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"Next interview is in fifteen," the organizer announces as Trinity and Jack wrap up yet another one, sharing warm smiles toward the woman as she walks out of the room. "Trinity, looks like your braid is falling out. Let's get someone to fix that, yeah?" She questions, pointing for one of the hair and makeup people to come over. "Jack, you're free to grab a coffee or something from the green room. Just be back in ten."

    I stand from my seat at the same time as the curly-haired boy, "I can go with him to make sure he's back on time," I offer. If I don't, he'd probably wind up getting distracted by something and losing track of time, "you want anything, Trin?"

    My sister hums as she thinks over my question, shaking her head after a second, "I'm alright, thank you, though."

    "Alright then," Jack slides his iPhone into his cardigan pocket, holding his arm out to me as he walks over, "shall we, Malady?"

    Rolling my eyes, I link my arm through his anyway, the two of us walking out of the room we're in. Press is being held at the Kimpton Hotel in Beverly Hills, a hotel far fancier than any place I've ever stayed at. Today was just Jack and Trinity paired together, meaning we haven't seen much of the others, who were all in some other room. Tomorrow was group interviews, something I'm sure would be extremely chaotic. "Malady?" I question, brow raised as we turn down the hall, headed to the green room where food and drinks were set up for everyone.

    "I'm workshopping nicknames for you," He shrugs, though he doesn't look sure of the one he's just said, brain-searching for a better option. "Jamie calls you trouble, Bailey calls you Babe... and I'll call you..." he hums as he's thinking, "peanut? Cause you're tiny."

    "I'm not that tiny. You're just freakishly tall." I scoff, reaching up on my tip toes to ruffle with the curls on the top of his head, barely able to reach. When we first met, Jack was so small, shorter than me, now he stood at a whopping 6'1, something he actively likes to remind me about whenever teasing me over my own height. "I think I'll start calling you the Big Friendly Giant."

    Jack quirks his brow at me competitively as he smirks, "oh, is that how you wanna do this?" He questions, before I can ask what he means, he holds both hands out towards me, wiggling his fingers in my direction, reaching for my waist. I can't remember when exactly the cast found out I was ticklish, but as soon as they did, it quickly became their number one threat towards me.

    "Don't you dare," I move forward, out of his reach. He quickens his pace, the green room quickly approaching as I barely escape Jack's grasp, his eyes full of determination, just as we're about to enter the space they've set foot up in. It isn't necessarily a room, just an open space at the end of the hall with couches and tables set up. I hear someone's voice, a familiar giggle that causes both Jack and I to stop in our tracks.

    "So, what do you think?"

      I don't have to see Lilly to know she's probably smiling at Jamie in that perfectly flirtatious manner she has, innocent yet attractive, long lashes batting at him as she leans close to him. I also don't need to be in the room to know exactly who she's talking to, long before a familiar accent speaks up. "Yeah, sure." As I approach the area, I shoot Jack a look, letting him know to be quiet. I want him to prove me wrong, show that maybe I wasn't so delusional for thinking the two of us could be something more, and he'd never do that if he knew I was watching. "Should we text the others?"

"I was actually thinking just us," she explains. The two of them are standing by a table in the back of the space, right by the coffee and tea, not noticing our presence yet. "I know this really nice place on the pier. I'm sure I could get us on the list."

    Jack grabs my hand, squeezing it tightly. Whether he says it out loud or not, I know he's not just holding my hand to comfort me. He's also attempting to comfort himself simultaneously; I can see the longing in his eyes as he watches the blonde girl. He didn't need to say anything for me to know how he felt about her, my heart aching in a similar way as Jamie asks, "Like a date?"

    "Well, yeah," She reaches over, grabbing his bicep. Even in his black jumper, I can see how defined the muscles in his arms are. I can see nervousness etch its way onto Jamie's perfect features, my heart beating so loud I fear he can hear it, despite how far apart we are. "I've been dropping hints for days, hoping you'd ask me... I thought when Eden talked to you, you would."

    "Eden?" His voice breaks, confused. Hearing him say my name makes me squeeze Jack's hand again. I've never really thought much of my name, but when Jamie says it, he makes my name sound like the most beautiful word on earth, his accent making me want to melt.

    "Yeah, I kind of asked her to be my wing woman," Lilly laughs, explaining my involvement in this to him like he didn't already know. I wish I could turn back the clock and tell Lilly I couldn't ask Jamie... I wish I had never asked him how he felt about her and insinuated she was into him. "I figured since you're her best friend and all, she'd know if you were interested." We should walk away, back to the press room and forget this ever happened, but my feet feel stuck, unable to turn away from the conversation that we're not supposed to be listening in on. I can see the wheels in his head turning, thoughts running a mile a minute, unreadable to all of us, it seems. "So," Lilly squeezes his arm again, impatient when he doesn't say anything, "what do you say?"

