Spirit world

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A/n- enjoy

Previously in the legend of Korra

The trio Korra, Nathan and Jinora enter the spirit world.

Nathan: So did wan tell you what this helper looks like or are we going in this blind?

She shrugs and says.

Korra: Dunno I didn't get a description only that Id now when I see him.

Jinora: well then let's go and find him or her.

And now

The Southern Air Temple, at night.

We pan down to a wide shot of the Airbender meditation circle, where Tenzin, Bumi, and Kya sit cross-legged around a campfire. Nathan, Korra and Jinora sit opposite each other in a similar position off to the side.

Tenzin: I can't believe my little girl had to guide Korra into the Spirit World instead of me.

Tenzin: "If anything happens to her, I won't be able to forgive myself." drops his head in his hands in despair.

Kya: touches Tenzin's shoulder reassuringly "She's very smart, and she has a strong connection to the spirits. and they have Nathan to defend them in case anything happens so she'll be fine. "

Bumi: Yeah, Dad went all the time.

Tenzin: They won't have their bending in there. They'll be defenceless.

Bumi: Bumi's frowning face, clearly offended "Ahem. Excuse me, but I've never had bending, And I don't think I'd call myself "defenceless." "

Tenzin: Of course you aren't, because you have your, um...

Kya: when Tenzin looks to her for back-up, she raises her arm and awkwardly responds with a cheesy grin "Positive attitude?."

Bumi: I would have said acute intellect and catlike reflexes, but whatever.

Tenzin: Why don't you two get some sleep? I'll take the first watch.

Kya: Wake us up if you need some company.

Bumi: "Or if any interesting spirit stuff happens," spooky ghost-story voice while raising his arms "like their bodies start floating around and you need someone to help you grab them before they fly off. "

Kya: Bumi!

Bumi: I'm just saying we're here if you need us.

Tenzin: "I know you are. Thank you." he said getting up and walks over to Jinora, squatting down and placing his hand affectionately on her head "Please come back soon."

In the spirit, world Nora is standing in a field of giant green plants much larger than her. She is in awe. Korra is standing in the background, taking in the scenery with caution as a colossal blue fish-like spirit flies past in the sky behind them. Nathan just hangs back watching them adapt to this weird world.

Jinora: Isn't it beautiful?

Korra: Just stick close to me, okay? This seems nice, but you never know when we'll run into some dark spirits.

Nathan laughs at this walking up to Korra and placing a hand on her shoulder.

Nathan: relax a little Koko nothing bad is gonna happen. I think.

She reaches down and places her hand on one of several purple flowers. The flower comes alive as a butterfly and flies off, startling Korra she jumps a little almost falling but Nathan catches her.

Korra: Huh!

From above Norra and Jinora standing opposite from each other as the purple butterfly spirit flies over Jinora's head, increasing in size and sparkling brightly.

Jinora: Look. It's like it's made of jewels. The spirits are so much more beautiful in their world than they are at home.

she runs after the butterfly eagerly almost running off but luckily Nathan gets to her before she trails off.

Nathan: Big brother like " And where do you think you're going?"

Jinora: Hehe sorry it was so pretty I couldn't help my self.

He smiles patting her head.

Nathan: It's alright besides we can come back here whenever but first we have to focus ok?

She silently nods her head and turns back to Korra.

Korra: Okay so where do we head to.

The group walk around the magical grasslands eventually coming across a large tunnel. 

Korra: "why did we stop here?" she asked turning to Nathan.

Jinora: yeah why?.

Nathan: I think a spirit lives here maybe we can get some coordinates.

Korra: Oh that makes sense, let me do the calling.

she inhales a large amount of air.


seconds pass and crying is head from the cave soon followed by footsteps a meerkat spirit exits the cave. The spirit grumpily pushes her foot off him and out of his hole. He pouts and glares at her as she stumbles before regaining her footing.

Spirit Meerkat 1: Hey! who gave you the right to shout! you woke up my children! you giant clod!.

Jinora: Bad choice Korra.

she said as they all take a step back Jinora hiding behind Nathan.

Korra: S-sorry.

