Chapter 1

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(Hey guys. I hope you really like this story. I mean... who doesn't love Loki? lol. Please don't forget to vote and comment on this book, it would be lovely. That is Alison in the picture.)

Alison's P.O.V.

I was skipping around the castle when I heard yelling from the thrown room "you can't do this! She's my daughter! You have no right to do this" I heard my dad yell, I poked my head into the room and saw that dad and Odin were yelling at each other, "yes I can! It's for her own safety! The farther away from you, the safer she'll be!" Odin yelled, I gasped making dad and Odin looked at me. Dad ran over and pulled me into his arms, "daddy? What's happening?" I asked scared of the answer "nothing darling, everything is ok" he said kissing my head, "why do I have to leave you?" I asked "you're never going to leave me, I promise you that" he told me pulling me closer to his side. For a 7 year old girl, I was fairly tall for my age. "Frigga? Take her please" Odin said, Frigga walked over to me "no, no, no, please don't make me go" I started crying "daddy!" I yelled as I was trying to get back to him "give me my daughter back" dad yelled as some guard's were trying to holding him back.

Frigga and I made it to the bifrost where I would be sent down to Midgard. I looked around and saw Uncle Thor standing there waiting for me, "where am I? I want my daddy. Why can't I be with my daddy? Did I do something wrong?" I asked as I stood up and hugged uncle Thor, tears soaking his shirt a little bit. "You are alright my dear girl, you're on Midgard" he said while rubbing my back, "follow me" uncle Thor said. I followed him to where a quin jet (I don't know if that is spelled right lol) and saw that there was two other people on there waiting. "Ah, Thor, right on time" a man in a suit said "this must be Alison?" he asked pointing to me, "yes, yes it is" uncle Thor said, putting his large hand on my small shoulder. "Hi Alison, I'm Agent Coulson, it's nice to meet you" the man in the suit said sticking his hand out for me to shake, "hello" I said quietly with a small wave.

After watching the three grown men talk for a few more minutes the jet finally started and took off. I had absolutely no idea where uncle Thor was taking me, it was starting to scare me a little bit. I looked out the front window and saw a bigger jet floating in the sky. The jet we were on landed and the back door opened to let us out. I grabbed uncle Thor's hand as we started walking out, he looked down at me with a sad smile, "come over here for a second love" he said pulling me into a quiet hallway, he got down onto one knee so he could look me in the eyes "I'm really sorry about what happened with your father. Just know that he loves you with all of his heart" uncle Thor said, "will I ever get to see him again?" I asked as tears starting falling down my cheeks, "one day" he said wiping away my tears, "but I want him now" I said crying even harder "I know that you do princess, but by you being away from him right now its better for all of us, I promise" he said hugging me.

After Uncle Thor and I finished talking he took me into a room where there was a whole lot of people on computers and about 4 or 5 people sitting around a half moon table talking about something, "about damn time" a man with an eye patch said, "I am sorry. I had a little situation to take care of" uncle Thor said, I made sure that I stayed behind him because I didn't want to be seen, "and what the hell would that little situation be exactly?" Eye patch asked, uncle Thor moved out of the way so everybody was able to see me. "Who is that?" a lady with fiery red hair asked not taking her eyes off of me, "this is Alison. She is my niece" uncle Thor told her, "your brother has a child?!" Eye patch yelled making me hide behind uncle Thor again, "yes he has a child! And truth be told this child made him a better person!" uncle Thor boomed, I grabbed his hand and looked up at him with scared eyes, he looked down at me and squeezed my small hand for comfort. After that little argument was over, uncle Thor took me to his room so I could take a nap after the events of today. "Sweet dreams my dear girl" uncle Thor said kissing my forehead.

~ The Next Morning ~

I woke up the next morning just as Uncle Thor walked into my room with a tray of food for me to eat. "Ah, good morning Princess. How did you sleep last night?" he asked, putting the tray of food on the night stand that was beside my bed. "Good morning Uncle Thor, I slept alright. How did you sleep?" I asked him with a small smile "I slept alright, thank you for asking Princess. So, after you're done eating, I'm going to need you to get dressed and then I will be taking you to where you'll be staying with your new family" he said sitting down in the chair that was near my bed. "But why can't I stay with you?" I asked with a sad voice "because it is far to dangerous for you to stay with me, my dear girl. I need to make sure you are safe at all time's from now on" he told me, making sure that I understood. "Ok" I said as I started slowly eating what was on my plate.

After I finished eating and getting dressed, Uncle Thor and I started walking towards the flight deck so we could go down onto Midgard so I could be with my new family. "Uncle Thor, please don't make me go" I said, starting to get teary eyed "I'm sorry Alison, but you have to. Please don't cry" he said getting down to my level to wipe away my tears and give me a hug, "but I don't want you to leave me" I said into his hair, he pulled away from the hug and looked at me and said "I will never leave you. Never. I will try my best to come and visit you as much as I can, ok?" "but what if you don't?" I questioned "trust me I will" he said kissing my forehead. He stood up and picked me up, the next thing I know the Bifrost was surrounding us as we traveled down to the ground. Once the Bifrost cleared up and we were no longer moving, I opened my eyes and looked around and saw that we were in the middle of a street that was surrounded by a lot of houses, and outside one of the houses there was a lady in her garden doing some work. "Ah, Trish! How are you?" Uncle Thor said walking up to the lady in the garden, "oh, hello Thor. I'm well, this must be Alison, the one who is going to be living with my family and I?" she asked looking at me "yes it is. Alison, this is Trish, she's the mother of the family that you'll be living with" Uncle Thor told me with a large smile "hello" I said to Trish with a smile.

After a painful good bye, Uncle Thor finally left. "So, since you don't have any bags with you, I was thinking that I could take you shopping for some new clothes and get you some new shoes as well" Trish said as she started taking her gardening gloves off "ok, I've never been shopping for new clothes before, I always had people making my clothes for me" I said excitedly "ok, well lets go then. I just need to go into the house and get my money and my car keys ok?" she said, "ok" I said with a big smile.

(Hey guys! I hope you enjoyed this updated chapter. Please don't forget to vote and comment.)

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