    I feel like I'm holding my breath as I wait for Jamie to say something, hand squeezing Jack's so tight, my fingers begin to ache. If he minds, Jack doesn't do anything to stop me, hand squeezing mine just as tightly. Just as Jamie is about to respond, something drops onto the carpeted floor, a loud clattering sound as Jack's phone slips out of his jacket pocket.

    Blue eyes connect with mine immediately, laced with confusion, thick brows furrowed. I let out a breath, my chest rising and falling, heart heavy, weighing me down. I can't read Jamie as his eyes leave mine for a second, looking down. "Oh, hey guys," Jack is quick to speak casually, grabbing his phone off the ground and shoving it into the back of his jeans this time around. His cheeks are a shade of red, nearly as bright as his cardigan, as he tries to play it cool, acting like the two of us weren't listening in. "How're your interviews going? We're just on break right now, and someone," he squeezes my hand one last time before letting go, nudging me with his arm before walking over to the coffee machine, "needed caffeine."

    I can't tear my gaze off of him as I hesitantly step further into the room, trying to act like I hadn't been listening in, my hands shaking as I smile at him, trying not to appear as heartbroken as I feel, dizzy with emotion. I wish everyone else could fade away right now... that I could reach over and grab his hand, pleading with him not to say yes to Lilly.

    "Of course," Lilly laughs, she's no longer holding onto Jamie's arm, but she's standing close enough that her bare arm is brushing against his sweater-clad one, "gotta feed the addiction," she winks, a playful smile on her features.

    I have to force myself to chuckle as Jack pours my coffee, most likely noticing my shaking hands. He pours the perfect amount of creamer and sugar, too, grabbing a stir stick to mix it for me. "So," Jack continues; I've always known he's been a good actor, but right now, he's only proving it more, unlike me, who's still completely silent, unsure of what to say. "I was thinking we could have a movie night tonight. Brit's girlfriend flew in today, right? We could invite them to one of our rooms and properly meet her before the premiere?"

    Oh, he's good. I smile slightly, knowing exactly what he's trying to do. "That's a great idea," I finally speak confidently, "Trin and I have the biggest suit, so we could all hang there."

    Please say yes. Please say yes. I plead within my head, looking over to Jamie, a hopeful expression dancing across my features, one that his blue eyes latch onto for a moment, more grey than anything at this particular moment. He lets his gaze flicker between Jack and then me, thinking something over in his mind.

   "We're, uh, actually going out tonight?" He finally says, tugging at his hair, awkwardly looking over at Lilly.

    "Oh," I can't hide my disappointment, my smile dropping, "that's great!" I say, trying my best to sound enthusiastic but ultimately failing. I was right, of course, Jamie's interested in Lilly... she's beautiful, charming, talented... she's everything I'm not and more, it was delusional for me to ever think he'd see me that way. I stumble over my feet as I step back, not bothering to grab my coffee from Jack's hands as I try not to sound like I'm about to cry, forcing in a deep breath as I mutter, "I uh, forgot that Trinity needs me for something so I gotta go." I nod towards the hallway before turning around, quickening my pace as I turn the corner.

    My legs feel heavy as I rush off to who knows where, just wanting a moment to gather my running thoughts, forcing them to be quiet. "Eden?" A voice calls out as I turn another corner, my little sister standing at the end of the hall, concern washing over his usually smiley features, "what's going on?"

    I open my mouth to speak, but no words come out, a sob escaping past my lips instead. I'd been mentally preparing myself for this moment for days, the moment where everything became real... when I'd finally lost him. The worst thing is, I haven't... lost him, I mean, not really. Jamie's still going to be my friend. I'm sure now that he's sorted things out with Lilly, it'll be less awkward... maybe things will even go back to normal, the way they used to be.

    I'd have to suck it up, pushing every emotion back until I eventually feel nothing at all, but I'd do it... I'd do anything for Jamie.

    When my little sister hugs me, I lean my head on top of hers; she doesn't push me to say anything else, instead mumbling the words, "it's okay." She squeezes me tightly, much like I do whenever she's upset, letting her know she's not alone, mumbling comforting words to me as I try to calm my rapidly beating heart, my little sister acting as an anchor holding me upright, "it's all going to be okay."

Ugh that sister moment at the end...

Also, I hope you can all see why Jamie said yes... maybe there's something more, that he's not telling us?? Any guesses??

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