Spirit Meerkat 1: tapping his claws on his arm in irritation "This is a residential area, in case you hadn't noticed. Who do you think you are, stomping through here like that? "

Korra: smiling, as pleasantly as possible "I'm the Avatar."

The ground erupts near Korra's foot and she has to step back as another meerkat spirit pops up from the ground next to the first one.

Spirit Meerkat 2: "The Avatar?" he sniffs Korra "Not impressed." he pouts, looks away from Korra.

Korra: I'm trying to find a guide to help me mast-

Another spirit pos out of the ground beside the three startling them.

Spirit Meerkat 3:  I heard humans are treating spirits poorly up why haven't you done anything about it?

Korra: I'm sorry but I'm currently at-

Spirit Meerkat 2: I knew things would never be solved thats why Unalaq would be a better avatar.

Nathan: Wait how do you-

another one.

Spirit Meerkat 4: pops up out of the ground near the third spirit "I heard you tried to open the portal and fail are you really the avatar?"

Nathan: I don't like this Listen can you just please help us.

Korra: exasperatedly "I-I couldn't because I lost my bending."

Spirit Meerkat 5: pops up out of the ground behind the third and fourth spirits "I don't trust her."

Spirit Meerkat 6: pops up out of the ground behind the fifth spirit, pumping his fist in the air angrily "Get out of our world!"

The group slowly pulls back as meerkat spirits start popping up out of the ground around them by the dozens, all angry.

Spirit Meerkat 7/8: We don't need you. You don't belong here.

Nathan then gets a painful feeling by his arm looking down he sees Jinora grip his arms in worry.

Jinora: Nathan we have to go, now!

Nathan: Nodding in agreement. "Alright then Ko-

Korra: trembling in anger "Get away from me!."

Korra makes bending motions to defend herself, only for nothing to happen. She freezes in shock, then looks at her non-bending hands in utter confusion. The first meerkat spirit points at her angrily.)

Spirit Meerkat 1: Did you guys see that? She tried to bend at us, in our home. Get her!

Natan: RUN!.

Meerkat spirits leap at Korra, attacking her. She dodges a few of them as they fly past her, but one of them hits her and sticks to her in the form of a blue clay-like mass. Korra looks off into the distance and shouts.

Nathan: Korra! Jinora get back back.

she does so watching from behind a tree.

Another meerkat spirit hits Korra and turns into a blue mass that sticks to her. Nathan jumps into the fray grabbing her and pulling her back as another spirit jumps at her.

Jinora: Korra, stay calm! Your energy is upsetting them. You're only making it worse.

Korra, now covered in a bunch of these blue spirits' sticky masses and struggling to stand as they weigh her down. Nathan tries to pull her up with all his might the whatever the mass as it was stronger than him. Jinora runs up and tries to pry them off Korra, but her hands recoil covered in the sticky blue substance.

The ground underneath them swirling like a green whirlpool, sucking them in as the meerkat's dance in a circle around this whirlpool. Both girls scream as the whirlpool spins them around faster before disappearing into a hole in the ground with a light splash of water shooting out of it.

Nathan: carp.crap.crap.crap. Hold on, tight guys.

He yells tightening his grip on both their hands. Afraid to let go.

Suddenly falling underwater, in a seemingly endless ocean of blue. Nathan still holds onto the two of them his arms now wrapped around them as his legs kick him up. Both girls hold onto each other for dear life. When Korra turns her head, her eyes widen with fear.

A monstrously huge crocodilian-like spirit swimming toward them, opening his jaws wide to reveal a green glow inside his mouth. They try to swim away, but they swim too slowly and become sucked into the beast's mouth, into the glowing green abyss. The abyss then fades into rough water rapid inside a green tunnel full of glowing mushrooms and spiked rocks. Jinora coughs out water as she struggles against the current, gasping for air. Nathan does his best to hold onto the two of them as they enter a stream of water becoming a cyclone spinning throughout the rest of the tunnel.

Nathan: Aw not again!.

All: Aaah!

