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@edenbliss posted a photo!

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edenbliss when they ask you to write a song that isn't angsty...

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User1 omg does this mean we're getting an album soon! I need more music!!

user2 but... but... I love angst

misstrinitybliss how dare they?

misstrinitybliss also I miss ur face
edenbliss I miss yours more!

jennaortega hot.

conangray I'm pretty sure the exact definition of Eden Bliss is Angsty tho?

baileybass I would happily listen to you sing about your grocery list tbh
user3 bailey's one of us

jackchampion write a song about me
lilgibs no, me.


Two years later

"C'mon, Eden," I mumble under my breath, anxiously tapping my pen against the paper in front of me. I'd scribbled over everything I'd written so far, unable to come up with anything good enough. "Think about love," I tell myself, shutting my eyes as if that will help me envision the feeling more clearly.

I hum a random melody under my breath, moving my fingers to hover over the keys of my keyboard, playing a melody that sounds like a death march, sad and lifeless, the kind of song that makes you want to curl up under a pile of blankets and cry. I'd submitted so many sad breakup songs my record label didn't know what to do with them; they claimed I needed a love song for the record. It couldn't solely be about heartbreak.

They wanted a love song, one like I used to write. Love songs used to come so easily, the emotions flowing through my fingertips into the words on my paper. Love was a feeling I felt so strongly that the only way I could describe it was to write it into a song.

It's almost hard to believe I ever felt it. It's been so long.

I normally never answer my phone in the middle of writing, hating the distraction, but as soon as it rings, I don't hesitate to pick the phone up, a slight smile dancing across my lips when Jack's name pops up. Maybe he can help me out with the songwriting process... sure, I haven't felt romantic love in a while, but that's not the only type of love.

"Mr. Champion, to what do I owe the pleasure?" I greet him in a posh tone, placing my phone against my keyboard. Jack is moving around when his face finally pops up on my screen, holding the phone close up to his face.

"Oh, hey there, E." He grins goofily, "Fancy meeting you here."

"Quit hogging Eden," I hear Bailey say from somewhere in the room as Jack moves his phone again, most likely away from her reach, "we want to see her too."

"What if Eden just wants to see me?"

Trinity cries out from somewhere else as he moves his camera again, somehow even closer to his face. I slyly take a screenshot, laughing, "I'm her sister. She definitely wants to see me more than she wants to see you."

Trinity shoves Jack, letting herself be shown on screen, "Hi, Trin." I wave, excitement rising through me at the sight of my little sister. They're currently doing press for Avatar 3 right now, and my heart ached with longing to be there too... But then I'd remind myself it wouldn't be the same if I were. Things are different now.

Everything is different now.

Jack shoves Trinity, rolling his eyes. A third voice speaks up, this one stern, "Jack, if you don't move your cute face so Eden can see ours, I will never cuddle you again."

I've never seen Jack move so quickly, practically running to place his phone on a solid surface where I can see all four of them. Trinity and Bailey wave, yelling hi in unison, while Jack attacks Lilly into a hug, pulling her into his side and hugging her tightly.

She laughs, arms snaking around his waist, not at all meaning her threats.

My heart aches with longing as I watch the couple. I can't remember the last time anyone held me like that or made me laugh with such unabashed joy. They looked so in love, wrapped up in one another's arms, in their own little world for a moment.

"Hi beautiful," Lilly waves once she's done being smothered by Jack, still hugging him when she turns to face me. She cut her hair recently, the short length framing her face perfectly, "are you in the studio?"

I hum, grabbing my phone to show them the empty room, which is filled with instruments and cozy couches. In front of me are all of the controls and tech, then the glass window that leads to the recording booth, "deadlines in two weeks." I say, sighing, "And they still want one more song."

"You've got this," Bailey encourages. The four of them were easily my biggest fans, constantly asking for sneak peeks of new songs and hyping me up on social media. "You could write a song about your grocery list, and it'd be good."

I laugh. At this point, I'd rather write a song about groceries than love.

"You think you can take a break from making the album to come to the premiere in a few days?" Trinity asks brow raised inquisitively.

Of course, I want to go to the premiere. My sister's been in London for the past week, and I haven't seen the others in a few months. It'd be an overdue reunion, and I was their biggest fan, just as much as their mine... but I haven't seen him in ages.

Not since the night when everything fell apart.

"I want to," I say, meaning it, "it's just..."

"Jamie," Jack sighs when I don't finish my sentence.

Blue eyes flash through my mind, my stomach twisting as I picture his smile and the way it fell that night, which somehow feels like yesterday and forever ago all at once. It was the right choice, I know it was, but that didn't make it any easier.

It was fucking hard.

I cried for days, every night after I got off stage, and it began to show in my songs, which slowly turned from love songs to sad ballads. I had to become an actress overnight, faking every smile and putting on an act in every single interview. I pretended I was fine for so long until eventually, I believed it myself.

"You've gotta face him eventually, E." Bailey frowns, "you can't avoid Jamie forever."

"And we'll all be there," Lilly adds, smiling at me reassuringly, "you don't even have to talk to him? I'll distract him all night and make sure he stays away."

I can perfectly envision Lilly distracting Jamie all night so he stays away from me, and as much as I'd love that, I can't let her do that. She deserves to have a night of celebration, to dance with her boyfriend and have a perfect moment.

"Jamie probably hates me," I remind them. He does hate me, I confirm to myself with complete confidence. That night he might not have said it out loud, but I felt it, the sudden shift from love to hatred. The way he held me close and then pushed me away.

The way he could hardly look at me.

"He doesn't hate you, Eden." Jack shakes his head, "he'd want you there. We all want you there."

I hesitate, conflicted.

I want to be there, too, more than anything. As a big sister, all I ever want to do is be there for Trinity, especially after these past two years when she's done nothing but support my music and career, putting her own acting on hold for a bit to go on tour with me. She was at almost every show and promoted the album like it was her own.

"Please, Eden," Trinity says again, tone quiet, desperate even. "It won't be the same without you."

I can't avoid him forever. Eventually, we'd have to come face to face, and where better than being surrounded by my best friends? It wouldn't be easy, but at least I'd have Trinity to hug me if I was sad or Jack to crack jokes to distract me. Bailey wouldn't leave my side, and Lilly would happily distract Jamie all night if that meant me being happy. It wouldn't be easy, but I'd have them.

It seemed no matter what, I'd always have them.

"I'll be there," I nod, sighing, "I wouldn't miss it for the world."

Hehe surprise!!!! We've got a bit of a time jump going on here... and a breakup (oops sorry)
Basically, the chapters will now go back and forth from past to present, leading to how they broke up and a reunion/reconciliation...
I am excited for this, and hope you all are too!!!

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