Part 11 - Tips

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The Bahubali gang were walking towards their hotel.D spotted an ice cream cart and ran towards it.

D: Raj! Raj! Come here!

SSR went to him and the rest followed.

D: Buy me ice-cream! Pupsoo wants chocolate flavour in cone...!

He said pointing at the menu card.

SSR: We had a scrumptious dinner just now.Before that you munched a hot dog,cotton candy and popcorn now you want ice cream...give a break to that stomach.Come let's go...

Refusing to leave the place,D kept a face as if he was about to cry.

Ra: Achooo paapam buy for him he's asking no...

SSR: Yeah he's 3 year old kid asking and I will buy for him.You and vadina are the ones spoiling him!

D: If it was Peddabauji,he would have bought me all the ice cream in the shop he never says no to me...😔

SSR: He will buy you stars and moon also can this poor man afford that much ??

D: I'm asking for a small ice can't afford that much for the boy who spent 5 years of his life for your single movie?? 😢

That touched SSR's heart.

SSR: Ok ra,you as much as want...

D: Mmm...double scoop for me then...for Sweetu ma also...

SSR: For her ? Only you asked no...

D: Pls Raj like me she also sacrificed alot for the movie played the role of princess,lover,wife and mother...carried a big prosthetic bump because you didn't allow us to make real bump...she is paapam...

SSR: Huh...uh...ok..ok... one for her...Which flavour you want talli ?

S: Scotch!

D held his chest at the mention.

D: Vammo! Sweetu Ma! What is this ?? When I came to see you your father and brothers told you had no vices and you were a homely girl believing their words I married you but now...oh no I've been cheated! 😭

S: Uff! Dramatic pupsooo pa...scotch as in butterscotch!!!

D: Happada! Thanks to god my choice was right...Raj,get one for bava also no...afterall there would be no Baahu without Bhalla...

SSR: Hmm look there...

R already began licking his rum n raisin ice cream while the scotch commotion was going on.Everyone else got an ice cream as well.Slowly excusing from the rest D tugged S along with him.When they were a little distanced from the others,

D showed S his ice-cream.

D: Bangaram,taste this...

She tasted his ice cream and in return she too offered him a bite from hers.He got an idea.He purposely ate messily so that ice cream was smeared around his mouth.

S: Pupsooo you've got ice cream all over your mouth,wait...

She took out a napkin to wipe it off when he held her wrist stopping her.

D: Mmm...clean it with your mouth.

His eyes half shut, he threw her a seductive look and she felt her insides flip.

S: Shhh all are looking Pupsoo no not here...

D tilted his head and saw rest of the gang chit-chatting near the ice-cream cart.He dragged S with him to a secluded alley that he spotted,away from prying eyes.

S: Pupsooo pls this is not decent...what if someone catches us it won't look good...let's go...

He knew exactly how to stop her jabber.One hand pinning both hers to the wall,he slid his other on her waist touching her bare skin.That act of him made her speechless and she was under his spell.Her eyes locked with his as he inched towards her face.

S: Aaaah !

D backed off.

D: What happened??

S: He is looking at us....

She pointed at something he followed the direction of her hand.

D: It is only a cat! A petty cat!

D growled at it to scare it away but,


The purr was close to a lion's roar which frightened the roaring lion of Mahishmati and he mellowed down.

D: I...I win.Mr.Cat-1,Pabsu don't disturb me I don't disturb you...hihihi...

He looked at S.

D: I've made a deal with him puppy ma he won't bother us come there is no time...

S: Still,his eyes are on us.I feel uncomfortable...

D was frustrated that his moment was interrupted.He charged at the cat.

D: Grrr!! You stupid cat! See now how I make you run for your life!!

D found a twing and picked it up to chase the fella away but as he raised his hand S stopped him.

S: Pupsooo don't! Look there...

She showed him a mother cat who was suckling her newborn kittens in a basket kept on the floor.The protective mother stared at D and S menacingly.

S: We have intruded their place Pupsooo that's why the father cat was staring at us.Let's not disturb them.

She pulled him by his arm but D stood gaping at the basket.

S: She's feeding her babies,what do you want to see ?Give her privacy...come...

D: Not that Sweetu ma...see the fur on babies...they all resemble their naanna.

D glanced at the daddy cat and the baby kittens again.

D: ...5,6 and many rebels and made all of them ?

Curiosity killed D so he couldn't resist forgoing shame asked the cat who purred in response looking at his cubs with pride.

D: You are the real Bahubali jahanpanah tussi great ho! Tofa kabul karo...

He shook the paw of the cat to congratulate his achievements.

D: Your babies are so cute.Sir, can you kindly give me some tips how to make so many? I also want to make these many...Hihihi...

Cat mv: Coming from Uppalapati family you want tips from me? I should be the one taking tips from you ra...😏

S smacked his head in Vennela style and dragged him.

D: Ok bye sir, bye mam...bye babies...

Ps: Where you both disappeared ?

S: Huh..uh...that...he...he wanted to do susu and was scared to go alone so I followed him....

Ra: It's an unknown place don't wander alone it's not safe.

The gang walked until they reached their hotel.

SSR: I think we should all take a pic and post it for fans.What say?

Everyone agreed.D wanted to look the best of all.

D: Wait first...I need something...something to impress my girl fans...they have given me their hearts I have to give them a good pic...the least I can do for their love...

S:You look good Pupsooo don't need any extras this is fine they will still love you.

He wouldn't listen.He walked further down the street and saw a drunk beggar sleeping on the pavement.A tattered brown coat was placed over him.D loved it.He dropped wades of notes into the fella's tin and took the coat.Wearing the oversized coat over his own shirt D approached them.Seeing him in beggar's garb,S twisted her face in disgust and pushed SSR to stand in the middle.

R: Chi bava what is this stealing from beggar ?

D: It's not stolen! I've paid money and bought it! So what if is beggar he is still human.

D wore it with pride not minding their judgements.

K: Ok get ready!

D,SSR,S,Shobhu and R stood in positions while Karthikeya snapped their pic.

K: Say cheese! *click*

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