Exiting the portal the trio land on what gound with a thud Korra coughs up water, completely disoriented and being taken wherever the cyclone of water goes, the same is said for Jinora who coughs up some water.

Both completely unaware of the unconscious Nathan who cushioned there fall.

They are surrounded by ominous-looking trees in a dark, foggy forest. A green wisp of a spirit flies past in the foreground, completely unnoticed by her as well as the unconscious Nathan on the floor.

Jinora: "Ugh" coughs "is it over?."

Korra: spits "I think so. How are you, Nath-"

Korra: Jinora? Jinora!

Confused she turns to where Jinoras looking as she finds three faceless purple spirits with green hair and spiked shoulders hovering above her, looking down at her and frightening her into hyperventilation.

Korra: Nathan we gotta-!

Her breathing got worse and more hoars as her eyes met Nathans body on the floor. Jinora gasped upon seeing the same thing. without hesitation, Jinora ran to him Jinora lightly shaking him to wake up. Whereas Korra's breathing got more unstable her eyes threatening to flood.

Jinora: he's just unconscious we have to get him out of here please help me carry him.

She spins around and manages to control herself enough to help carry Nathan on her back. When they come to a clearing they turn and find a massive blue centipede-like spirit with horns and rays of red light billowing from its eyes looking at her just off to the side. It lands on its front legs before her with a tremendous crash, scaring her off as it hisses at her.

Korra/Jinora: Ah!

Korra tries to find refuge near a tree with a green crab-like spirit crawling up the bark with human-looking fingers for legs.

Jinora: Korra!

she screams at her to regain her senses but instead made her dropped Nathan clutching her head everything spins in a circular motion through the forest, revealing many terrifying spirits gaping at Korra through the trees.

Young Korra: sniffs  "no. no. no. no."

Young Korra is sitting at its base, still crying and frightened. She looks at Jinora whos holding her and then Nathan who hasn't woken up yet.

Young Korra: Jinora I'm scared.

Jinora: I am too.

Young Korra: when is he gonna wake?

An approaching light to Korra's left alerts the two to a presence. As Jesus walks in wait no a better old man's spirit as he approaches with a lantern in hand, his face hidden in the shadows.

A/n- Everyone's dad

Uncle Iroh: You three look lost. Maybe I can help you.

Nathan groans forcing the smallest amount of consciousness and says.

Nathan: God?..ugh.

Young Korra: eyes widen, recognizing him "I know you."

The old man raises the lantern to reveal his face. The cheerful face of Uncle Iroh.

Uncle Iroh: I was good friends with Avatar Aang, your grandfather Jinora.

Jinora: Iroh.

Uncle Iroh: Hello, Korra.

After having saved the trio Iroh brought them green beautiful space out of the forest to a picnic with spirits.

Uncle Iroh: We're having a little tea party to celebrate May-Jim's wedding.

Nathan: Oh thats nice.

he said eating a piece of the cake.

Jinora: It really is oh can I be the bridesmaid!.

Young Korra: approaches with Iroh beside her, and takes a seat "How can you marry each other?  Aren't you... "

May: Complete opposites? I know!

Jim: I tried to fight it, but she grew on me. 

Nathan: Thats how love works.

Uncle Iroh: "The Spirit World is very mysterious, but so is love. Help yourself to some tea and cakes." he serves Korra a slice of cake and blueberries on a plate "They are spirit cakes, so you won't gain any weight." pats his belly, chuckling "Of course, you won't lose any, either. "


May: Spirit world only chump!.

Young Korra: "This part of the Spirit World isn't so scary." the whole cake is taken away to reveal a teapot that was hiding behind it, which Korra points to with familiarity "My teapot!"

Uncle Iroh: That's right. It was yours long, long ago. When you were Avatar Wan, you used it to carry the Light Spirit Raava around until the two of you became one. It's my favourite thing I've found here. You know, when you make tea in it, you can still taste a little light in every cup.

Pouring tea into everyone's cup. They all smile peacefully after taking a sip of it.

While feeling at peace. Iroh bring out

Uncle Iroh: They say that the game of Pai Sho was invented by the spirits. 

