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The wind blows through my hair as I take one last walk around the city, arms crossed, attempting to warm my hands and ultimately failing. I've never really felt like I've belonged anywhere. Back home in California, it's always felt too busy, the kind of place where people never slow down. It's hot and seasonless; I've always longed to live in a place with seasons, even in the rain London is beautiful.

We were leaving for the airport soon, but I couldn't help but take one last walk around the city before our car came to pick us up, once again waking up long before the others. You'd think I'd want to sleep in after the premiere last night, but my body naturally woke up early, itching to get outside and experience the city for one last time. By the time I get back to the lobby, the others are all waiting, sitting around on the lush couches, paper cups of coffee in hand. "There you are," Jack exclaims, standing to greet me. "Where'd you go off to so early?"

I let him pull me into his side, him not caring much that the ends of my hair are wet from the rain, now pressing up against his grey sweatshirt, "just wanted to walk around one more time," I shrug. "I wish we didn't have to go back to LA so soon."

"Really?" Lilly asks, from her spot on the couch, directly beside Jamie. We talked a bit after the premiere, though something shifted. I can feel it. There was something he wasn't telling me. I could see it in the way he shifted his gaze whenever we spoke after the movie was finished, at the after-party. He still acted the same, but he was holding back. "I miss it. It's so rainy here," she cringes slightly, and I can't help but watch how Jamie frowns slightly, eyes shifting away from mine, as if he can tell I'm trying to figure out his thinking. "It's kind of depressing."

It's rained two out of the four days we've been here, though I didn't really care. I've always liked the rain. It rains so rarely in California, everything there feels so dry all the time, like you can barely breathe whenever you step outside, heat hitting you in a way that feels almost suffocating. Before anyone can say anything else, our car pulls up, all of us piling into the massive van, Trinity and Jack taking the farthest row to the back while Lilly takes the row in the middle, the seat beside her open; I assume for Jamie. Before he can take it, or she can ask him to, though, Bailey slides into it, leaving the first row behind the driver empty for Jamie and me.

She smiles innocently at me, and I immediately know what she's trying to do. Ever since I told her about Lilly liking Jamie, she's purposely been staying closer to the girl as if she can keep her away from him. Lilly smiles as Bailey looks over at her,  but I can see the disappointment in her eyes. She wanted Jamie to sit there.

I keep waiting for him to say something to me as I slide into the seat beside him, for his blue eyes to connect with mine and capture my attention entirely as he quietly says something to me, his accent captivating, something I could listen to on repeat for hours and never get bored of. He doesn't, though, his gaze anywhere but me as he reaches to put his seatbelt on. I do the same, our fingers brushing as we click them into place, the buckles right beside one another.

For the first time all morning, his eyes look up, fingers not straying as he looks at me. I wish I could tell what he's thinking, unable to read his mind, no matter how hard I try. Something's bothering him, and I wish he'd just tell me what. "You sad to be leaving?" I question, voice quiet, almost breathless.

I keep waiting for him to move his hand away and turn away, but his eyes stay locked on mine, the cool metal of his rings brushing against my fingers. If I were bolder, I'd interlock my hand with his, but I'm not, and Lilly is sitting right behind us, most likely watching our every move. "I'll be back," he shakes his head, letting me know that's not the reason he's been closed off. What is it then?

Before I can ask him anything else, something is chucked at my head, "you left these in my room," Jack calls out, as my wired headphones hit my cheek, falling to my lap. I'd gone to his room after the premiere last night to help him pack. He'd ended up going shopping at some point during our time here and buying so many souvenirs for his friends and family they nearly didn't fit in his bag... Luckily, I am a pro at packing, and we fit it all with no problem.

Breaking my gaze away from Jamie's blue eyes, which hold so many things unsaid, I look back to Jack, playfully glaring at the curly-haired boy as I ask, "why couldn't you just give me those at the airport?"

"Cause throwing it at you sounded more fun."

