Prologue: A New Beginning

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A/n: Special thanks to red1557 for the prologue idea for this book!

3rd P.O.V.

Makima: Ah.... Eh....

Y/n cut Makima across the chest with a chainsaw he made from Power blood control ability as she fell to her knees remaining stunned by what just happened. 

Y/n: You finally let your guard down. I'll be taking Pochita back.

To recap what's going on, Y/n was in debt with the mafia ever since he was a child. The reason for owing a lot of debt to the mafia was because of his abusive father, who he killed in self-defense. At first, he was struggling on how to pay back the debt until he met a small demon one day on his stroll. The demon was injured so Y/n made a contract with the demon and named it Pochita. As the years went by Y/n has been killing demons and paying off his debt bit by bit but always leaving barely anything for himself to buy anything to eat after paying off the essentials.

Until one day everything changed for him, when the mafia boss made a contract with the zombie devil which led to Y/n and Pochita dying and getting cut to pieces. Y/n was about cross the other side until Pochita saved his life by becoming his heart leading to him on becoming the infamous Chainsaw man. After killing the zombie devil and his zombie minions, he met Makima the leader of the devil hunter associations of Public safety, who came by the area to check on the situation.

Makima asked Y/n to join her as a devil hunter and promised him a better life and seeing he couldn't say no to her if it meant following his dreams like he promised to Pochita. Since then, Y/n life has gotten better somewhat after becoming a devil hunter since it was no different what he was doing before. He made new friends, ate amazing foods he never tasted before, experience love, and got better on fighting demons or demon hybrids like him. But...

That all came to an end as Makima tricked Y/n and was manipulating him this whole time since the beginning. Killing the first woman he ever loved, forcing him to kill his own friend/caretaker, and killing the person, he considered a sister right in front of his eyes. She did all of this so she can have control of him since it was revealed she was the Control devil in disguise and has been pulling the strings this whole time. So, wanting to get his revenge on Makima and keep his status as a hero to society, Y/n devised a plan to attack Makima.

This led to a gruesome fight with many devil hybrids like him with Y/n almost dying again after Makima sneak attacked him and pulled his heart out from his chest. At first Makima thought she won the fight but it was discovered that Y/n made a duplicated of Chainsaw man by using Pochita himself to fight her so he can sneak attack her once her guard is down.

Leading us back to the present...

With Y/n grabbing Pochita from the ground and placing him back inside his chest.

Y/n: That was close there... used up all the blood Power gave me...

Makima: How... did...

Y/n: I ripped Pochita out of my heart and that's who you been fighting all this time. I vaguely remembered being able to do something like that.

Makima then notice her healing abilities is not working properly anymore.

Y/n: Not healing so fast, are you? This chainsaw is one I made with the blood Power game me. It's still ripping around inside you right now.

Makima: Do you think...

Y/n: I don't have any illusion that's enough to kill you.

Makima: ....

Y/n then hears a vehicle stop behind him seeing it his ride.

Y/n: Oh, nice timing. There's my ride.

Looking back at Makima one last time, he raises his chainsaw in the air.

Y/n: Sorry, Makima. But know I did this because I love you.

Before killing her and slicing Makima into many tiny pieces

One Month later...

After Makima death by Y/n hands, everything started calming down for once at Tokyo. Y/n is at his apartment looking at a picture, he, Aki, and Power took together at the beach. Feeling empty inside knowing they're gone forever until he heard someone come in and seeing it was Kishibe.

Kishibe: Hello, Y/n.

Y/n: Hi, Kishibe. What brings you here?

Kishibe: Just came to check on you.

Y/n: Oh... well I'm doing fine as you can see.

Kishibe: I can see that.

Y/n: ....

Kishibe: Look kid, I understand your been through so much but thanks to you. Makima is dead, her reign of control over the government is over.

Y/n: Yeah, I know... that still doesn't change the fact I lost so many people I cared about because of her.

Kishibe: I see... but what do I say there's a reward behind all of this for defeating Makima.

This caught Y/n attention.

Y/n: Reward? Like what kind exactly.

Kishibe: The Public Safety Office is willing to grand you anything you want after the great service you did for them.

Y/n: Anything? Really...

Kishibe: Just say it and it will happen.

Y/n: Hmm...

Y/n look back at the picture gripping it tightly before giving his answer.

Y/n: I want to move to America, start a new life and start attending highschool like any other teen my age.

Kishibe: As you wish, kid. Consider it, granted.

1 week later...

Y/n moved to America somewhere around California like he asked along with attending highschool. The Public Safety Office bought him a house, so he has a place to stay while he's staying there and plenty of money for him to use that deposit into his account every month.

Right now, Y/n getting ready for his first day at school as he's getting dressed to leave.

Y/n: So, this is what a school uniform feels like? Not so different I guess.

Grabbing his backpack, Y/n look at the picture frame in front of him.

Y/n: I'm sorry... Aki... Power...

He said before leaving the house and taking his bike to school. Once arriving at the place, Y/n saw the name of the school making sure it's the right place.

Y/n: San Romero... this must be the place.

Entering the building, he sees the hallway of the school filled with many students.

Y/n: Whoa... there's so many. *thought* I bet Power would freak out and act like her old self when we first met.

Walking inside the hallway many students took notice of Y/n seeing he's new in town.

Female student: Is he the new transfer student everyone is talking about in town?

Male student: He doesn't look so tough.

Female student: I have to say he's really cute and easy on the eyes~

Y/n continue walking down the hallway until coming across his locker number. While grabbing his stuff inside, someone came up to him.

???: You must be the new kid~?

Y/n: Who's asking?

He turns around to see a girl about his age with blond hair tied up into pigtails while wearing a cheerleader outfit with the school's name plaster on her shirt.

Juliet: Nice to meet you~! My name is Juliet! What your name?

Y/n: My name is Y/n L/n.

Juliet: So, Y/n what brings you to this school in this isolated little town.

Y/n: I just needed a change of scenery... away from the big town if you know what I mean.

Juliet: You're from the big city? That's so cool! Can you tell me what it like!

Y/n: All I can say, it can be a bit... chaotic. *thought* Considering the many demons I had hunt down throughout the city.

Juliet: Say Y/n want to hang out with me after school. I really want to know more on where you came from.

Y/n: Sure then.

They then hear the school bell ring signifying everyone get to class.

Juliet: That's the bell I better get to class before I'm late.

Y/n: Alright, I'll see you after school then.

Juliet: Right~! But before you go...

Juliet whisper into his hear.

Juliet: *whisper* Just letting you know now; I find you really handsome~ We really should go on date when you have the time~

Causing Y/n to blush before Juliet walks away from him and skipping in the hallway to class.

Y/n: Was she... hitting on me? Wow~


After a few months of settling in, Y/n started feeling comfortable in his new environment. There were times Kishibe called Y/n to deal with some demons in his area, but he didn't mind just as long he continued his normal life as a student. As for his relationship with Juliet, the two started dating after a few weeks of getting to know each other. And their relationship continues going strong after a year together. So far everything seems to be going great for Y/n after moving to America... or so he believes...

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