Part 23 - Look who's here!

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He held his pant from slipping while S fixed it with the pin again.

D: Sniff...sniff...

R: It's ok bava no one is around except us.

D: What if this happened on stage ?

S: Apart from Devasena,the world would have got a view of Bahubali.

D: Waaahhhh!!!

SSR: Ai chi stop...crying for trivial issues...had you worn clothes like me and Rana you could have tied with drawstrings and it would have stayed.You were making fun of Indian traditional wear see now.

D: I have a range !

SSR: Your range is now standing in the support of a pin don't talk too much else next it will break!

D: 😒😞

The limousine was waiting for them.

When S got in,D pushed R who was next in line and jumped the que to sit beside her.

D: Sweetu...sweetu...I want to sit near the window.

S got up and came over to his side while he moved to the window seat.He took off his blazer and hurled it down which was picked up by S.

He then stuck his face and hands on the window.D waved and bid a sad goodbye to the Albert Royal Hall.

D: Ta...ta...Royal Albert Hall pls don't miss me I will be back with Sujeeth and Shraddhoo for Sahoo Live Event next year...😢

All burst out laughing.R raised his legs in the air falling back on SSR's lap as he guffawed and S's hyena laughter kickstarted.D looked at the expression on everyone's face.SSR's eyes became teary due to laughter.

D: Why are you all laughing like this ? 😕

R: Bava pls bava don't joke like this I can't take it ! 🤣🤣

SSR: That movie getting to theaters itself was a miracle let alone Royal Albert Hall.One can dream but not be over ambitious. 😂😂

D: Jealous😏you will see it next year!

SSR: Yeah we'll see...😂

They arrived at their hotel.Having Rama garu's lip-smacking lemon rice and tamarind rice for dinner,the men gathered in the hall to watch tv while women were cleaning up in the kitchen.Taking a quick shower,D changed to his oversized hoodie and skinny tights.He took his pour homme and looked at it.

D: Sweetu's favourite sauce...if this is on me she will relish me like Kentucky fried chicken.

Excited,he spritzed it lavishly on himself then brushed his hair.

D: Anyway she's going to mess it up but it's ok dish has to be served presentably hihihi...

He made his way to the kitchen and saw her yapping with the ladies.He went and stood before her posing like a sexy model to give her a hint.

However S failed to understand what he was trying to convey because she was busy chatting.

S: Nice pose pupsooo...go that side and play...yes Prashi you were saying...

D: 😕

Valli garu went past pushing him and he lost his pose.

Va: Move it is it is cramped here above that you are standing in the middle like a deformed tree.

She smacked his bum.

D: Ow! Tasteless people...

Rubbing the part he walked out of the kitchen,

D mv: This is how models pose...I get turned on why not her? She's made of stone...Let me try again...

He returned to try his luck again.This time he wanted to impress her by exposing his cleavage so he pulled his T-shirt down.

D: I need to throw something then pick it up so she will see...

He looked around to get something.

Ra: What do you want ?

D: Huh...uh...Spoon..

Ra: What for ? You already had dinner no...

D got irritated.

D: Is spoon only used for that ? Spoon has multiple purposes.I want to use it to open biscuit tin.Give!

She passed the spoon and taking that he went near S. Standing in front of her,he threw the spoon and bent in slow motion to pick it up.However she did not see.

D: I'll try one more time...

He stood on another side as tried again but this time too S ignored him.

D: Insult!😠If I did this in front of my girl fans they will fight to grab me from all corners like a saree in offer.She got me easily that's why she doesn't value me.😢

For the last time he decided repeat the act but this time he alerted Sweety before doing so.

D: Sweetu...sweetu...look at me...

S: What is it pupsoo? You always want to interrupt when I am talking.

D: Sweetu see this once you won't scold me...I am going to drop this spoon see how I pick it up...

Batting his eyes he was about to drop the spoon but it was snatched by Rama garu.

Ra: If you want something to play you could have told me no...take this and go play...

S: Yes pupsooo go and play with bro but don't fight with him.I don't want to hear any complaints.

D: 😥

He was chased out but D was not a person to give up easily.He knew what would make her attend to him.He returned keeping a sick face.

D: Sweetuuu ma...I'm having a bad headache... you have any medicine for that ?

S: Oh dear...

She jumped from her seat and poured him a glass of water,

D mv: Hihihi I know you will panic if something happens to me...

She passed him the glass.

