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   @edenbliss posted a photo!

Liked by lilgibs, zoesaldana and 390 others

edenbliss not pictured: trinity behind the camera instructing me on how to pose🪩💙

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baileybass obsessed with this look
edenbliss and I'm obsessed with you

jackchampion ooo shiny

jackchampion you look very pretty, E!
edenbliss aww thanks, J!🥺

misstrinitybliss Alexa, play bejeweled by Taylor swift

lilgibs the dress, the hair, the makeup... absolute perfection❤️‍🔥

jamieflatters does this mean I've been fired as your personal photographer, trouble?
edenbliss never❤️


My heart hammers in my chest as Trinity guides us down to the carpet, arm looped through my own; unlike the last carpet, where I stood on the sidelines and waited, Trinity had gotten permission for me to walk this one with her. She was so excited when she told me. So happy that I'd be by her side throughout the whole thing that I couldn't say no, no matter how hard I wanted to.

We weren't even on the carpet yet, and the flashes were already blinding, the shouts of photographers heard from blocks away.

I can't do this.

"You okay, E?" Trin moves her hand down to squeeze my own. We were dressed in somewhat matching gowns tonight, another one of her ideas; I'd tried reassuring her that I'd be fine in a simpler dress, but this is Trinity we're talking about, after all. She insisted the professional team do my hair and makeup also, including me in the entire getting ready process.

Our gowns were both silver, a mirrorlike fabric that reflected the lights around us, the blue carpet making it pop. Hers is strapless and more ballgown, ending just above the ankles to show off the simple black pumps she's paired with it. While mine hugged my curves rather tightly, the back open, the scoop neck back daring enough to show off a bit of my cleavage on the side, something that terrified me.

I didn't need to say anything for Trinity to sense my nerves. She knew me well enough to sense when my smile was forced, able to see my fidgeting with the ring looped around the delicate chain on my neck. "I feel like I'm gonna be sick," I admit, with a nervous chuckle, my stomach fluttering anxiously.

With the hand not holding my sister, I twirl the ring on my necklace around my finger, gripping the cool medal for comfort; breathing in, breathing out, as we pause on the edge of the carpet, where the others will be meeting us. "You're gonna be fine," Trinity squeezes my hand again, knocking her hip against my own.

"There's my favourite sister duo." A voice calls out before I can say anything else. Bailee's wearing a beautiful floor-length teal gown, her smile radiant as she approaches us, Britain and Anna following close behind, heads ducked in their own conversation, nerves evident on both of their features. "You're matching," she smiles when she notices my sister and I's gowns, "you both look stunning."

When she pulls me in for a hug, I squeeze her extra tight, as if she's an anchor, keeping me from getting washed up in the waves, "right back at ya, Bai." I say once she's pulled away, pulling my sister into an equally loving hug.

Velvet brushes against my bare arm, soft and comforting, as a familiarly tall figure pulls me into his side, lips pressing a chaste kiss to the top of my head, where my hair has been curled into long, beachy waves. "Miss Bliss," Jack squeezed my arm as a greeting, speaking in a fake British accent, "you are looking elegant as ever."

I quirk my brow at the curly-haired boy beside me, laughter escaping past my lips, "Mr. Champion," I reach over to fix his collar, hands patting the soft velvet of his jacket as I attempt an accent too, "always a pleasure."

My nerves flutter away slightly as he laughs, hand squeezing my side. "You know I can hear you mocking my accent, and I don't love it." A teasing voice calls out, a familiar British accent causing butterflies to swarm through my stomach.

"We're not mocking," Jack is the first to break our staring contest, smirking over to the real brit in the group, "we're just appreciating your accent."

Rolling my eyes, I nudge Jack away, my gaze finally finding Jamie's. I wish I didn't look, not expecting to find his hand on Lilly's waist. She's tucked into his side, fitting perfectly. She's wearing a long midnight blue skirt paired with a black tube top, a sliver of skin on display. "Is that true, Trouble?" Jamie's speaking to me, but all I can focus on is his hand, missing one ring, holding Lilly's waist. Remembering she shouldn't see it, I reach up for it, tucking it into my dress, ring hidden beneath the fabric. "Do you appreciate my accent too?"

His blue eyes are teasing, but I feel sick again as Lilly laughs, hand moving to linger on Jamie's chest. "How could she not?" She asks him, in a flirtatious tone, that only she can make work. If I spoke like that, I'd sound ridiculous, "it is pretty adorable."

Jamie cracks a smile, the corners of his lips tugging, dimples shining. Something different, I can sense it. It seems like overnight, a shift has been made, one I'd been praying would never happen. "Thank you, Lilly." he chuckles, cheeks visibly growing warm.

"How is your hair already so messy?" She laughs, a glorious, almost angelic sound that makes my laugh sound like a swarm of seagulls outside of a Mcdonald's. As she reaches up to fix his hair, I have to stop myself from stepping forward and doing it myself. That's my thing.