I can't control the smile that overtakes my face in this moment, amused by the boy who's smiling at me from the back row; Jack's always been the kind of person who'd do anything to make everyone else laugh. I don't know if I've ever met someone who doesn't immediately love him after the first meeting.

I feel Jamie's hand move away and my fingers subconsciously reaching forward; When I look over at him, he's turned away, hands wringing together in his lap, twisting the rings on his fingers nervously. Every part of me wants to reach over and grab his hands, longing to know what's bothering him. Instead, I nudge my leg against his, tone quiet, as I ask. "Everything okay?" He looks up, but barely, gaze still unable to hold my own.

"Yeah," he runs his fingers through his hair, smiling. "of course."

He may be a good actor, his smile convincing, as if nothing is bothering him, but Jamie is a terrible liar. I know him too well, his tells obvious to me. He can barely look me in the eye, hands fidgeting, in the way they do when he's nervous about something. "Okay," I decide not to push him as we drive up to the airport, the driver helping us with our bags as we scramble inside.

Another perk of being with the cast is being able to skip all lines and boarding the plane quickly, with no hassle. Lilly sticks close by Jamie the entire time, not noticing his weird mood as she talks to him, standing close as we walk through the airport, arm purposely brushing against his. "What's going on with them?" Bailey asks me quietly as we walk. "Lilly makes it sound like they're on their way to being something serious. You think that's true?"

Something serious. The thought alone makes my heart ache. I've always known I'd be the kind of person to settle down, longing for a relationship that was mature and serious, over flings and high school hookups. As soon as I met Jamie, I couldn't help but daydream about what it'd be like if that was us.

"I don't know," I shrug hopelessly. "Jamie's really hard to read... I have no idea how he feels about her. He kind of avoided the question the other day."

Bailey frowns, interlocking our hands as we walk, "maybe cause he's not? And didn't want you to hurt her feelings?"

She's an optimist. It's always been one of my favourite things about Bailey. Whenever the world felt like it was crashing down around me, I could always count on her to make everything seem brighter. "Or he got nervous because I was right," I say, and I can't help but feel like I'm right. "You know Jamie; he's not one to share his feelings. Maybe he got nervous that I'd tell Lilly, and then he'd have to open up about them."

Before Bailey can reply, Trinity runs up to us, excitedly asking. "Bailey, we're going to finish watching the hunger games movies, right?" The two of them had gotten through the first two on the flight to London, and Trinity was clearly very eager to finish the rest.

Bailey smiles, dimples on full display as we walk onto the plane. First class isn't any less impressive, with lush seats and more foot leg than I'd ever need. There are warm towels on the tray tables, steaming into the air. "Of course we are," She squeezes my hand one last time before dropping it.

I grab my carry-on, which is heavier than when we arrived, now extra full, with souvenirs for people back home; much like Jack, I might have overdone it a bit... I struggle as I push myself on my toes, reaching for the overhead compartment, struggling. I nearly stumble back when someone stands behind me, back pressed against mine as ring-clad hands touch mine, helping push my suitcase in. "Here," his voice is low, breathless, "I've got you."

I finally turn to face him once the compartment is closed, back on my feet, hands falling to my side, fidgeting nervously with the sides of my sweater. He's standing so close my chest is nearly pressed against him, rising and following with each shallow breath I take. "T-thanks," I stutter, tilting my chin up to look at him, startling blue capturing my ordinary brown. "Thank you."

"Of course," he nods. He wants to say more. I can see it in the way he hesitates, not moving away from me. Say it, I want to plead, biting my tongue, not moving an inch, scared that at any second this moment will shatter. "Maybe I should start calling you shorty instead of trouble."

For the first time this morning, he smiles, a real genuine smile that makes my heart leap with anticipation, a matching grin making its way onto my lips. Still, I playfully roll my eyes, pretending to be annoyed, "I'm not even that short. These luggage compartments are just unrealistically high, that's all."

