The Hunt In The Rain

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I ran out to see the rain fall. Shoot this rain isn't going to help. "Kaylub...Kaylub" I yelled. "Where are you?" Then I saw the blood and feathers. No please be okay. I ran faster following the blood trail. When it ended I saw him. He was surrounded by men with guns and he was panting heavily holding his side as I saw a blood pool below him. 

"Looky here boys we found ourselves a cute one." One said poking BlackMoon in the ribs with the end of his gun. He winced then glared at them with his intense gold eyes.

"Haha look at him he has a cute look in his eyes." He laughed more as I grit my teeth ready to send him to valhalla.

"Thanks to June's interest we found a winged." June did this she's dead. I was feed up with this, so I got out and attacked them. Using my magic I overcame them.

"Tell June if she ever comes between me and him i'll kill her myself." My eyes flashed a deadly red. They ran off. I turn to BlackMoon to see him prepare for flight. No you don't I just saved your grown butt. I grabbed his arm as he tried to fight my grip but I only held tighter. "Why are you running? Please stop running from me."

"You jerk, playing with my emotions, and kissing her after only meeting her. I knew you for six years and this is how you feel? You're just like Tony. Both of you have no clue how I felt, so you take advantage of me. I hate you Loki. Do you hear me I hat-" I cut him off by kissing him. I kept my eyes closed scared of what I would see if I opened them. I felt tears coming down my face as I separated for air. Dame human needs.

"I'm nothing like tony and she kissed me not the other way around plus would I chase after you if I didn't care? Please don't compare me to tony ever I will love you forever." I kissed him again as I felt arms around my neck deepening the kiss. I smiled as we separated panting.

"Fine I believe you." he said before passing out I caught him as he shifted back to Kaylub. I carried him home bridal to see my brother and Kaylubs eldest brother standing at the door.

"We will talk at Asgard at one-o-clock be there or else my brother returns to the kingdom and you go to a cell." They both vanish and I lay Kaylub on the bed curling around him as if that could keep the problems away from him I was NOT going to lose him not to my brother, tony, or his brother. He is mine and will always be.

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