches the spirit go.

Unalaq: Go in peace.

The spirit dissolves into golden specks that fly into the wind. Korra runs up to Nathan and looks at the spirit She turns as Tonraq and Tenzin run up to them.

Korra; Nathan are you insane what were you thinking!

Tenzin: Are you all right?

You: I'm fine Korra.

Tonraq puts a hand on Korra's shoulder, but she shrugs it off as she addresses Unalaq.

Korra: How were you able to control that spirit when no one else could?

Unalaq: As your father could tell you, I have spent my life studying the spirits and learning their ways. All of this knowledge is lost in the South, but I could teach you everything I know.

Tenzin: Chief Unalaq, clearly you are very knowledgeable but Korra still has much to learn about airbending, and I hope that going to the Air Temples will help her connect with the past Avatars.

Korra: Ugh.

Unalaq: The Air Temples will teach her nothing. Only I can give her the training she needs to be a complete Avatar.

Tonraq: I've told you that will not happen.

Korra: Hey, I'm right here! Does anyone want to ask me what I think?

You: alright then Korra what do you think.

Korra: thank you, Nathan.

Korra turns to the others and speaks.

Korra: were going to the North pole I need to get my water bending so I can learn how to handle spirits, But I need your help to contact the moons spirit Tenzin, but after that Tenzin, I think you should leave on your trip with your family you need to spend time with them I can regain my bending myself.

Everyone was silent after listening. Tenzin had a conflicted look on his face but gave up knowing Korras stubbornness. Unalaq walked up and with a suggestion.

Unalaq: We can leave soon but first Avatar Korra I implore you to open the southern spirit portal as a show of good faith to the spirit.

she nods in understanding.

A/n- let me know what ya think.

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