Iroh seated at a Pai Sho table with a cup of tea. Korra sits beside him, feeding the dragon-bird spirit as it sits on the table's edge next to her. Across from Iroh is a giant purple flower bulb spirit, scratching its petals with a green tendril like a man scratching his head. Nathan seated beside him watching the match.

Uncle Iroh: Although some of them don't seem to grasp it very well.

Spirit Flower Bulb: Just hold on. I'm thinking.

Uncle Iroh: As you can see, it is a game that requires great patience, but time does not mean much to us here.

Jinora: How long have you lived here?

Uncle Iroh: Oh, I've been here for many years. I had always enjoyed the company of the spirits.  So when my work was done in the Material World, I chose to leave my body behind and come to the Spirit World. It can be a wonderful place, and I've made so many friends.

Iroh glances over his shoulder at May-Jim at the table behind him, raising his teacup to them. May and Jim both raising their teacups to him in return, smiling. Korra looks down at the ground sadly. Iroh drinks his tea, then looks at Korra in concern.

Uncle Iroh: Korra, what's wrong?

Young Korra: eyes welling up with tears "I came here with my friends to master the avatar state, but spirits didn't believe me, and I feel like the worst avatar."

hearing this made Nathan feel terrible, the fact that he didn't notice how the words of the spirits affected her.

Uncle Iroh: You're not a bad avatar or person you just have to grow like yourself, You can't rush a flower only nurture it, Korra. It's okay.

Young Korra: frowns, then shakes her head and raises her fists in anger "No, it's not okay! Everybody hates me no one wants me to be the avatar! "

the flower bulb spirit wilts off to the side as a result of Korra's shouting. Nathan gets up from his chair walking beside her.

Nathan: Korra thats not true a lot of spirits like you okay?.

Jinora: your not a bad avatar Korra your awsome.

Korra: I don't like the Spirit World! I don't want to be here anymore!

A dark storm cloud with a circling eye forms over the mountain in the distance and then blackens the sky. The fox spirits either growl viciously or howl, the plant spirits wilt, and May and Jim turn on each other. Iroh slowly comes in, looking horrified and then concerned.

May: Did you say something to her?

Jim: Me? You're the one with the big mouth.

Uncle Iroh: Korra, please, stop. Look at what you're doing to everyone.

Young Korra: looks around at all the suddenly angry or frightened spirits "I did that?"

Uncle Iroh: In the Spirit World, your emotions become your reality. Especially for the Avatar because you are the bridge between the two worlds. You must try to stay positive.

Jinora: I knew the avatar hod power in the spirit world but wow.

All the spirits watch as Korra sits back down. Iroh reaches toward her and dabs her tears away with a handkerchief. She sniffles then turn to the spirits. Very calmly, she places her hands together and bows her head to them.

Young Korra: I'm sorry.

The spirits' colours return to brightness and they stop growling or being sad. Cut to a wide shot of the clearing as the dark cloud rapidly retreats to its place over the mountain. Cut to a close-up of Korra's face as the sun shines down on her as she turns back into her old self.

Uncle Iroh:  There, you see?

Nathan: You feel better now?

Korra: smiles "Yeah."

Uncle Iroh: Even in the Material World, you will find that if you look for the light, you can often find it. But if you look for the dark, that is all you will ever see.

Korra taking this in, and pumps her fists in determination.Jinora who stood by watching senses a disturbance and sits in a meditating stance.

Korra: I'm here looking for someone to train me and I thInk I've found him.

she smiles and bows to Iroh with her fists.

Korra: Iroh can you please help me master the avatar state.

Before anything is said Jinora slams the table in panic.

Jinora: We don't have time somethings not right! at the spirit portal!.

May: oh thats nothing It's just Vatuu there by himself.


May: oh and Unalaq.

Everyone: WHAT!.

Iroh: stroking his beard "Hmm Its seems there are more pressing matter Korra."

Korra: Wait you can teach me quickly!.

Uncle Iroh: I'm afraid this old man can't help you. This is something that you must do on your own. The people who have been coming to the Spirit World lately have brought darkness and anger, so that is what you see now. But you have light and peace inside of you. If you let it out, you can change the world around you.