Jack nudges me with his arm, and our gazes meet, heartbroken twin brown eyes connecting, his silently letting me know I'm not alone in how I'm feeling right now, tilting his chin as if to say, don't let this get to me.

"Just a nervous habit, I guess," Jamie shrugs, answering Lilly's question.

"Nervous," her hand moves back to the vest he's wearing, straightening it. I watch as she lets her fingers rest on his chest, "we've done this a million times by now," she reminds him, tone not at all comforting, more confused than anything.

It feels like they've forgotten the rest of us are even standing here as Jamie and Lilly look into one another eyes. When they'd left to go to their rooms last night, and everyone else followed Trin and I to ours, I'd been too excited to see my gift to even worry about the fact that they were alone again and had arrived late together... everything was progressing faster than I wanted it to, and I fear there's nothing I can do not to stop it.

When Jamie's gaze flickers back to me, it seems like he's searching for something. Blue eyes trailing from mine down to the silver of my dress and then back up, saying nothing and everything all at once, though I couldn't exactly tell you what everything is. "It just never gets easier, I guess," he finally admits, looking back to Lilly.

"Well, you've got me," she reassures him. It feels like time is moving in slow motion as she moves her hand down his chest to interlock hers with his. She tilts her head, gazes flickering up then down towards his lips. "Whenever you feel nervous, just squeeze my hand, okay?" She then turns to look at the rest of us, hand still intertwined with Jamie's, "you all ready?"

We've all been silent, watching the two of them, all unsure of what to say or do. Bailey's gaze is solely on me, wide eyes softened with concern, while Trinity's gaze flickers between the couple and myself, unsure of what to do at this moment.

And then there's Jack. I was so busy watching Jamie and Lilly that I hadn't noticed him grab onto my hand, squeezing it to comfort both myself and him. He's smiling like nothing is wrong, but I can see the hurt in his brown eyes, heartbroken. I squeeze his hand once, twice, three times; my gesture saying the words I couldn't say out loud.

"Born ready," Jack teases, brows wiggling as he regains his composure, eyes beginning to sparkle like he was never even hurt. God, he's such a good actor. I've never been able to pick myself back up that quickly. He squeezes my hand once more before letting go, letting me walk back over to Trinity, who I'm going to be walking with.

We all line up, Britain and Anna at the very end; I don't speak to the other boy, but I can see him watching me, concern and curiosity filling his features, as he squeezes her hand. Bailey and Jack both individually take the lead, leaving Trin and I in the middle, her arm looped through my own. "You okay, E?" she asks me for the second time tonight, voice quiet.

My gaze flickers from the flashing cameras ahead to the pair beside me, who are acting more coupley than when I'd last seen them. She is whispering to him, but if I listen closely, I can hear her, her tone gentle as she rubs her hand across his chest, where his heart is, "you don't have to be nervous." She reassures him. "I'll be right beside you the whole time. You and me, right J?"

That should be me—memories of the premiere in London, not even a week ago, flood my mind. The way Jamie ran to me at the end and twirled me in the air, ring-clad fingers lingering on the bare skin peeking through the back of my dress. He told me I was his motivation for getting to the end... and now, just like that, I'm not.

You and me, J. Her words make me feel even more sick, my stomach churning with both jealousy and sadness.

Jamie's gaze flickers to the side as he smiles at her, and it takes everything in me not to run off right now as he nods, "yeah, you and me."

When I look back at Trinity, she's watching me with pure sadness, arm still looped through mine, holding me upright. I straighten my posture, trying to appear as if I'm not crumbling, "this is your big night, baby sis," I nudge her, brushing her question off. We both know the answer is no. I don't need to say it out loud. "I'm happy I'm here with you."

"Me too," she smiles, though her concern is still evident.

When we're finally on the carpet, the yelling of the cameramen intensifies, all calling from every which way, requesting we look in their direction. It feels like I'm holding my breath the entire time, my head beginning to hurt as the flashes aim in my direction, the yelling voices almost unable to make out. My hands are shaking, my smile forced, as I struggle to keep my eyes open, the lights making them hurt more and more with each passing flash of their cameras. Trinity is a pro, though, and walks us through with complete grace, "Jamie, Lilly, over here." I hear the photographers call the pair's name while Trinity is in an interview, leaving me to stand on the sidelines and wait.

Don't look over, I tell myself, knowing it'll only make me feel worse. My stomach is in knots, the smile I've forced onto my face to hide the nerves is beginning to hurt. I feel like at any minute. I could trip and never get up, head dizzy, unable to adjust to all the yelling voices and flashing lights.

Still, I can't fight the urge to look over towards where the voices are yelling to, heart dropping as soon as I see the couple ahead of me. Lilly's hands are both resting on Jamie's chest; he's holding her waist as she leans up on her toes to reach his height. Time is frozen as I watch her tilt her head slightly, a soft smile on her lips as she presses hers to his.

