Worst start

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A/n- Your theme song is above that shit is lit I kid you not! this is going to be revamped from the start of now.

Sleeping soundly inside a cabin was our protagonist Nathan sleeping soundly until the ship's horn.

Nathan: Republic City!

 You cheered as you spring up out of bed  ' I can't wait to see Pema and the others'

You grab your luggage which is one large duffle bag with your clothes and cooking stuff inside after checking around the room to make sure you had everything and headed out the cabin to the dock entering republic city. 

Nathan: *inhales* ah that's the good smell. Polluted air.

Getting off the boat you were checking out the city unaware of the approaching polar bear before it rammed past you tripping you up.

???: sorry!.

The rider shouted as she headed into the city.

Nathan: what kind of crazy person rides a polar bear dog in a city filled with cars

Getting back up you dusted yourself and hoisted your duffle bag over your shoulder. Ignoring that and heading towards the city

After a while of walking around the city

Nathan: I'm lost. 

Nathan: yep I'm totally lost and it doesn't help that I'm hungry too.

Your stomach grumbled in response 'I feel you, buddy.' After walking around some more you found a food cart excited to eat I you ran up.

Nathan: hello there can I have two kebabs? 

You asked the cart lady.

Owner: That will be 2 yuans. 

You paid and thanked her for the kebabs. When you finished eating You heard a scream of sorts and turn sight to the person riding the polar bear dog.

The polar bear dog looks excited as it stares at the cart full of meat skewers and kebabs. Korra hops off and comes around to the side of the cart as she picks up some meat on a stick. while you just stayed petting the bear. 

Korra: "We'll take one of everything, please." 

Nathan: 'she must have money to waste either that or dumb or broke or both'

You thought as you stood to the side still petting the bear by the side.

Shop Owner: That will be 20 yuans.

Korra: I don't have any money. 

Nathan: ' the third option it is then'

Nathan:  sigh I'll pay for her and the bear dog.

Korra: thank you so much but I don't have any money to pay you so i cant accept.

Nathan: psh that's alright take it as a gift from a fellow water bender

You said as you paid the owner and she handed you a paper bag full of cooked meat pieces.

Korra: really ?! thank you so much!. 

She smiled as I gave her the bag and gave some to her bear.

Nathan: And Apologise for running me other earlier while you at it.

Koora: wait that was you? heh, my bad I was kinda excited to come here that all. Naga and I apologise right Naga.

She turned and Naga barked and liked your face.

shop owner: Aw isn't that sweet are you gonna buy anything more?

Nathan: uh no.


It shocked both you and Korra because she then hoped on Naga and patted the seat behind her. you nodded and climbed aboard and made sure to not grab onto her as naga began running and you holding on trying not to fall.

After some time passed you got and Korra got of Naga at a public park.  The leaves on the trees have turned red and gold in the autumn surrounded by the towering skyline of Republic City.

Nathan: What was her problem I poured 22 yuans in her stand. 'and her cooking is subpar at best.'

Korra: I know right you fed her business and she acts like that. 

She said tossing some food to naga. 

Korra: my names Korra btw I never introduced myself.

Nathan: call me Nathan it's short for Nathaniel and it's nice to meet you Korra.

Korra: likewise so what brings a water bender here to the city.

She said starting a conversation as you were walking along the dirt path.

Nathan: I was about to ask you the same thing well life in the northern water tribe has been a little boring for me so your mom decided I should come to republic city to stay with a friend of ours and try giving city life a try.

Korra: So you're looking to live it up here.

Nathan:  no not really from what I've seen life here is hard especially on non-benders 

You answered as Korra had a confused look on her face it was adorable, but the thought quickly vanished and you guessed she didn't know this about the City but that's how things are around here. 

The time flew by walking around the park and talking about random topics and having a nice time like how she met naga and what she's doing here, apparently, she's here to learn air bending I was a little caught off guard since the last air bender was the avatar and now Tenzin and his kids but if she can then either the balance of the world is being restored or... she's the avatar. 