Korra: What if we come across threatening spirits.

Uncle Iroh: Many things that seem threatening in the dark become welcoming when we shine a light on them.

Korra: All right, but what about my training for the avatar state?.

Iroh: maybe it is not my destiny to train you but turn inwards and you will find your way.

Korra smiles at this nodding in understanding as she turns to Nathan then Jinora whos accompanies but the bunny spirit from before.

Jinora: He says he knows the way to Vaatu.

TimeskipBrought to you by adventure time. Also, someones gonna die.

A/n-both spirit portal are closed because of Korra's insescurity.

Jinora: That's where Vaatu is.

Along the way, the trio came across a group of giant dogs who wished to help. With a determined look, Korra approaches the tree where stood a large spirit and a recognisable man. She reaches toward the white-blue shaft of light beaming from the portal, only to turn her gaze to the tree when she hears Vaatu's voice.

Vaatu: So you've returned, Raava.

Unalaq: My prized pupil I had a feeling you might follow her here.

Korra remains perfectly in place as well as Jinora and Nathan arriving at the very base of the tree to face Vaatu in his prison. Korra's filled with determination, facing off with Vaatu.

Vaatu: With Harmonic Convergence is coming soon, I am very glad to see you again, Have you met my friend Unalaq I see why you like these mortals so much.

Korra: I think you've said enough Unalaq step away from him you don't know who or what you're dealing with. Get out.

Unalaq: No I believe it is you who does not understand Korra Vatu here is helping me achieve my goal all we need is your help to open the portal.

Nathan: How about no. Unalaq please don't trust him he wants to spread chaos by in our world you can't trust anything he says.

Unalaq sighs in disappointment as if expecting this outcome.

Unalaq: Capture the girl.

Korra's eyes widen, and she spins around to find a purple meerkat spirit emerge from behind them Nathan goes in to grab Jinora but get hit by a second Meerkat spirit which sent him flying backwards. The spirit tackles Korra while the other grabs Jinora and ran to Unalaq. He makes bending motions with his arms and Jinora floats into view, surrounded by the same spiralling ring shapes Unalaq had used on spirits in the South Pole. Only instead of bending rings of water, he is bending purple energy. Jinora, looking quite terrified.

Korra/Nathan: Jinora!.

Korra runs forward to save her friend. Before she reaches the base of the tree, the monstrous form of Furry-Foot crashes to the ground in front of Korra, growling at Nathan stopping her from moving any further.

Nathan: Korra I got some trouble here good dogs I'm sorry I said I was a cat person.

The dogs she had tamed have now reverted to their more monstrous forms as well, and are also growling at him. Korra angrily addresses Unalaq, pointing a finger at him.

Korra: I can't believe I trusted you. You made me think you wanted to restore balance with the spirits but this, this isn't balanced, it's madness. Now let her go.

Unalaq: If you want your friend to make it out of the Spirit World, you'll open the Northern portal now.

Jinora: Don't do it, Korra!

Unalaq turns to Jinora, directing even more focus on her with more urgent bending motions. An eerie purple glow begins to climb its way up her body, slowly enveloping her inch by inch until it reaches her face. Korra's face holds a horrified expression, at both what is happening and her inability to stop it. Unalaq, grins not of malice but knowing he his plan will come to tuition.

Unalaq: What will it be? Open the portal, or lose your friend's soul?

Jinora as the purple glow slowly takes over her whole body, her face almost completely covered by it as she seemingly gasps her final breaths. Cut back to Korra, having made a decision.

Vaatu: You might want to reconsider. That is if you want to save your friend.

Korra: "Stop." angrily "I'll do it."

Arriving at the northern portal, still sealed off by an orb of purple energy as Korra slowly approaches. With the monstrous dogs growling at Nathan making him follow, Unalaq, and Furry-Foot in his dark form carrying Jinora and watching Korra closely from behind, she hesitates and then reaches toward the portal.