Lilly is kissing Jamie, and though he freezes for a second, hesitant, nervous about the public display of affection, it isn't long until he's kissing her back, dimples forming on his cheeks as he pulls her closer.

Trinity is too busy laughing at the game she's playing with the interviewer to notice me stumbling on the sidelines, hands shaking as I struggle to breathe in and out, my breaths coming out rugged instead, chest heaving. I can't be here anymore. It's all too much.

I turn around and begin walking. Head ducked, long hair covering my features as I rush to the end of the carpet, which isn't very far off, hands lifting the end of my dress, which keeps getting caught beneath the stiletto heels that are killing my feet. "Breathe, Eden," I whisper as I walk inside, the cameras and photographers immediately falling silent as the door shuts behind me. "You're okay," I whisper again, the words strangled by hyperventilated breathing.

"Eden?" A voice says my name, though I can barely hear it over how loud my heart is hammering in my chest. When I look up, Sam and Zoe are both standing there, the latter of the two reaching for me, pulling me into a quiet spot. A coat closet, filled to the brim with lush materials, "what's going on, kid?" The Australian man asks, tone laced with concern. "You okay?"

I open my mouth to say something, but a sob breaks out instead, the tears pouring down my cheeks, answering my question for me. "Oh, sweetheart," Zoe pulls me into her arms.

"I'm sorry," I say, still unable to catch my breath.

"You've got nothing to be sorry about," she rubs my back, "just breathe sweetie," she whispers carefully like we have all the time in the world. "Just breathe."

I don't know how long we're standing like this, but eventually, I catch my breath, following Sam as he instructs me to breathe in and out, slow, deep breaths that grow less rugged with each passing moment. "Very good," he nods when I finally get it, "you're okay." He reassures me, hand falling to my shoulder when Zoe releases me from her grip.

"Thank you," I rub under my eyes, where I'm sure mascara has gathered. "I'm sorry about this. Tonight's your big premiere, and instead, you're in a coat closet helping me through a panic attack."

Reaching to catch a tear, Zoe shakes her head, "what did I say about apologizing?" Zoe asks me, shaking her head. "Here, sit," she gestures to the bench leaning against the wall. I sit beside Sam, who's leaning forward, watching me with concern. "You wanna talk about it?"

She reaches into her purse, pulls out a tissue and hands it to me, "I just got overwhelmed out there." I admit, a slight smile tugging at my lips as Zoe grabs another tissue, tilting my chin with her hand as she begins cleaning my makeup, like there's nowhere else she'd rather be than here. "With the lights and voices..." I continue, dragging off the end of my sentence.

"I get it," Sam nods from beside me, "it's a lot. You're a good sister for sticking around through it."

"I don't belong here," I say, tone matter of fact. Zoe frowns, dabbing under my eye with the tissue. Before either of them can object, I ask, "have you ever been in love with someone you know will never love you back?"

Realization crosses Zoe's features as she nods, understanding me. I think it's obvious to everyone but him that I'm madly in love with him, and I've never wanted to be just his best friend. "Jamie?" She questions carefully.

I nod, forcing the tears brimming my eyes not to fall. This makeup took hours to get done and only a few minutes for me to wreck, "he and Lilly are official." I say, hating how immature my reason for breaking down is.

I never thought I'd be the type of girl to break down like this over a guy... then again, I never thought I'd meet a guy like Jamie.

"Love isn't easy, kid," Sam says, reaching over to squeeze my shoulder again, a fatherly gesture that makes me miss my stepdad, who's been more of a father to me than my birth father ever will be. "Real, true love has to be fought for; if it comes easy, it probably isn't real."

When I look over at the man beside me, he's watching me with concern. Whether I was a part of the cast or not, I'd still grown up with Zoe and Sam. They were concerned for me like they'd be concerned for any of the other young cast members. "Yeah?" I question, tone quiet, tired from crying.

"Yeah." He nods, smiling at me.

"You know," Zoe chimes in, turning my chin again to look at her, gently dabbing under my eyes once more. "When before I dated my husband, he was with someone else..." she drags off, reminiscent, "we were best friends, and I was heartbroken cause I thought that was all we'd ever be, but it turns out, he was into me the whole time too," she smiles, the story clearly taking her back, as her eyes close for a second, imagining it. "We were so young and stupid," she laughs, looking back at me, "but it all worked out in the end."

"Maybe you two are just special," I say, as Zoe pulls a lipstick from her purse, dabbing it on her finger before tapping it onto my lips.

She shakes her head, smiling as he looks down at me, looking over her work. If it weren't for her, I'd probably look like a raccoon for the rest of the night, and if it weren't for Sam, I'd probably still be hyperventilating. I don't know how to thank them. "No, you two are special, Eden." She disagrees, and I don't bother disagreeing, knowing she won't take it. "I can feel it."

Two chapters in one night because I feel bad for being so MIA!! Hope you enjoyed❤️

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