The Servant (Part 2)

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You moved from Loki's room and through the palace, quickly completing all your morning duties. You went back to your chamber to tend to your garden, smiling as you recalled Loki's kind words.

We can start our own garden from the ground up. A symbol of our love.

Butterflies soared through your stomach as you thought of yourself and Loki starting a garden together somewhere peaceful, away from Asgard. "Perhaps Midgard..." you whispered. You'd always wanted to go there, and you'd read many things about it. You smiled as the flowers around you bloomed, as if they were a symbol of your emotions. You admired them for a moment, overlooking Asgard from your balcony as well. To think you of all people, the one who came from such poor and humble beginnings, would win Prince Loki Odinson's love.

You pondered why he loved you. Was it because of your beauty? You knew you weren't the prettiest servant Thor and Loki had, but you also knew of uglier women than you. Perhaps it was the way you addressed them. Formally, as "Prince Loki" and "Prince Thor," whereas the other servants called them by name, which was unprofessional, in your opinion.

Then, it struck you. Maybe he fell in love with your personality. You know you fell in love with his personality. You felt that you understood him better than most others did. He seemed to open up to you.

You felt arms wrap around you. You didn't think it was real at first, but you looked down to your waist to find Loki's arms around you. You could tell from his signature green clothing. You blushed a bit and you felt him rest his chin on your shoulder. You leaned your head on his with a deep breath of fresh air.

"What's on your mind, darling?" Loki asked softly.

"You..." you replied.

He chuckled a bit. "Oh, really?"

"Are we moving too quick?" You said suddenly. You loved everything about your newfound romantic relationship, but it almost felt surreal.

Loki loosened his grip, shifting uncomfortably. "I'm sorry, I've just wished for this for a long time... I've imagined myself with you more than you could ever know."

You blushed deeply, turning around in his arms to face him, gently setting your hands on his chest. "Oh, Loki... How long have you felt this way?"

"Do you remember the first time we walked in the garden together?"

"Loki, that was years ago," you replied.

"Do you remember?" he insisted.

You looked up at him, his green eyes sparkling at you. "How could I forget?" you whisper. "It was my first day assigned to you and Thor... I had been summoned by you, for a purpose that was unknown to me. As I walked outside, you stood waiting, then motioned for me to walk beside you.

"At first you didn't say anything to me, and I silently questioned why I was there, but then you began talking about the beautiful flowers. I stayed silent, not sure what to say. I didn't want to start spouting facts; it wasn't my place. You looked to me and asked me about a very specific flower. It was of Midgardian origin.

"I'd studied flowers and plants in my spare time, and you said you'd never seen a flower quite like it. I told you it was one of my favorites, called the 'tiger lily.' It was orange and beautiful. I told you some things about it, but then was summoned by Thor and had to leave. That concluded our walk..."

"And you grow tiger lilies in your personal garden," he said, motioning to the flowers around you.

"Yes, I always have. Midgardian flowers are very beautiful and exotic."

"That was the day I fell in love with you, (Y/N)."

You blushed again, putting your head gently on his chest. "Oh, Loki... Why have you fallen for a simple peasant? I am nothing."

"Please don't talk like that, (Y/N), you are everything. Everything I dreamed of. I could never love another the way I love you."

"And yet I am a lowlife..."

"You are a queen, in my eyes. If only you could see what I see, you'd know..." Loki replied, gently stroking your hair. He gently pulled your head away from his chest, then knelt before you. "You're my queen... I'd do anything for you. I apologize if I'm moving too fast, or if I make you uncomfortable. Please tell me and I will do everything in my power to make you feel better. Whatever you request, my queen, it shall be done," he said softly, his head bowed.

Your hands were shaking. You were nervous that Loki thought better of you than what you thought of yourself. "Loki... What if I'm not who you think I am?"

He looked up immediately. "What?"

"I mean, what if I don't live up to your expectations? I wasn't born into royalty. I can't be a queen, metaphorical or otherwise. I don't want to disappoint you. I don't want you to leave me because you find out who I really am."

"Who are you, really?"

You sighed, turning away from him. He stood behind you, gently taking your arm and turning you around before cupping your face in both his hands. You looked down and away from him and even shut your eyes for a moment before sighing again. "I'm not Asgardian..."

Loki gave you a confused and worried look, his hands dropping gently to your neck and shoulders. "What do you mean?"

"Loki, I've studied the same things you have. I read often and know a lot of your tricks. While I stopped those studies long ago, I still use those practices."

"What do you mean?"

You sighed, then let your magic barriers down, shifting back into your elvish form. "I'm truly from Alfheim. However, my birth mother and father had wanted a boy. While my birth mother still cared for me, my birth father wanted to kill me. That's when she brought me here, to Asgard. She left me as a baby on the doorstep of a stranger, using magic to make me look Asgardian. She left a long letter, explaining things to me and my adopted mother. When I found out what I was, my adoptive mother gave me the letter and explained to me what happened. I was quite young at the time. Ever since, I've kept up appearances, and even started working at the palace. I met you and Thor and everything seemed right in my world."

Loki looked at you with sad eyes. "You were cast out of your family and home world because of your gender? Why?"

"I told you, my mother and father wanted a boy. I was outcast because I was a girl. My father wanted to kill me."

Loki frowned, putting his forehead to yours. "My queen..."

"No," you whispered. "Loki, I-"

"Yes, you are. You deserve the world. Anything and everything. And one day when I become king, you will stand at my side as my queen."

You blushed deeply, tears flowing from your eyes. You wrapped your arms around him, still in your elvish form. "You still love me even like this?"

"Yes, my dear... I will always love you, no matter what..."

You buried your face in his neck, crying. He rubbed your back gently as someone opened the door to your room. You all but hid behind Loki as you shifted back into your Asgardian form. It was another servant. "Lady (Y/N), Thor has summoned you."

You sniffed, wiping your nose, then your tears, taking in a deep breath. "Of course, Lady Jey, I'm-"

"Busy," Loki cut you off. You looked up to him. "Tell Thor that Lady (Y/N) is busy helping me, send someone else."

"He's requested her specifically, my prince, she must come."

"It's alright, Prince Loki, I'm sure I'll only be a minute," you said aloud. "I love you..." you whispered before moving sadly to the door of your chambers and out into the hallway. You wiped your face as you walked with Jey.

"(Y/N), what was happening? Did he make you cry? Did he hurt you?"

"No," you replied. "No, he didn't do anything to me, Jey. I was just upset about something."

"Why was he there, then?"

You stopped, turning to her. You couldn't believe her. It was as if she took Loki for some sort of predator. "He is a benevolent and caring man, Jey. How dare you assume otherwise if him? You may be one of Prince Thor's personal assistants, but that doesn't mean you have any right to insult Prince Loki."

Her mouth dropped open, but you simply walked off to Thor's chamber without another word.

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