Jersey Devil Egg Raffle

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This is for ReindeerSkies 's egg raffle.

Sunstone leapt through the treetops of the rainforest of Azghovedor, her wings at her sides and her claws outstretched to grasp the branches and propel herself forward. Today was a beautiful day, a great day to search the jungle.
   Although she knew every tree and waterfall in the jungle, sometimes her ventures led to finding something new. She had recently made it a habit of going out every third day to find something of interest, and almost always she found something.
   The Red Panda Furfury leapt from branch to branch until she paused to catch her breath, her chest heaving. She sat against the trunk of the great rainforest tree and looked up at the canopy, rays of light just pushing through the leaves.
   Just then she heard a low moan, followed by a crack. Startled she leapt into the air, and when she lashed out her talons to steady herself, her claws grasped air. The branch had broken, and she was falling after it towards the jungle floor. At the last few moments she opened her wings with a snap, and she slowed a bit, but not enough to steady herself. She hit the mossy ground with a dull thud, pain lashing through her ribs and legs.
   Carefully she sat up, and poked herself in several areas to make sure nothing was broken. Her worst injury was a wrenched shoulder, and that was all. Her underside would be bruised for a few days however.
   Sunstone glanced at her surroundings, to get her bearings, and instantly she noticed something out of place. Near the trunk of the tree where she had fallen, several roots had been yanked out of the ground and covered in dirt and leaved branches, creating a small hollow beneath them. Sunstone got up, her chest sore, and walked (or rather, tried to walk, she looked more like a lame duck with four legs, she was so sore) over to the hollow to get a closer look.
   The makeshift hollow was surprisingly deep, about three or four feet into the dark soil. And inside was a wooden chest.
   Sunstone smiled. Her venture had given her more than just sore muscles this day. She let out a small breath of blue flame to burn the branches and roots enough to make them crumble and pushed them out of the way of the hole. She then stopped out the rest of the Flames to be sure they didn't spread.
   With the debris out of the way, sunstone hauled the chest out of the hole and set it on the ground with a grunt. She then inspected it. The wood was dark, unlike any she had ever seen, with a pinkish-tint. The lid and sides were braced with thin, strips of metal, nailed into the wood. The chert did not look worn, in fact it looked relatively new. And there was no lock on the clasp, so Sunstone pushed the lid open to see what lay inside.
   She gasped at what she saw. Inside, the chest was filled with a crimson velvet, so dark it looked like blood. And resting on the velvet was an egg, as dark as the velvet with white specks that looked like stars. Sunstone carefully lifted the egg out of the chest and inspected it from all angles. It did not look like any egg she had ever seen. Not that she had ever seen an egg, save for those she snatched from the nests of jungle birds for her breakfasts.
    Could it be a Soul Viper egg? The thought scared her half to death. But that wasn't possible. Why-and how- could there be a Soul Viper egg in the middle of Azghovedor?
   Sunstone glanced around. There were no signs of life except birds, bugs and frogs. Whoever left the egg here had left it awhile ago. Sunstone looked back at the crimson egg. Whatever it was, it couldn't be left out in the middle of the rainforest. She placed it back into the chest, closed it, and shut the clasp.
   She stretched her wrenched shoulder, making sure it would be ok to fly with, and grabbed the chest. She made sure again that the lid was shut securely and leapt into the air, her wings beating harder than normal with extra weight in her talons.
  In a few seconds, she broke through the canopy, determined which direction was home, and soared off, the chest tightly in her talons and her heart racing.

Soul Vipers and Furfurys belong to ReindeerSkies , and Sunstone the Red Panda Furfury belongs to me.
I hope you like it Reindeer ^^

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