Jamie hums, "sure, Eden." When he steps back, I have to fight the urge not to step closer to him, "whatever helps you sleep at night."

He moves to sit in the empty behind him, taking the seat closest to the window, the aisle open for someone else. Before I can even think to slide into it, Lilly beats me to it, not seeming to notice my disappointment as she turns to Jamie, questioning, "this seat taken?" Her tone is flirtatious, and I can tell Jamie's not oblivious to that when his cheeks burn up, a familiar blush rising.

I'm a terrible friend for wishing he'll say no. It's obvious Lilly really likes him, and if Jamie likes her too, I will not stand in the way of that, no matter how much it hurts me. "Uh, y-yeah," he stutters, nodding, ripping his gaze off of me and over to her. "I mean, no," he corrects himself awkwardly shaking his head. "It's all yours."

Disappointed, I take the window in the row across from them, backpack dropping to the ground as I sit in the lush seat. Not even a second later, someone plops into the seat beside me, a disappointed expression on Jack's face as he stares at the blank screen in front of him. "Guess you're stuck with me, Eden." He nudges me, quickly smiling as if the disappointment never flashed across his features.

Playfully sighing, I shake my head, "how will I survive?"

The flight takes off smoothly, and Jack is quick to start distracting me from the pair across the aisle. He pulls out a deck of playing cards first, eager to teach me his favourite game; I beat him a few times toward the end, causing him to pout like a little kid. "And the student becomes the master," I bow my head, laughing.

Jack shakes his head, crossing his arms, "I was going easy on you. That's why you won so many times."

"Mhmm," I tap his cheek, humming, "sure you were. Your last name might be Champion, but I think we both know who the real one is here."

Jack gasps dramatically, clutching his heart like I've deeply offended him, as a loud giggle escapes past my lips, one loud enough to catch the attention of Jamie, whose headphones are covering his ears, eyes on the screen in front of him, watching the movie he and Lilly synced up. I'd been so busy playing games with Jack I hardly noticed her lay her head on his shoulder, subtly scooting closer to him.

He looks uncomfortable. Jamie's never really been one for physical touch. I remember when we first met how apprehensive he was about hugs... How uncomfortable he'd get when someone hugged him first without permission, arms stiff at his sides. I couldn't tell you the moment he got comfortable enough to initiate things with me, subtle nudges or side hugs that soon turned into bear hugs whenever he nailed a scene, completely soaking me whenever he got out of the tank. Still, I knew not to push him, always letting him initiate touch. It's an unspoken rule.

And right now, it seemed the last thing Jamie wanted was Lilly's head on his shoulder, body curled into his side as she watched whatever was on the screen. When we make eye contact, I'm not sure what to expect... smile dropping slightly, as if I've been caught doing something I shouldn't be.

I'm not sure what I'm waiting for him to do. A part of me hopes he'll nudge her away, something I could tell he so desperately wants to do, longing for personal space, but instead, he merely turns his gaze away, acting as if the brief moment of eye contact never occurred, ring clad hand reaching for Lilly's, interlocking their fingers.

When he grabs her hand, Lilly looks up at him, her gaze soft as if she's checking that he really meant to do that. Jamie smiles back at her, and I feel sick, my head dizzy as my stomach churns with the feeling that I've come to realize is jealousy coursing through me. Jack looks over his shoulder, muttering something incoherent, before turning to look back at me. "What do you say we order some chocolate-covered strawberries and watch a movie?"

I know he's trying to cheer me up. I can see it in the way his brows are furrowed together, with concern, "yeah," I breathe, tearing my gaze off the pair across the aisle. "That sounds great." 

Sorry this is so late, I am leaving on a trip soon, so been doing a bit extra school lately!! 

This chapter is extra long though, so I hope that makes up for it. 

Comment some ideas and things you want to see, as I do take these into consideration from time to time. You guys really inspire me!! 

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