S: Here pupsoo,this is for your go to my room and open my luggage,you will see a large black pouch inside that there is medium one and inside that there is a small one...if you open that you will find a key...take that key and open the other luggage of mine then...

D gave a baffled look.

D: (mv:I asked for medications and she's giving me the guide to open Tirupathi's much security...grr) Sweetu ma! Stop! You only come n take...

S: can't follow these simple instructions also...Come..

He followed her.As soon as she entered her room,he shut the door and carried her in bridal style.He threw her on the bed and fell on top of her locking her with his legs and arms so she could not escape.

D: What all I had to do to get your attention yet you were so busy not to notice me...

He planted kisses on her cheeks and neck.

S: Ow! All your tricks....leave me pupsooo they're outside what will they think?

D: I don't care...tonight kick your shadow out we're using this room...pupsooo pa very very urgent...

He nuzzled her neck and below.

S: No I can't do that where will she sleep ?

D: Fine let her sleep here, you move to my room.Pramod will shift to the hall.

S: That's not right pupsoo...

He looked her with puppy eyes.

D: Sweetu ma,do you find me unattractive now ?

S: No pupsooo pa why do you say like that I love you my baby...

She hugged him.He buried his face on her chest.

D: Remember we had so much plans before coming here...tomorrow we're leaving and still have not got any chance to be together let's not waste tonight atleast...

S: Even I want to be with you but what can I do when we have been given rooms decided by Raj garu?

D: You tell him! Tell that sadist you want to be with me! He will listen..if I tell he won't...pls Sweetu...

S: I feel shy to ask him...

D: I have an idea...when everyone is there I will pretend that my headache is severe then you tell him you would like to be by my side to look after me.He won't think otherwise.

S: think it will work out ?

D: Yes it are lady superstar need I teach you to act ?

S: Ok then as you say...

D: Yahoooo !!!

He kissed her all over her face.

S: Don't give all now keep for later also...😉

He saw the mischievous glint in her eyes.

D: Sweetuuuu naughty girl....😈

He tickled her waist making her giggle.They cuddled for sometime and both came out of the room like good children one behind the other keeping a distance as to not get caught.The rest of them were in the hall crowding around R.

R: Bava ! Bro ! Come...see who is on video call !😃

DS went and R showed them his phone.

T: Hi guys!!!😀

S: Tammy !! 😃

D: Hey my pacha bottuuu!!!! 😍🥰

They chatted with her.

S: Everything went well Tammy except that you were not with should have come...

T: I know Sweety! I was there in spirits! If not for my cousin's wedding, I would have joined you guys hey wait I'll show you a pic of my lehenga!

T: How's it ?

S: It's beautiful Tammy and you too!

T: Thank you! 😇

R: Now she looks like a bava ?

But there was no sound from him,D had flown to 'Pacha Bottu' land after seeing T.

D: Cheyi ni chethilo cheraga
Rekka vipindhe naa thondhara...🎶

S and R exchanged looks.

R: Saw that bro ? 😲

S: What do I do with him bro ? 🤨

R: Just divorce him bro...1000's like him or better are waiting in line just for your gaze to fall on them and your still clinging on to this old teddy bear...😏

S: ☺️☺️

D: Divorce ah !!!! Nooo !!! 😰

Reality hit him.Tammy disappeared and in her place were little rebel and little super tugging his dhothi and crying for milk.Balancing both of them on his either hips he came out of his dream to chase S.

D: Pls don't go Sweety...😢we'll be orphaned.

He held her hand and begged.S gave him a smack and R a kick.T laughed watching their antics.

D: Hihihi...Tammy is laughing...Bava missed you and your tents alot you know...he kept on asking me if Tammy was here what she would have worn a bird's nest or bee's hive... right bava?😉

R threw a confused look at D.

R mv: When did I ? I'm thankful she's not here...

D showed his tongue to R that he was joking.

R: Huh..uh...yeah...Tammy I did miss you and your house you carry with you...

He said gritting his teeth.

T: Awww so sweet of you Rana don't worry I have got a new goose feather dress stitched and the train stretches to two metres! I'll wear and show you when you return...

D fell on S laughing.R kept a "I'm dead" face.

R:(mv: All the while she was tripping me with her dress now she is out to tickle my nose and cause me allergy!) Huh..uh...ok...what did you eat ?

T: I can't hear Rana...voice is breaking...

R got up and went to the balcony to speak.D eyed S to begin their drama.

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