Nathan: hehe 'Yeah right I'm walking in the park with the avatar who couldn't even afford a single kebab ha. '

The two then hear whistle sounds and jump to the left to see a pudgy cop standing on a bridge over a small stream. He points at Korra and then starts running towards her.

Police: Hey, you! Stop! You can't have your bear running here without a leash!

Nathan: Oh

You both look at each other as he gets close nodding you throw the greasy meat towards him. Korra jumps on Naga and then you.

Police: Gyah!

Korra: hold on tight! she said

Nathan: uh were?.

Korra: anywhere it doesn't matter! 

you went instinctively and wrapped your arms around her stomach. Blushing the first time you've ever been this close to a girl. As you both run away on Naaga

The cop shortly gives up the chase as the exhaustion leaves him bent over, gasping for breath. Behind him, the hobo pops out of the bushes and waves goodbye at us.

After running around the park you arrive at a man with a megaphone standing on a table before a poster of Amon. A dozen or so people stand around him, listening. Naga halts as they amble nearby.

Antibender Protestor: Are you tired of living under the tyranny of benders? Then join the Equalists! For too long, the bending elite of this city has forced non-benders to live as lower-class citizens. Join Amon, and together we will tear down the bending establishment.

Korra: What are you talking about? Bending is the coolest thing in the world!

All heads turn towards her. There's a back-and-forth between us and the protester.

Nathan: It's also how the city gets its energy if you get rid of bending then a lot of things would disappear you know that right? 'this can't be real right?'.

Antibender Protestor: Oh yeah, let me guess. You're benders.

Nathan and Korra: Yeah.

Antibender Protestor: Then I bet you'd just love to knock me off this platform with some water bending, huh?

Korra: I'm seriously thinking about it.

Nathan: I was going to do it because of your communist protest but now I'm thinking of freezing you on spot.

 I said as i fist-bumped Korra and smirked that soon left when I saw a smirk appeared on his face.

Antibender Protestor: This is what's wrong with this city! Benders like this girl only use their power to oppress us.

The crowd jeers at you and Korra who's confused and annoyed were as you called yourself an idiot for falling into his trap.

Korra: I'm not oppressing anyone! You're... you're oppressing yourself.

Nathan: that's your comeback Korra seriously?

Korra: it sounded good in my head okay!

Antibender Protestor: That didn't even make sense! 

He was right.

Korra rides off, the jeering crowd to her back. Cut to a sleepy side street with several shops and street stalls. Korra and you walking beside Naga now. You walk over to an older woman sitting with someone and was about to ask for directions. 

Before you could get them, there's the roar of an engine. On a nearby street corner, A red car pulls around into sight. Korra and you are then warned by the older woman to hide.

As the red automobile as it parks. Its front grill is decorated with a lion turtle's face. Three thugs exit the car and approach a male shopkeeper polishing a red phonograph. The three thugs freak out the shopkeeper, who drops his rag. 

Waterbending Thug: Mr Chung, please tell me that you have my money, or else i can't guarantee i can protect your fine establishment. 

Mr Chung: I'm sorry, the business has been slow. Please, take one of my photographs.

The one with the red scarf bends some fire in the palm of his hand. 

Nathan: 'these guys are for real no wonder there's an anti-bending foundation these people are being robbed and these guys are using their gifts to enforce their CONTROL!!'.

You look back to the shopkeeper as tries to appease the thugs, but the red scarfed man wordlessly destroys the offered photograph with a flaming kick. The shopkeeper screams and falls backwards 

Nathan/Korra: 'ok that's it I'm wrecking their shit.'

Waterbending Thug: My friend here is not a music lover. Give me the money, or else...

Nathan/Korra: Or else what! 

You shouted as you dropped your heavy duffle bag.