Korra looks at her hands and pauses within inches of the portal, before reluctantly coming into contact with the whirls of energy surrounding the portal. The shot begins to shake as the orb changes from purple to bright yellow light. She uses all her might pushing the dome as she lifts her head to reveal the glowing eyes of the Avatar. She gives in even more power and a burst of light emerges as the Portal disappears. Everyone and Unalaq shielding his eyes from the blinding light, before lowering them and grinning triumphantly.

Korra's utterly blank expression as her eyes continue to glow and the portal opens. A wide shot of the realm as the chaotic bursts of light from the Northern portal calm into a single bright shaft of light. Nathan and Jinora held shocked expressions as one of the dog spirits as it raises its head to the sky and roars. Cut to an angry-looking Korra, with her back to the Northern portal.

Korra: Now let Jinora go.

Unalaq as he spins around, and sends a blast of water toward Korra. Cut to the camera following that water until it hits Korra in the arm. Where she was hit, the flesh turns briefly white and sparkling with energy, damaged. He does the same to Nathan the blast hitting his should off.

Korra: Ah!

Unalaq: bends more water toward her "You should have come through By other means Korra."

Korra tries dodging the blasts and whips of water, but they hit her again and again in the arms and deal more damage to her where the flesh becomes temporarily blue and sounds like something shattered. She leaps over Unalaq's attacks, getting closer to Jinora. Furry-Foot leaps off to the side and then flies off with Jinora into the sky.

Jinora: Korra!

Cut to Korra's determined face, as she rushes to give chase to Jinora's captor, only for one of Unalaq's attacks to knock her back. She gets back up and runs, each blast of water missing her by inches. Unalaq continues sending blasts of water at her until Furry-Foot has flown too far away and one of the dogs bashes into Korra from the side and sends her flying.

Another dog leaps into the air and snatches Korra in its jaws while she was still falling. The dog lands perfectly on its feet, flexing its jaws and causing Korra to whimper from pain between all those teeth. Joined by the other two, the dog drops Korra to the ground, whereupon she is suspended into the air by some unseen force and Unalq blasts her sending her back to the material plane. 

Making a break for it Nathan dashes towards Unalaq. Noticing he launches multiple water blast hitting Nathan by the waist he turns with the motion going even further Unalq grunts continuously thrusting towards him as he dodges it all. Vaatu deciding to jump in finishes what Unalaq was doing with Jinore her astral body disintegrating into a purple mist and grabs Nathan slams him into the tree. Looking very angry-looking Unalaq blasts Nathan in the chest sending him back to the material world.. surrounded by a cloud of dust. He turns in the direction of Vaatu when his voice resounds over the landscape.

Vaatu: I'll see you soon, Raava.Once the Harmonic Convergence comes, Unalaq the time has come. And then I will have my revenge.

Korra's unconscious face ominously. Suddenly, the dark background of the Spirit World morphs into the bright background of the material world. There eyes open and gasps aloud. Panting with horror. Bumi, Kya, and Tenzin were lying asleep in the background but slowly rise to their feet. Tenzin bolts to Korra's side, squatting next to her.

Tenzin: Korra. What was it like? Did you manage to master the avatar state? Was Jinora able to help you?

Looking utterly defeated and remorseful.

Korra: Tenzin, I'm- I'm sorry.

Nathan: Dammit we shouldn't have brought her with us!.

Tenzin's eyes are wide, and he turns to look at Jinora. Zooming in on Jinora over Korra's and Tenzin's shoulders. She is sitting very still, and her eyes are still closed.

Tenzin: Where's Jinora? W-why isn't she waking up?

Tenzin rushes to his daughter's body, and embraces it tightly, looking confused at why she is not waking up. He turns to Korra for answers.

Tenzin: Korra, what happened to my little girl?

Out of the spirit world, Vatuu manipulates Unalaq through all the wrong humans have done to spirits a dark aura consumes him as he smiles evilly.

Unalaq: The most place void of spiritual connection is Republic City built upon what was once a great spiritual area by Avatar Aang we must remove the city in order to restore true balance.

he smiles Turning to Vatuu as well as the growing army of spirits behind him. Turning they begin there trek from the Northern tribe to republic city.

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