Branch dare😂😂

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Author: Hola Everyone!! We are back!!

Smidge: LET'S DO THIS!!

Poppy: so what's the dare

Peppy: and who is its from

Author: ok the dare is from Bulkybalk270 and..*reading the dare and start laughing* 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

Branch: what's so funny

Author: Branch have to wear one of Poppy dress! *laughing so hard and fall on the ground* 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

Branch: WHAT?!

Everyone: *laughing*😂😂😂

Branch: Why me?!!

Author: Haha!!😂

GD: omg Branch!😂 you are going to look like a girl! *pointing at him and laugh*

Branch: Oh shut up!

Peepy: *pating on his shoulder* it's ok Branch my boy! hehe😆

Poppy: ooooo you can wear my holiday dress! Satin and Chenille do some fashion

Branch: WHAT?!

Satin: let's do

Chenille: this sister

As they pull Branch to the dressing room

Branch: oh no😶

Hour later

Satin and Chenille: Done!

Copper: come on out Branch!

Branch: NO!

Biggie: come on Branch, we promise we won't laugh at you

Branch: *sigh* fine *walking out*

Everyone: pff *holding there laugh*

Author: well you look pff- *holding my laugh*

Poppy: a girl

Everyone: *can't hold it there laugh and start laughing* 😂😂😂

Branch: *sigh* it don't like this dare

Dj: we should have a fashion show

All girls except me: Yeah!

Copper: Haha! And you're in it Branch😂😂

Branch: OH COME ON!!

Author: I can't wait to see this 😆

behide the stage ready for the fashion show

Poppy: is everyone ready?!

Everyone: ready!

Branch: I'm not

Author: hehe 😆😂

Branch: what are you laughing at?!!

Author: you *laughing*😂😂

Smidge: what are you supposed to be

Biggie: *laughing* she look like a penguin

Author: I am a penguin

Everyone: oooohhhhh ok

Dj: it's almost time to begin!

Poppy: place it everyone! And three..

The fashion show begin

Poppy: you're next @TrollsAwesome

author: fine... *walking out normal* 🎵And once you catch this feeling
And once you catch this feeling
You'll be chillin', chillin', oh
Chillin' like a penguin  (chillin')
Chillin' like a penguin  (chillin')
Chillin' like a penguin  (chillin')
Chillin' like a penguin (chillin')
Chillin' like a penguin 🎵 thank you *walk back to the other *

Fuzzbert: *make noise*

Author: I don't know what you said but ok

Poppy: *holding her laugh* you're next Branch, the last one hehe😆

Branch: *sigh and walk out not looking at everyone*

Everyone look at Branch and start laughing

Branch: this is one of my worse nightmare *walk out to the other*

Everyone: *laughing*

Branch: *angry* IT'S NOT FUNNY!

GD: it's totally funny 😂😂😂😂

Branch:can I get this off now

Biggie: just wait *take a picture* ok now you can *looking at the picture and laugh* 😂

Branch: *goan and walk away*

Author: well bye everyone 😂 That's all for now😆😂

Everyone: Bye!😂

Author: *fall on the ground laughing so hard*

Branch: you are going to get something penguin

Later on

Branch: *putting on a scary clown costume* hehe😆

Author: *eating my croissants*

Branch: *jump out* BOO!!

Author: *drop my croissants and scream* AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! *punch the clown*

Branch: *on the floor* ow *and laugh* HAHA I SCARE YOU!😆

Author: STOOOOOP BRANCH! *pointing at my falling croissants*


Branch: *laughing so hard* HAHA!! that's what you get!!!😂😂

Author: *goan* I'M GOING TO GET YOU!!

Branch: uhhhhh oh *running away*

Author: *picking my croissants and throw it away* what a waste of delicious croissants *running after Branch* COME BACK HERE!!😡

Author note: *laughing* i can't stop laughing 😂😂😂😂😂 and I'm soooooooo sorry Bulkybalk270 that I took so long. I hope you guys in joy it 😁 bye everyone!👋😁 and Goodnight!!😄💕
Love you all!😇💖

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