The thugs turn around and face to see pissed off benders standing behind them. The thugs, who after staring for a moment glance at each other and start laughing.

Waterbending Thug: Hahaha! Since you're obviously fresh off the boat, let me explain a couple of things. You're in Triple Threat Triad territory, and we're about to put you in the hospital.

You turn to look around seeing shopkeepers watching this exchange from their hiding places. The thugs, however, aren't pleased and you and Korra really give a damn.

Nathan: You're the only ones who are gonna need a hospital. And for your sake pray that they can heal bones.

Korra: So how we gonna do this?

Nathan: I say we freeze them solid and wait for the police to get them or we can beat them up and wait for the police to get them either way there going to jail.

You said as she smirks and cracks her knuckles.

Waterbending Thug: Who do you think you are!?

Nahan: I'm your worst nightmare the MC.

Korra: 'It's nice that he's helping these people but it's my duty to help not sit by the line.... but he did buy me and naga some food although I get to see how strong he is and some bad guys get beat up soon 

Korra: You know what You got this I'ma watch just call me if you need me.

You nod and, balls your fists staring back confidently at the lead thug. His eye twitches as he hollers and reaches into his coat for some water. He attacks you with it, but you catch in your hand and throw it back to his face! 

The water envelopes his head and freezes, leaving his partners with their jaws on the ground. He staggers around but is defeated with a punch to his face breaking the ice and throwing him against the front of his car in the process. 

He slumps against the car as his partners stare on for an instant, disbelieving before the tall one with the pale green shirt turns to me and tries to attack me with his earth bending. 

Nathan: Dick move.

he then moved in motion and throws a boulder his size but you didn't move as you bend the ice into the water blade and slices the bolder in half and then water whip the earth bender thug sending him into the sky.

The old shopkeeper lady and her friend stare up into the sky.

Shop Woman: What is happening?.

Shop Man: Is he really fighting for us non-benders? and winning.

The earth bender thug then falls hitting every branch while falling down a preverbal tree. When he's finally kissing the pavement, the red-scarfed thug turns back to you and blasts with fire. but you bend water all over his body and leap through the flames with a smile on your lips. getting close you grab the fire bender's hands freezing it and he screams like a little girl. 

Korra: haha y- you screamed like a little girl.

Then you swing around the fire bender tossing him across the street and creates an ice wall for him to crash into. 

Nathan: That was easy. I didn't even have to try. ' that hard'.

You said smirking and Korra watched from the side smiling of course she had faith you'd win but was impressed. 'maybe we can spar sometime.' 

Suddenly there's the revving of an engine. she looks and sees you move out of the way. The earth bender thug yells at the fire bender to get in, but the water bender won't slow down the car, and in the end, the earth bender catapults the fire bender into the car using a pillar of bent earth.

Earthbending Thug: Come on!

Nathan: get over here!. 

She heard you say as he creates a chain of ice and shots it towards one of the tires tearing it off as it spirals out of control. The car lands right-side-up, but the attack causes it to drive into a storefront.

The door pops open and the thugs flop onto the ground in a heap. Immediately a siren sounds. Naga starts to howl in sympathy. You both look up to see an airship flying overhead in the blue sky. 

A sideways shot of the airship shows a door opening, and we see the backs of metal benders as they leap out from that door mid-flight. They deploy metal lines, slowing their descent as they land, then retract those lines into the sleeves of their uniforms.

As the thugs stagger out of the ruined shopfront, Korra gestures to her quarry. The cops trap the trio in metal wires. Then the lead metal bender walks up towards us and points.

Korra: Cool, metal benders. Nathan caught the bad guys for you, officers. 

She said smiling at you she didn't expect him to do it so easily and wondered what he'd be like if you got serious in a fight.

Nathan: It was nothing really, heh.

Metalbending Cop 1: Arrest them!

Korra and Nathan: THE GASP!!

A/n- and that's chapter one that's about 2600 words took some time but I hope you liked it.

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